Paris 01

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    • Day 2

      Seine walk and Musée d’Orsay

      May 28 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Jet lag is a mindset!!! (Kidding, we are very tired but powered through). Such an exciting day getting to share my favourite museum and restaurant in Paris with Thomas. ❤️ A highlight for us today was all the incredibly friendly and helpful locals that made our transition day go swimmingly.Read more

    • Day 5

      Waltz outside the Louvre

      May 31 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      On our way to Versailles this afternoon, but took a detour to walk through the Louvre Gardens on the way to our train station to see the "second most extravagant building in France". So many little details all over the building it's impossible to look away!Read more

    • Day 3

      Art Day

      June 16, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We had early morning tickets to see some art so after a lovely breakfast and good strong coffee we hit the bikes again and risked our lives in the Paris streets. We were 30 minutes late for our time slot but Aiden said it was very Parisian of us to be late. It didn’t matter anyway because no one even checked our tickets! (Note to self, just walk in like you belong there and save the dough!) Here’s where Daniel shined. He has read every Rick Riorden book on the planet and really knows his Greek and Roman gods. The Mona Lisa was in the new room which is nice considering the last time we were there she was in a dark hallway. I prefer the big art anyway over her. The Wedding at Cana is more my style.

      Then Saint Chappelle- I heard Daniel walk in and say “whoa!” That says it all.
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    • Day 3

      The Lady and the Unicorn

      August 19, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Woke at 5.00am, so not too bad. Breaky in hotel. The bread is devine. Salami and cheeses.

      Off to Musee du Cluny to see the medieval tapestries The Lady and The Unicorn. They depict the 5 senses along with desire. Massive red and dark wall hangings filled with millefleur and forest animals. Loved this so much. Read the novel and it's Harry Potters common room. So beautiful. The lighting is dark to keep from fading.

      We get to the museum just at opening time, bonus.
      The first room we enter is an old bath house. Massive empty room with a few statues and items from the era. A copper bathtub sits at one end. Loved this room. Next we check out a room full of jewellery and medieval artwork. I come across a golden rose. It looks to be important, so I take a photo. I may sit still one day and learn about it. But not now.

      We look at other tapestries leaving the best til last.
      Then we enter 'The' room. It is quiet, dark, black with a crimson glow from these magnificent tapestries.
      I am beguiled and take my time to investigate each one.

      Loving this so much. Finding treasures that you never think you will ever see. Then here you are in front of them. Always blows me away.
      I love this because it is like time travel.
      I imagine the pressure and artistry it takes.

      The intricate flowers are devine. The bunnies and birds whimsical.

      Even Athena says she really enjoyed seeing them.

      Bucket list tick ✅
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    • Day 10

      J’aime Paris

      May 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Jam packed day!! We visited the extraordinary sainte chapel. Glorious glass windows!! Saw the outside of Notre Dame and The Louvre. Did a little too much souvenir shopping… as usual. Ended the day with a dinner cruise on the Seine River and a close look at the Eiffel Tower:)Read more

    • Day 4

      Schlechter start mit....

      October 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      grandiosem Ende 🥰😁

      Heute war Museum angesagt. Louvre stand auf dem Zettel.

      Leider gab es größere Schwierigkeiten 😤beim Einlass. Unser 14:30 Uhr Ticket🎫 wäre dann ein 16 vieleicht 17 Uhr Ticket geworden.

      Das ganze bei leichten Regen☔️...Nein Danke.

      Wir haben uns nach einigen Minuten⌚️ gegen das Warten entschieden und haben an der Stelle die Tickets gegen eine Flussfahrt ⛴️ auf der Seine getauscht.

      Mit dem nächsten Mietroller 🛵 ging es zur Anlegestelle und ab auf dem Dampfer 🛥. Kaum dort angekommen kam die Sonne ⛅️durch und trocknete unsere Sachen und die Frustgetränkte Seele.

      Vorbei an all den schönen Gebäuden🏙, Parks 🏞, Haussbooten und durch zahllose Brücken🌉 tuckerten wir auf dem Wasser 🌊 herum.

      Ein Eis🍦 ließ den Ärger dann ganz verschwinden und mir kam eine Idee.

      Amy schwärmte am Eifelturm 🗼von all den Straßenkünstlern 🛣👨‍🎨🎨die Karikaturen anbieten.

      Also einen 1️⃣5️⃣ Minuten Spaziergang und schon waren wir da. Die Überraschung💥 war geglückt und nach etwas Wartezeit waren wir an der Reihe. Das war ein Spaß!🤗

      Danach eine kleine Shoppingtour👗👚🥻 durch die Einkaufszentren von Paris.

