Département du Cantal

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    • Päivä 32–33

      Day 32 - Decazeville to Montredon

      23. toukokuuta, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Our fellow pilgrim turned up just before dinner - she was Noamy - I think French version of Naomi - probably spelled incorrectly too 🤔
      Evening meal that our ageing hippy Jean-Marie provided was tasty but challenging with our lack of French and others lack of English 🥴
      Simon escaped as soon as he could 😆
      We retired to our gendered bedrooms for a fairly restless night.
      Breakfast at 8 as planned then a relaxed start to the day as only an 11 km stroll ahead of us.
      We set off in sunshine and hit Livinhac en Haut an hour or so later. We had a couple of hours to kill so did some shopping had a very nice lunch and bumped into the Aussie crowd from 2 weeks ago.
      We were debating leaving when the heavens opened so we scuttled back under the shelter and met the chatty Jonathon a pilgrim from South west France but originally from Wiltshire who was travelling our route having started like us in Cluny. However at 35+km a day at a much quicker pace 😳👣👣👣. He collected a picture of us all for his blog.
      As the rain subsided we hit the path once more and walked through much mud, fields and country roads to Montredon. An area of outstanding natural beauty.
      We are stopping at Frank’s place which is so welcoming. We have a pool that Helen and Andy took advantage of for 2 mins before the rain came hurling down again.
      We have all had a lovely evening with good food, music and friendly company.
      Off to bed now as 20km beckons tomorrow!!
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    • Päivä 26–27

      Day 26 - Aubrac to St Come d’Olt

      17. toukokuuta, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      We walked into Aubrac and spotted a swankey Brasserie so booked a meal for later. We then checked into our accommodation ‘La Dômerie’ a Chambre de hotes of very high quality. Wonderful to have sheets provided and not to have to use our sleeping pods. The hotel was a wonderful old building that had been kept in a traditional manner.
      We went for our meal which again was in a room of fantastic character with all kinds of quirky furniture, ornaments and art. It had a wood burning stove in the middle which was delightful as we arrived but soon made us very warm indeed.
      After a good sleep went down for a lovely breakfast in the charming dining room - a great selection including fruit salad, fresh croissants, cheese and ham. We left feeling buoyant and ready for a day on the road. A good job too as we had 24 km to get through.
      It was a tough slog as at least 15 of the km were a steep descent over gullies filled with rocks that really hammer your feet.
      We went through the medieval village of Chely d’Aubrac and stopped for coffee. Our lunch stop was in the hamlet of Lestrades where the locals had put hot drinks in a barn in a help yourself basis.
      The rain, thunder and lightning started as we approached our accommodation for the night - the Convent de Malet - where we were welcomed by 2 of the sisters. The convent is a big, old roomy building with a great wooden staircase and well oiled policies and philosophies. It can accommodate up to 60 pilgrims a night.
      After putting bags into room and freshening up we hobbled into town while we had the energy. Sadly most places were shut til 7 except the bakery and local snack bar. We dined on paninis and offered to buy one for another pilgrim travelling with his dog. This turned out to be Roman, a 29 year old Czech Republic guy who said he sometimes walks up to 40 km a day😳 and lives outdoors relying on the kindness of The Way.
      Had a good hour or so with him listening to his tales and philosophies, he had very gentle, spiritual eyes - probably a psycho 😆 - only joking. We sent him on his way with some provisions from the bakery and €10 - he was very happy and we had hugs all around before heading back to our convent for showers and chilling before bed in prep for 20 km tomorrow.
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    • Päivä 25–26

      Day 25 - Finieyroles - Aubrac

      16. toukokuuta, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      La Rose d’Aubrac was a lovely gite but Simon struggling more and more with the communal meals 😳
      We were treated to a bland veg soup, truffelade ( kind of bubble and squeak with cream, garlic and cheese) and apple confit. Then Simon allowed to thankfully escape.
      We were only English speakers so was a challenge- but we were made to feel welcome.
      Up early for bread, jam and coffee. Then once more onto the Aubrac plateau. A place of solitude, bird song, flowers and lots of streams to breach. Really reminding us of Yorkshire moorlands and in places the Isle of Man 🇮🇲
      We came through sunshine, wind, hail and rain - thank goodness for my new poncho 😆
      Stopped in the quaint town of Nasbinals for a lovely sandwich and got an extra stamp on our credentials (pilgrims passports). 19 km later we have now arrived in Aubrac and are sitting viewing beautiful scenery waiting to check in at tonight’s digs.
      Simon tried the local drink pastis on our wet rest day - it’s rather like Greek ouzo!!
      He’s going for it again today!!
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    • Päivä 24–25

