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    • Hari 85

      Lost in France... öhm... back in France

      10 Jun 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute haben wir uns erst einmal von Spanien verabschiedet. Nach beinahe 12 Wochen in diesem wunderschönen Land, das wir nach 30 Jahren ganz neu entdecken durften, fällt uns der Abschied erstaunlich leicht. Denn neue Abenteuer warten auf uns... und auf zwei Sommermonate zuhause freuen wir uns auch!

      Wir sind neugierig und fahren über die A75 Richtung Norden, die quer durchs französische Zentralmassiv führt.... und sind begeistert. Was für eine wundervolle Landschaft. Bis auf 1000 Höhenmeter fahren wir hoch und wieder runter.

      Ganz gespannt sind wir auf die Brücke von Millau, die 2,4 km lange und 270m hohe Schrägseilbrücke, eine der höchsten der Welt. Wir können sie von ihrer schönsten Seite bestaunen, da wir auf dem Rastplatz direkt am Viaduc de Millau eine Lunch- und Fotopause einlegen.

      To be continued...

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    • Hari 3


      28 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Na de best lekkere pizza lunch en het menuutje van Jan & Harry vervolgen wij weer onze weg naar het 3e coördinaat. We rijden weer over prachtig mooie wegen! Eenmaal boven aangekomen komt mijn Jan er tot z'n schrik achter dat ie z'n telefoon heeft laten liggen Pff... dat is niet handig we maken een selfie voor de Ramble tocht en gaan dan terug naar het restaurant en vervolgens rechtstreeks naar het hotel. De anderen gaan lekker verder met de routes van vandaag! Vanavond slapen we in Toulouse en kunnen we gezellig bijkletsen. Hopelijk slapen we allemaal in hetzelfde hotel vannacht🤞.
      En idd slapen we in hetzelfde hotel en zitten we aan dezelfde bar 🍷🍺.
      De andere 2 auto’s hebben de coördinaten gevolgd door het Massif langs de rivier waar ook gekanood wordt.
      Wel weer een late arrivé voor ons allen na 21.30.
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    • Hari 17

      Figeac to Cajarc: sun, greenery, kms++

      5 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We left our Figeac refuge around 7:45 (breakfast was naturally brilliant}, bought a baguette at a bread shop and were on the way by 7:55. There were light clouds in the sky and in the valleys, but no rain, and after a few hours we were both down to a single T-shirt (each). It was a long walk - 31.3 km according to the GR65 signpost, but other than a steep hill up and then down at the start it was mostly steady small hills and flat areas, at least until a few more hills near Cajarc.

      We saw very few walkers all day, so we tottled along at our own pace. Towards the end we overtook quite a few people, but otherwise we saw almost no-one. . Anne does not use the poles, but I use one of Amr and Rosie's (now that we have them), especially on the rockier paths. We were mostly on small roads or wide paths, with no mud to speak of (ie not deeper than shoe soles) but towards the end there were a few longish sections of rocks.

      Mostly we were going through farmland or little woods, and going over hills often gave views of the whole countryside because it was all gentle hills. There were dry-stone walls most of the way, and we even went past a lone dolmen of unknown origin in a corner of a national park. The areas with rocky paths were probably hard to cultivate, because there were usually stunted tress and scrub beside the path, rather than fields. It was all extremely green, though - especially the rolling fields of oats or barley or rye or wheat (?).

      We stopped for lunch on a stone wall in a messy little village where the church was closed. It was around 12;30, and we had done about 19-20km. We had to refill some of our water bottles there- a first for the trip. Suddenly the "eau potable" signs were important! We also stopped at a set of signs around 2pm to take a photo for Amr, Rosie and Annie Clarke, and to ask if they remembered where they were exactly 34 years ago (Australian EST). [A: Dinner at Amr and Rosie's in Shirley Road Wollstonecraft. Anne arrived late].

      We reached Cajarc and the hotel around 3:30, although it might have been 10 mins earlier if one of us ( I ) had agreed the sign to Gite with our hotel's name would also take us to the hotel. We went into town and up the street to be sure... and they ended up being the same place.

      Our luggage was at the hotel when we arrived, so we had a shower and walked into the town. The church is big, but without the arches and vaulted roofs of other old ones, and the town has building in the same stone as Figeac and St Come, but it is not as well kept. Lots of the old buildings are closed, and seem unlikely to be used again given the advanced state of disrepair. There is a large 14th C "palace" right near the centre of town that looks like it will need squillions to be usable, even with a wonderful facade.

      We could hear a lot of cheering, so we also went to the local sports field thinking there might be a rugby game... but it was soccer. The team in green was better than the one in neck-to-knee grey.

