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    • Dag 8

      Travel day to Paris

      13. september 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      We had a travel day today, which was very good - our bodies needed a bit of a rest after all the walking. Did 56 miles this week, and the body is feeling it.

      Took the high speed train from London to Paris, under the English Channel - the Chunnel. The entire trip was about 2 1/2 hours, and it took about 25 min to cross the channel - our top speed we hit on the trip was around 200 mph. We ended up at Gare Du Nour train station in Paris - third largest in the world. It IS big.

      Got all our needs taken care of - transit cards bought, bearings set - and got on the metro for another hour to our hotel for the night. Ended up at a HUGE grocery store to buy some snacks. Fun watching Adam experience the differences. Like I said, a pretty easy day on the body. Much needed.

      4.28 miles
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    • Dag 47

      Apartment 3

      24. juni, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Okay, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Today was long.

      Flight tip: When you fill in the details of your boarding passes, don't auto fill. Debbie Knight on the boarding pass and Deborah Knight in your passport doesn't work so well. It cost me £60 to change the boarding pass name to Deborah. Ugh.

      The flight, however, was great, and before you knew it, we were in Paris. We even saw the Eiffel Tower when coming into land.

      We got an Uber with a lovely guy who took us straight to our apartment however, when checking my emails we on the way, we were advised that the accommodation that we booked had a water issue and that we were moved to another apartment 10 min away. This was okay... we made it to the new place, got settled, and unpacked, and everything felt at ease until the breaker kept overloading when Mal wanted to boil the kettle and cook dinner, so there was an electricity issue. After a call to the owner... again, they moved us to another apartment 10 min away (near the first apartment we booked)

      In the mix of all this happening, we found a cute little patisserie and got ourselves a treat, and then we headed to a supermarket for some things we need.

      I can say with a big smile, the 3rd apartment is waaaaaay better. We got upgraded too 🙌 Mal and I are enjoying a Heineken and Ben a Fanta on our balcony, and we are waiting for our Uber eats to arrive because, well......f cooking. LOL
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    • Dag 60

      63ème étape ~ Paris (jour 2)

      1. oktober 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Après un tour dans les magasins, nous partageons avec la famille Zanutel notre passion des escape game. Nous choisissons un jeu un peu différent qui combine escape game / jeu de plateau / narration. L’expérience est validée ! Nous sommes sortis vainqueurs et heureux. ☺️
      Pour ne pas changer nos habitudes, nous finissons au restaurant pour manger les célèbres moules parisiennes 😂
      Nous découvrons ensuite un spectacle des plus étonnant : le cabaret sensuallity! Des danseuses sensationnelles, des artistes à couper le souffle ! Nous ressortons épanouis 🥰
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    • Dag 22

      Disneyland Day 2

      1. juli 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today we went to Walt Disney Studios, which is the second themepark in the Disneyland complex. It was another day of fun and frivolity.

      Our day started a little later than yesterday with everyone needing a bit longer to get started after a midnight finish the day before. We also ended up finishing earlier as the fireworks display was cancelled and the park closed at 9:30pm due to the riots in Paris that are causing disruptions to public transport. However we still eked out as much value of our time as possible, including deferring dinner until we got back to the apartment at 10pm, rather than giving up our chance to be on the rides while the park was still open.

      Annabelle continued her thrill seeking ways with a go on a parachute drop ride in the morning, and later in the day also went on the Crusher Coaster.

      Tom had a more low-key day compared to Belle, preferring the gentler rides with the Slinky Dog ride and the Flying Carpet being a couple of his faves.

      Overall, we have had a great two days here. It has been well worth the visit.
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    • Dag 11


      24. januar, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      AHHH DISNEYLAND DAY WOOOO! We got up nice and early to catch a bus which would take us to our train station which conveniently has a train that goes directly to Disneyland. Although we got a little lost but then some security guard saw Ali’s Mickey Mouse ears and pointed us in the right direction. It was a pretty big train ride, around 40 minutes or so, but the view along the way was nice and I was super excited. When we got there, I was surprised at how busy it was - being not very busy. Like there were still a ton of people but nowhere near as many as I had thought. Anyway we showed our tickets and there we were! In Disneyland park and seeing the cool castle. No time to take it all in. Must get on rides. We started off on a small, family-friendly Pinocchio ride, and then went on a similar Peter Pan ride. Both very good :) then I somehow convinced Sarah to go on the Indiana Jones ride (big scary one) and after expecting to be killed, she enjoyed it! Then we decided to go to a Star Wars 4D cinema which was very very cool, made me a little dizzy though. We stopped off at some of the cafes and restaurants to have some lunch. I had some pork ribs mmmm we kept on touring around and we went in a haunted house which honestly didn’t feel that haunted. Oo! And then we went on a little boat ride around the park which was very cruisey. We went to get some crepes and strawberry skewers before hopping on the train which also takes you around the park! It was getting pretty late and close to the time of the parade so Sarah and I started lining up for the other big scary ride which was called big thunder mountain. Line was very very long and we almost missed the parade, but wowee that was worth it. One of the best rides I’ve been on. Then it was parade time! The parade music went HARD. It was pretty shnazzy seeing a bunch of kids so amazed by it all :) then after the parade we got some more food whilst we waited for the magic Disney fireworks show. Holy moly that was actually jaw-dropping. Like I’ve never been that attached to Disney and I don’t know much about any of the characters but THAT was so cool. Afterwards the place turned into a stampede of people trying to get to the exit and when we finally made it out we hopped on our train home. ZzzzLes mer