      Day 23/24 - Aumont Aubrac - Finieyrols

      15. toukokuuta, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      We are very glad yesterday was a rest day as it bucketed it down with rain all day and we saw some very wet pilgrims. We got our laundry done then headed out for a slap up lunch. After exploring a few grumpy venues we ended up back at our fave restaurant from the day before. We were well looked after by our cheerful waitress. We had to leave our sopping coats in the barn next door. However when we went to retrieve them only Simon’s nuclear yellow anorak remained 😳
      I had to knock on the window as they had locked up. They found a replacement in a drawer which ended up being much better than the one that had disappeared!!😂
      Up early this morning- 1 toilet between 8!!
      Had petit dejeuner, tidied up the little cottage and hoofed it off into a drier day.
      Our path took us up onto the Aubrac plateau. There was a steady stream of pilgrims that the Plodicus picked off group by group with Mary steadily bringing up the rear.
      The plateau had lots of daffodils and looked very much like Derbyshire and Yorkshire moors.
      16km done and we rest in a little hamlet called Finieyroles for the evening. We are 3 hours early for check in so ‘just hanging around’ watching pilgrims drift in and out.
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    • Päivä 22–24

      Day 22 - St Albans s l to Aumont Aubrac

      13. toukokuuta, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Last night we wandered around St Albans Sur Limagnole - we decided we weren’t particularly hungry after our earlier feast of chicken and chips 😆
      Thunder and lightning started rolling around so we hurried back to our lovely room just beating the torrential rain that followed 💦
      An easy going start with help yourself breakfast facilities - then off once more this time to the town of Aumont Aubrac.
      We headed out of town via the local spar! Stocked up on some fruit then hit the first hill of the day!
      We are now 1165 metres or 3415 feet above sea level on the Aubrac plateau. The place was covered in snow 2 weeks ago! We don’t want a repeat of this 🤞🙏
      We walked just under 16 km to lovely vistas on a sunny day with a cooling breeze.
      We hit town for lunch where there was quite a gathering of pilgrims all bonjouring each other.
      Mary tried out the local specialty‘aligot’ a type of mashed potato with garlic and cheese- it was lovely.
      We went to find our accommodation and for the first time we weren’t on the list despite booking a few months ago!! The hostess was apologetic and fortunately has another accommodation just around the corner. It is a charming old house with green shutters so hasn’t worked out too badly.
      Tomorrow is a rest day so we’ll chill catch up with the plans for the next few days and probably a trip to the local launderette!!!
      We have our own bathroom but a shared toilet and the kitchen is just off our room so could be noisy in the morning 🌅
      Simon is concerned that Man City are going to blow the title and the FA cup - however apparently Halifax finished 7th in the national league so all is not lost!!
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    • Päivä 92

      Cantal Auvergne

      28. kesäkuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Auf der Fahrt durchs Zentralmassiv machen wir Halt im mittelalterlichen Salers, das ganz aus schwarzem Vulkangestein erbaut ist. Viele Künstler und Handwerker haben hier ihre Ateliers. Auch wir machen noch einige Einkäufe da wir in ein paar Tagen wieder zurück in der Schweiz sein werden. Dieses Mal können wir, den im Frühling noch geschlossenen, Pas de Peyrol befahren, zwar leider im Nebel versteckt. Der etwas tiefere gelegene Pas de Serre ist nebelfrei und wir finden einen traumhaften Platz zum Übernachten. Am nächsten Tag glänzt die ganze Kette der Puys im Sonnenschein und wir frühstücken mit einer Aussicht wie KönigeLue lisää

    • Päivä 41

      36. Wandertag

      29. huhtikuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Start heute morgen war sehr nass. Der Tag danach durchzogen. Gestern habe ich noch einige Sachen gewaschen. Ich mache jeweils von Zeit zu Zeit eine Handwäsche weil die Sachen nach Pilger riechen. Heute war wieder alles feucht. Ja alles gehört dazu, am Morgen mache ich jeweils noch einige Dehnungsübungen. Elsbeth würde wahrscheinlich lachen wenn sie mich sehen würde wie ich auf dem kleinen Duschtüchlein knie. Danach werden allerlei Salben aufgetragen und danach versuche ich meinen Wassertank aufzufüllen und trinke einen Liter Wasser, erst dann gehe ich zum Morgenessen. Ganz wichtig danach der Gang zur Toilette und hopp auf den Weg.
      Heute übernachten wir in Montredon.
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    • Päivä 73