      The hotel ( La Peyrade) is part of the Logis chain, but perhaps only just. It is like a single storey country motel, although the room are much larger, so lots of space. It also has little terrace in front, with a view over the town and hills behind it. So far it's average: 1. Good wifi. 2. No tea or coffee. 3. Totally non-controllable temperature (to the point of the control panel being bolted shut). 4. Very light and open. 5 Dinner included a fish non-curry with vegetables that were surely once frozen. 6 Bed good. 7. Nice view from outside the room.

      45,210 steps (might be a record), 36.2km and 86 flights.
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    • Hari 14

      Conques to Decazeville: cold mud

      2 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We left Conques at 8:15 along with everyone we knew - the Australians and the Americans - but stopped at the Englishman's stall. He reassured us the climb up was not too bad. Just 15m down the street (made of schist, not cobblestones or tar) one could look up and see the cross of the Chapelle-St- Foy, which was a tiny church almost at the top, and it was not too far away. It had a bell that people rang to show they had made it.

      Despite the nearness, it was a tough climb in the light rain. The path was mostly chiselled in solid rock, so the water was running down rather than creating bogs, and it is easier to avoid rivulets than it is the step through mud.. We reached the chapel in about 25-30 mins, and the end of the long till after 50 mins. The rest of the day was mainly across gentle slopes and farmlands, but the light rain did not ease up until midday, and it was accompanied by a cold gale. Sometimes we looked forward to a climb because it meant being protected, and getting feeling back in all 10 fingers again.

      Ignoring the weather, it was green all around, with the occasional herd of cows watching us walk by. There were good views sometimes when the clouds broke, but the challenge was underfoot: the path was either roads (which were hard but fine) or squelchy mud. It was usually possible to walk around the edges of the boggy sections, but it was slow, and annoying to have to look down so much. In the afternoon we met a few people who walked the last half of the 20 or so km down the road, saying there was no joy in sloshing through mud with numb hands and wet clothes.

      There will be a textile one day that solves the issue, but most people have ponchos covering themselves and backpack, waterproof jackets and separate waterproof backpack covers. They all keep the rain out, but going up long hills, even in sleet, makes you hot and sweaty, and under all the waterproofing, nothing evaporates. Having said that, I was glad we were not doing some of the hills in 30 degrees and laden down by extra litres of water.

      We arrived in Decazeville around 1:30. It is a large and definitely not thriving industrial town (ie featureless and bland, like the outskirts of cities all over the world) that is spread out along the river. The hotel was almost on the trail, so we found it very quickly. The manager (part of the family running it, who spoke great English having once done 4 months in hotels in NZ), let us in after several minutes of consternation about us not having a booking. That was resolved when he realised they were all looking at reservations on the wrong day. Much laughter.

      Our bags had not arrived, so we went up, took off the rain gear and set forth to find lunch. Somewhere along the trail we clearly offended a French spirit, because every boulangerie within a km of the hotel was shut, either permanently or because it was Thursday, or just because. There were numerous beauty shops, vaping shops, real estate agents and the odd tattoo parlour, but no food stores… go figure. We gave up the hunt when we found a table-less Carrefours. Baguettes and cheese in hand, plus something for the 31km walk tomorrow, we went back to the hotel. Our bags had arrived, so warm showers, dry clothes and lunch, with the benefit of Nico's Swiss knife (which had naturally been in the bag that was checked in and therefore not around until the last two days).

      The Hotel Malpel is okay. 1. Bright room and good wifi. 2. View is a bit run-down industrial. 3. Lugging bags up two flights of stairs (but two bags to lug, so no complaining). 4. Good dinner 5. Friendly staff. 6 Controllable heater, but no coffee/tea.6. Grim bathroom, with a hint of mould

      32,173 steps, 25.9km, 124 flights
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    • Hari 28–29

      Day 28 - Estaing to Golinhac

      19 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Today started off with a panic as Simon had lost his new hat!! We had to return to last night’s restaurant where we spotted it under the table. Mary had to then employ her French phone technique again to alert the owner of our dilemma and create a rescue scene! We had success 🙌 and now Simon has pinned it to his head!!
      Our walk today was shorter than of late and started with a 4 km stretch alongside the River Lot. Then it revealed its teeth and the next 6km at least were the walk up the endless, very steep hill.
      We then went through wooded glades and gullies on our route to Golihac.
      We also passed the drone of thousands of bees on several occasions which caused us to quicken our step.
      As we approached the village the ominous sounds of thunder - followed by darkening, brooding skies and yes 15 mins before our arrival the rain once again tumbled from the sky.
      We went walk about looking for campsite, arrived - reception was closed so started to set up camp under an awning when reception kindly opened early and got us into our chalet 👏
      Laundry done, now drying, we tried to find an earlier supper but no 🙄 we have to wait til 7 to eat. Then as early as possible to bed as we are feeling jaded!!
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    • Hari 34–35

