
    • 日6

      Pt. 3 of Paris

      2023年5月30日, フランス ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Part 3 Paris photos!

      -The stairwell in our hotel
      -Our breakfast buffet (and fresh squeezed apple juice... I had 3 glasses.)
      -I found out that there was a train gate named after the Queer icon, Josephine Baker, just down the street so we visited (yes... I had to buy tickets just for this picture lol).
      -We went to the Catacombs and it was way more intense than I was expecting. Pictures to follow....
      -The RER we are on has cherubs on the roof.
      -Enjoy this video of the way the hallways are laid out in the hotel we stayed at and how the lights are at each door for you to turn on the lights in the hallways.
      -I have determined that everyone in Europe can either juggle, play the accordion, or both. I have yet to see someone do it simultaneously though. This was fantastic entertainment.

    • 日1

      Ópera Garnier.

      6月3日, フランス ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Segundo perrengue da viagem. Não me deixaram entrar com minha mochila na Ópera Garnier. Era grande demais. Tive que deixá-la num locker próximo, mas numa "bagatela" de 15 fucking euros!! Apesar de ainda ter perdido 30 mintos dad 1h30 da visita guiada, valeu a pena. A Ópera Garnir é uma das coisas construídas pelo homem mais linda que já vi.もっと詳しく

    • 日3

      Mit Madame Amy....

      2023年10月24日, フランス ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      ins Moulin Rouge 🥰

      Vorletzter Punkt auf Amys Liste ...abgehakt.✅️

      Amy hat sich richtig schick gemacht um mit ihrem, O-Ton "alten Vater der sich ganz gut gehalten hat", ins Mouling Rouge zu gehen.

      Bedauerlicherweise ist absoluter Film 🎥und Fotografierverbot 📸🚫während der Show aber....

      Es ist schrill, bunt, lustig und beeindruckend. Das Theater 🎭selbst hat genau den Charm den man erwartete. Umgeben von Sexshops👉👌 und Häusern mit Herzen ❤️auf den Wänden liegt es in einer Art Amüsiervietel voll mit Bars🥂🍹, Pups und Restaurants🍴🥘🥓🥗.

      Die Bühne wirkt total schlicht und alt und verwandelt💥 sich in der Show in ein farbenfrohes🎨 Kunstwerk in dem plötzlich ein Pool🏊‍♀️ steht.


      Von überall kommen die halb nackten Frauen stolziert👯‍♂️👯🏼‍♀️👯 oder fliegen über dich hinweg. Es wird getanzt💃🏽🕺, gelacht😅 und gesungen🎤. Der Champagner 🍾fließt in strömen. Kein Tisch auf dem keine ganze Flasche steht und die Stimmung🥳 teilweise überkocht.

      Amys überraschtes Gesicht zeigte mir ihre Freude. Den Mund 🥹weit offen, suchte sie immer wieder Blickkontakt. Als wäre sie 3️⃣ Jahre alt und wolle mir einen besonderes Laubblatt😍🌿 beim spazieren zeigen.

      In ihren Blicken👀 war deutlich zu erkennen...

      Papa...schau mal! 😊😁
      Ihr war völlig entfallen das ic die Show doch auch sehe 😅

      Wunderschöner Abend mit meiner nicht mehr so kleinen Prinzessin👸🏼

      Aka Madame La Amy🥰

    • 日4

      First day on the trail!!

      2023年9月2日, フランス ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port to Orrison
      Day 1 - 13km

      Those who know us well won't be at all surprised to learn that at the very first intersection we came to after leaving SJPP, we turned the wrong way. 🙄 We turned right instead of left...This resulted in us hiking 6 km in the wrong direction, up hills, and in a massive thunderstorm ⛈
      However we walked through beautiful country side with amazing views over the mountains and still got here ( soaked to the skin!) at 1pm.
      Nothing that a hot shower and a glass of wine couldn't fix!!