      Aubrac und die Turmherberge

      12. toukokuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Durch endlosen Regen geht es über die endlose (bei gutem Wetter bestimmt noch viel schönere) Hochebene weiter in den mittelalterlich wirkenden Ort Aubrac. Hier erwartet mich die nächste Überraschung: meine Herberge für heute Nacht ist in einem richtigen Turm untergebracht!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 8

      Aumont-Aubrac to Nasbinals

      26. huhtikuuta, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Very upmarket buffet, and then David, the joint-manager (with his brother- the family has run the hotel since 1928) took it upon himself to solve the luggage issue. He rang the same people on the same number, but was not taking no for an answer, and decided the solution was for the case to go to the Post office ( if it wasn't there) and for La Malle Postale to pick it up (likely tomorrow) and take it to our hotel for tomorrow. Lots of animated phone calls later he assured us it would be done, and sent us off. We were hoping but not convinced.

      Today was along day - 27km officially, but 30km or so as both hotels were away from the town centres. We also crossed the Aubrac Plateau, which has rave reviews as a beautiful heath land, and in summer they are probably deserved...

      It was drizzling as we left in the new ponchos (which worked well) and Saint Craig of Kiama (he of umbrella yesterday) had lent me a pair of waterproof over-trousers which he said were too big for him. They probably were too big, as they were big for me, but in the cold and the rain they were a godsend.

      The country was grey because of the clouds, but everywhere were long, low stone walls, green fields, or paddocks with daffodils, and small woods. Most of the track was a walkway between paddocks, but we were on rural roads now and then. That was better than the boggy sections: they were horrendous after just a little rain, so I can only imagine WWI.

      Unfortunately the sleet and rain began in earnest around 1015, and kept on until around 2pm, along with a gale. I doubt my chinos would have survived the mud, or have dried out by dinner. We were warm enough under the ponchos, but fingers number quickly, and stayed numb until the wind stopped, or the rare burst of sun. Having said that, it wasn’t too bad with the ponchos and waterproof boots: we could walk along quickly without getting hot.

      We went through a few hamlets, but no villages or towns, but made good time because it was too windy , wet and cold to stop except inside, and the few little cafes we saw were crowded, or in the open. We saw a man with a Phileas Fogg type contraption harvesting daffodils in the driving sleet... unsuccessfully, though, as he seemed to spend as much time under the machine as on it. Maybe he was sheltering?

      After passing through a few small hamlets and past occasional churches, we finally made it to Nasbinals. It is a lovely old village with grey/fawn coloured stone houses, all with rooves made of flat rocks.

      One family has a monopoly on hotels in the town, and guests are apparently allocated on the day. We reached the first hotel on the outskirts of the village and were pleased we could have a break, but our names weren't on the list for rooms there. We walked into town to the central place (with restaurant and bar) but we weren't there, either. We had to walk 500m to another side of the town, but it was flat and not raining.

      Dinner was in the town rather than the hotel, and the same local specialties that Rosie and Amr had nearly 10 yrs ago - very good. Aligot (mashed potato plus cheese and garlic - consistency of play-dough) was a sight to behold, and very tasty, along with a local sausage.

      Just before we went we had an email from David, the Aumont-Aubrac manager, with a small glitch: the bag was delivered to the Le Puy post so late that it could not be collected today, and the Post is closed all weekend (plus perhaps Monday as a public holiday) so it will not be collected by la Malle Postale until Tuesday, and hopefully early enough then for it to be delivered to us where we will be that night - a town called Golinac. Four more days of only one pair of pants and shoes instead of one day more...but a timeline that ought to be achievable.

      Our hotel is a branch of a family hotel business. 1. Opened at 4... but if you knew your room number you could take your key and go in anyway. 2. Wifi and soap, but no tea or coffee. 3 Great view over open fields 4. Bed seems okay. 5. Quiet. 6. the ogress who did not want to let anyone in to breakfast...

      41,520 steps, 32.6km and 44 flights.
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    • Päivä 73

      Im Regen nach Nasbinals

      12. toukokuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Natürlich bleibe ich auch heute nicht verschont und es beginnt bald wieder zu regnen. So erreiche ich, neugierige Kühe und endlose, gatschige Wege passierend, gegen Mittag den Ort Nasbinals. Hier gibt es wieder einmal die letzte Einkaufsmöglichkeit bis morgen, also stocke ich noch für das Abendessen auf.Lue lisää

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