      Day 34 - Figeac to Grealou

      25 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After a wander around Figeac soaking up the atmosphere we decided to eat at our hotel - a good decision as they did a lovely meal at a great price 😋👍
      An odd night in our hotel with people wandering up and down the corridors to the shared toilets 🙄
      Up early for another great breakfast then time to say goodbye to Helen and Andy as we set off and they stayed another day in Figeac before flying home tomorrow. It has been so lovely sharing this experience with Helen and Andy. We will miss them 💕
      So we set off on a warm, sunny day. The sat nav on my phone was sending us a strange way to link up with today’s walk. We then met an English woman who gave us directions. We still managed to miss a turn and started following the wrong markers taking us to the wrong place. This meant we completed 5000 steps without leaving Figeac 🤦🏻‍♀️ not great when we had practically 20 km to walk!!
      Finally on the right route we headed out of Figeac up the hill.
      Got the heart bumping and a pumping. Very hot and sweaty. We hit the village of Faycelles and the cafe ‘petit pause’ provided us with nourishment to power us on.
      We took a deviation through wild woods and groves full of wild flowers and the air was filled with the hum of insects. These ranged from bees, hover flies, butterflies, cicadas and a couple of asiatic hornets.
      We limped into our destination exhausted and on our last dregs of water - time to start carrying more.
      We are staying in a little hippy hobbledy hoy gite and are bracing ourselves for a lentil supper 😳
      We have navigated the shower scene with postage stamp towels. We are resting and hoping for a good sleep following 7.00 supper.
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    • Hari 13

      Golinhac to Conques: rain, mud, hills

      1 Mei, Perancis ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      It was raining lightly when we left around 8:15, and it only got heavier. The views were misty rather than panoramic, but always over green countryside, with cows sometimes lined up by the trail to watch us walk by. Sadly, it was a day of many narrow, steep paths, which were sometimes rivers of mud. But what the heck: we had two bags, and more clean socks and another pair of shoes each awaited us in Conques.

      Conques was a revelation. We knew the path to it went down steeply, so we assumed it would be a typical village/ town spread out beside a river. The last 1.5 km was an overgrown and steep Kokoda- style mudslide, and we could not see where the land flattened out. We were perhaps not concentrating on that too much: it was very cold and very wet, our fingers were numb, and we kept going around corners that lead not to vistas but to more of the same, and we were still on the upper half of a large hill. Then one slight turn and we were in a stony street with old houses way above the river. Then another, and we ran smack bang into an enormous abbey church. It was like expecting Nyngan but finding a miniature Oxford.

      Work started on Conques' church in the 11th C, and is apparently still on-going. It is now more a cathedral than a church, and the houses and hotels etc are packed in lines beside and around it. It all sits on a flattish area quite a bit higher than the river. It is old and pretty enough to have its own page... see below.

      Our hotel is just back from the church and is about 1 room wide. It has 4 rooms per floor. It is also several centuries old. We arrived at 2pm, seconds before out bags, but the 3pm rule was mentioned, so we looked in the abbey, the tourist office, and some of the shops, talked with a chatty young Englishman who had a tiny souvenir shop, then collected a key and started drying out.

      We met St Craig and Liz to return the borrowed overpants. They had arrived in Conques yesterday (having not had the short days with St-Come) and were in the other open hotel, but we took them to dinner in this one. The restaurant is usually closed on Wednesdays, but they were open on 1 May as it was a holiday and they hoped it might be busy. It was. Very good dinner: more aligot and local pork sausage for me, and the best beef ragout ever for Anne. Plus local red wine. We learned that Craig and Liz have a speech therapist daughter in Dubbo, and that we all shared a little trepidation about the very steep and muddy path that goes back up at the start of the walk tomorrow.

      Hotel was the Auberge St Jacques. 1 Wifi erratic. 2 No tea/ coffee. 3 Good bed. 4 Dark and winding stairs. 5 Fantastic dinner. 6. Okay breakfast - although I prefer to serve myself. 7. Family operated, and they were friendly

      31,250 steps, 25.2km, 76flights
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    • Hari 28–30