      Abendessen🍴noch einmal Glitzertürmchen bestaunen. Mit dem Roller🛵 zurück ins Hotel 🏨für einen gemeinsamen Abend bei Netflix 📺und "Mc Donald-Snacks".😅

      Grandioser Tag mit sehr viel Lachen🥰
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    • Day 2

      Paris heute

      June 4 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Hallo ihr Lieben, unsere gestrige Anreise mit dem Zug nach Paris war sehr bequem und ist gut verlaufen! Auch das gebuchte Hotel zu finden, stellte sich als einfach dar. So konnten wir uns, gleich nach dem Check-in, noch etwas in dieser schönen Stadt umschauen und uns später, beim Mac Donald, gemütlich einen Burger einverleiben!

      Heute stand die erste Etappe unserer Wanderung auf dem Programm. Von der Strecke her, (28km) war sie eher einfach zu gehen. Wir sind an vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten (Louvre, Eiffelturm, Notre Dame usw... vorbeigekommen, was sehr eindrücklich war! Übrigens: Paris ist sehr sauber, es liegt nicht viel Unrat auf den Strassen und in der Natur. Was aber ist, es hat viele Schlaglöcher auf den Gehwegen! Das wurde mir "Schussel " bereits zum Verhängnis! Wenn man die Schönheiten der Natur im Vorübergehen intensiv betrachten will, und das Verlangen auf die Strasse zu achten fehlt, kann es passieren, dass man wie ich stolpert und sich der Länge nach mitten auf's Trottoir legt! Der schwere Rucksack hat dabei nicht wirklich für einen sanften "Niedergang" gesorgt, sondern im hat einfach nur Plums gemacht und da lag ich! Roland, der edle Samariter, verhalf mir umgehend wieder in eine aufrechte, würdige Position was ich sehr zu schätzen wusste!
      Unsere heutige Hotel Suche war mit einigen Problemen behaftet. Das Haus das ich gebucht hatte, stand irgendwie am falschen Platz. Auf jeden Fall nicht dort wo wir es vermutet hatten. So haben wir mindestens zwei Kilometer mehr zurückgelegt, was uns heute hoffentlich zu einem guten Schlaf verhilft. Liebe Grüße an euch alle, Gitta und Roland
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    • Day 6

      Stage 1 Tour de France - Geriatric Div

      May 23 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Today had everything you come to expect from the Tour de France (apart from the people running beside you waving signs) - quiet country roads, busier towns, fabulous scenery, lots of history, a spill and of course a f***ing mountain.
      We woke up to heavy rain, which was not good. Aquitaine Bikes dropped our near new bikes off - still raining. Ran through the maps and info - still raining. The rain stopped for a minute so we were off. Two minutes in - started raining.
      The ride to start with was lovely, riding past beautiful old houses and abandoned farm buildings. We rode through many beautiful little towns and stopped for lunch and an explore in Limeuil. I will do a separate post for this.
      After lunch we heading off again to find the start of the mountain. There was a lot more pushing of the bike than riding, that's for sure. Were very relieved to come over the top, only to find another huge hill waiting. It was about then that I lost my sense of humour.
      We were not quite sure what direction we were meant to be heading (pretty much every corner) so stopped suddenly. I stood up and went to unclip, and couldn't unclip due to some tweaking of my pedals and fell. Thought we may have an early withdrawal from the tour, but Graham has patched me up and we're all good to continue on tomorrow. There might be a bit of complaining.
      Finally arrived at our BnB in Cadouin. It's a beautiful old three story building with stone walls and wooden beams. The owner is a chef and so we are eating here tonight. We are starving after today's ride.
      Apparently tomorrow has an even bigger mountain than today. Give me strength.
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    • Day 3

      To Pruille Berth

      July 8, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      More shopping with Mauricette - (were given crystal champagne glasses, but now have a kettle and toaster ) while G and Alain moved the boat 5 km downriver to Pruille, where we can stay for a week . Hot weather continues but very cool early morning . Photos from Grez Neuville yesterday am . We are on the Mayenne River north of Angers in the Anjou area east of Brittany .Read more

    • Day 12

      Under way at last

      July 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Lovely tranquil day cruising up the Mayenne River . Berthed in mini marina by a still functioning ( but with electric power) 16 th century flour mill at Chenille Chance . Enjoying our umbrella and bbq topside . Very peaceful with only swallows twittering .Read more

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