    • Dag 62

      63ème étape ~ Paris (jour 4)

      3. oktober 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Merci à Aldo et Cosette pour les billets pour Disneyland !
      Nous profitons des attractions et de l’accès aux deux parcs. Nous assistons aussi à la parade ☺️
      Beaucoup de monde pour un lundi hors vacances scolaires, à croire que Disney est plus intéressant que l’école 😂Les mer

    • Dag 2


      23. juli 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Tja wie in Holzminden, fahren hier die Busse nicht jede Stunde, sondern alle 8 Stunden 🤣 …
      Aufen Sonntag .
      Wir sind mit Uber ins Disneyland gefahren, die Zeiten haben uns nicht gepasst !
      Im Park angekommen, direkt eine Achterbahn mit gut Adrenalin ausgesucht 🤣und es leicht bereut nach der Fahrt … egal….
      Die Bier/ Weinsuche im Park hat sich teilweise als schwierig herausgestellt 😅, nach 4 Stunden suche, haben wir unsere „Spots“ gefunden . Sehr komisch aufgeteilt der Park, Lene als „Freizeitparkexpertin“ hat den Überblick verloren 😅, sodass Daniel das Zepter In die Hand genommen hat . Wir sind nicht verdurstet.
      …😂, wir können den Park empfehlen, wenn man genügend trinken, Zeit und Lust mitbringt … 🤪
      Wir hatten Spaß, der eine mehr, der andere weniger 😂.
      Morgen melden wir uns aus Paris.

      Tüdelüüü und au revoir.
      Ciao Kakao 🤪….
      Die zwei aus dem Abenteuerland 🤨
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    • Dag 9

      Disneyland Paris!

      14. september 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Anyone who knows Adam knows he is a total Disney fanatic! I went there a bunch as a kid, and then we took our kids numerous times. It’s turned out to be one of Adams favorite places to go, so when given the opportunity to go to a Disney property overseas, it was a must with him.

      So today was one of our two days at Disney. It’s much like Disneyland with just a few changes - no Matterhorn (which just looks weird) and no splash mountain. The lines were super short, the ticket in was much less than the US and of course, everything is in French. Kind of strange listening to all the characters speaking French.

      It was a fun day though. Tired us out as always, but it’s not a good day at Disney unless you leave exhausted.

      8.95 miles
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    • Dag 5

      Disneyland Paris

      31. juli 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Einmal wieder Kind sein dürfen -im Disneyland ist das wieder möglich. Neben Achterbahnen im Dunkeln und 3D Simulationen in Star Wars’ Pot racer, gab es auch überall etwas zum Staunen am Wegesrand. Wir sind eingetaucht in die verträumte Welt Walter Disneys😍Den Abend haben wir mit Wein am Dornröschen Schloss ausklingen lassen. Ein tolles Feuerwerk, welches ab 23:00 täglich entzündet wird, gab dem Tag noch ein Krönchen🥳Les mer

    • Dag 35

      Disneyland Paris

      22. juni 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Going to Disneyland was frankly part of the trip I was not looking forward to, but Lexi is very into Disney and was excited about the opportunity to see a version of the park in another country, so we went. I will admit I had more fun than I expected, and compared to American amusement parks I’ve been to it was not very crowded and the lines were very reasonable, so that was nice. The park was also very small and it was easy to get done in one day; it felt even smaller than the Disneyland in Anaheim. Nothing felt that different from American Disney except for most of the rides were in a hybrid of English and French. Ultimately this is the Disneyland for all of Europe and so French was not really even the dominant language in the park. I would say we heard more English (mostly British and Irish) and Spanish being spoken by visitors than French, and there was also a lot of German and Italian. Overall I would say Disney is still not really my thing, but I did have fun on some of the rides, although I was very sick of the lines by the end of the day.Les mer

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