      Day 29 - Golinac to Conques

      19 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The meal last night at the campsite was a worry as we had ordered a burger- they asked how we wanted it cooked??!! I said well done and Simon said medium… this meant that Simon’s burger came back only half cooked 😩 however he was so hungry by this point he ate half of it but it tasted more and more like pet food, so he stopped eating it and felt quite angry 😡 who eats raw burgers other than the french?
      Thankfully he survived the night!.
      The morning bought fog and rain. So we set off on our long walk to Conques all poncho’d up against the weather. We passed through the towns of Esperyac and Senergues. It was tough going, especially the descent into Conques- warning Helen and Andy, a tough ascent out again.
      Conques is a very old hobbledy hoy medieval village. When we got into our ancient house we found Hansel and Gretel 😂 Simon’s sense of humour! It all looks like it’s out of a fairy tale. As usual we were starving and have discovered that cafe/snack bars do a dish called ‘galettes’ which is the French version of a Staffordshire oatcake with savoury fillings 🙌 so we haven’t had to wait until 7 to eat.
      We decided to utilise the washing machine offered by the apartment and unfortunately put on a 3 hour cycle - lack of understanding french instructions 🙄 so have been kept up waiting for this to finish.
      We await the arrival of my sister Helen and her husband Andy who join us tomorrow for a few days on the trail 👣👣🙌🙌 so a rest day for us tomorrow! 👏
      We have now walked more than 400 km!! 👣👣💪
      P.S. Simon just gone to check on the washing and the clothes have all dissolved- that is the end of the walk 🤪
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    • Hari 30–31

      Day 30/31 - Conques to Decazeville

      21 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Yesterday we were up early to meet Helen and Andy off the morning bus from Rodez. The weather was mixed with intermittent heavy showers and sunshine. We visited the local bakery so we could all eat at lunchtime. The only grocery store was on the local campsite so we trotted through the cobblestone streets to get the necessities- toilet rolls and bananas 😂.
      After lunch we visited the Abbey at the centre of the town. Then got chased back to our medieval house by yet another downpour.
      After a chilled afternoon resting we hit the bar before having a lovely meal in the terrace bar.
      We were up early as we had a 19km walk to Decazville an old industrial mining town.
      Helen and Andy were inducted into the world of Camino walking through a very tough uphill 2km climb out of Conques.
      The weather has been dry all day 🙌🙌
      We passed through the forest of sweet chestnut trees then into a very British landscape of meadows.
      We stopped in Noilhac for a delightful orange presse and coffee mid morning.
      Lunch was enjoyed in a field and we finished off all the delights we had brought in the bakery yesterday.
      19km later we hit Decazeville and discovered an organic microbrewery so had our well done drink here.
      We then walked up the hill to today’s accommodation which is run by an ageing hippy. He has 2 rooms and we are to share with another pilgrim- so we have split into gender based rooms- as this will be easier to manage. We sit on the terrace having showered and relaxed.
      We await to see what’s for dinner - and who our fellow pilgrim will be …
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    • Hari 12

      Espalion to Golinhac - visiting a castle

      30 April, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We had breakfast at the same table as at dinner, looking out on the street and hoping the drizzle would hold off. It was a larger offering than at the convent, with teapots there for tea. It is strange that breakfast can be so important when you have no control over what it might be.

      We started at 8:10 along the Lot river. It was overcast, so Anne had her poncho, but I thought I would be too hot with it. After 5km we were at a lovely old chapel (St Pierre) , followed by a steep 180m hill - up and down in a lot of mud. There was almost a rivulet in the middle of the path coming down. Landed at another old chapel and chateau ( Verrieres) before another 150m hill, then down to Estaing (think Giscard d’Estaing) with its 1,000 year old castle/ chateau and church. We were there around 11:15.

      St Come was stunning, but so were St Chely, Espalion and now Estaing. We toured the chateau, looked in the church, took too many photos, bought a baguette and set off for Golinhac as the church bell rang 12.

      The first 8km from Estaing were all uphill. There was a steady 350m rise as we went along the dammed river (hydro-electric) then up... through a forest, over farmland, more forests and occasional roads, then slowly down 100m and up the same 100m to Golinhac, which is on top of a ridge with spectacular views from W to N to E.

      We were both pretty weary by the time we reached our small hotel around 3:30. It was easy to find as it is the only hotel in a very small hamlet. The cleaner/ waitress/ receptionist showed us to the accommodation (maybe 7 rooms) which meant going outside and back in, and when we came in WE HAD TWO BAGS! La Malle Postale must have learned from and modernised the Yam, (although the Celts rather than the Mongols used to be here). Bliss is a second pair of shoes and clean clothes, plus wet-weather gear, gloves and poles.

      Golinhac has a population of 355, so walking around it later did not take long, but it is old, neat and has amazing views. Our interesting fact for the day was that town names ending in -hac or -ac indicate a Celtic past.

      Hotel Auberge de Golinhac: 1 Wifi very erratic. 2 No tea or coffee. 3 Bed okay. 4 Dinner was good - great cheese salad. 5 Basic breakfast. 6 Great view.

      40,600 steps, 32.6km and 157 flights. Maybe 1,000 steps less than the longest day in Japan, but 110 extra flights of stairs. Knees and ankles confirm it.
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