    • 日24

      Paris: More Agnes and More Sights

      5月12日, フランス ⋅ 🌩️ 23 °C

      Saturday night was a late night - battling French Swifties for seats on the midnight Metro is not the sort of thing that gets you to sleep early.

      Breakfast (good) in the basement (not so good) around 8:30, then some reading and planning and we set off on another quasi-Agnes exploration day around 10.

      We walked south-west to the Luxembourg Gardens, meaning we had to cross Rue de l’Odeon. The gardens were exactly what might have been pictured in the school texts 50 years ago. We strolled around under the trees as joggers slogged by, then went mainly west though quiet, unspoilt streets to 2 Rue Brea. It is a nothing building now with neither plaque nor historical interest, but in the 1920s and 1930s it was the shop where all Parisian artists bought paint, canvas and other materials. Agnes bought things there, too, because the shop's sticker is still on the back of one of her paintings from 1925. Marc Chagall had his studio just minutes away.

      From there we went north east for about an hour and a half, through the universally ugly blob of a train station at Montparnasse and the bland, modern tower that seems to blight many Parisian street scenes, then around the foot of the Eiffel Tower, where we saw the balcony on which we stood last night. From there we went past the half-built Olympic stands, over the Seine and up to the 16th district and 7 Rue Eugene Manuel, (nearly) where Agnes died in 1939.

      In many ways Rue Eugene Manuel was like Rue de l'Odeon: short, narrowish, blocks of 5-storey buildings on both sides and character-full. Agnes died in "7 bis Rue Eugene Manuel" (like 7A) in August 1939, three weeks before the start of WW2. 7 bis was behind 7, and was (at least from 1947) a hospital, but was then pulled down in the 1990s and replaced by an apartment block. We had to assume it had looked a little like 7, and we know it was tucked in behind No 9, so we were in the right spot, regardless of which buildings stood there. The fact that the building was later a hospital might also explain whey her last days were spent there, away from the avante-garde hotspot of Rue de l"Odeon.

      From Rue Eugene Emanuel we walked back to the Eiffel Tower area and Trocadero Gardens, then on up to the Champs Elysees, did some Sunday shopping, then back along the CE to the river and to the hotel. There was a minor revolt when I stopped at a florist and Anne said (rather tersely) that buying flowers lacked logic as they would be crushed when packed next morning for traveling (or words to that effect) but I had been commissioned by Alistair to buy her a flower for Mothers Day. All forgiven once explained.

      The forecast said that it would rain from 3pm, but at 3pm the midday clouds had lifted... although at 4:15 there was thunder and lightning and some pretty heavy showers. By then we were back in our room and planning an early dinner ahead of a 6am departure to catch a 7:15am train to Bamberg in Bavaria.

      We walked out and turned right then right to find s place for dinner. The streets were mostly restaurant-less, but then we found a few cross- streets tucked behind the Pantheon that were full of Sorbonne students, cafes, and restaurants.

      26,900 steps, 20.5km and 6 flights.

    • 日64

      weekend in normandy with Madeleine

      3月10日, フランス ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Hi everyone! after a horrendously stressful week of exams (4 to be exact,) with much crying and existential dread, it was time for a break. Luckily my lovely friend Madeleine invited me on a small weekend trip to her house in normandy, about a two hour drive from Paris. I took the metro to her house and we set off in the family car, accompanied by loud singing and many creative French road rage expressions.

      Madeleine's house is very similar to the one we have on LDI. It's small, charming, and well-decorated, with a different pattern of 70's wallpaper for each room. (Plaid for the kitchen, green for the living room, flowers for the bedrooms.) The house has only two floors and a basement, where the family stores drinks, garden tools, and walnuts. The house itself is filled with old wooden furniture, comfortable beds, and family memorabilia, with oil paintings of sailboats on the walls. When you enter it, it feels like a warm hug, like the house is saying "welcome weary traveller, I know you've come a long way. Life here is simpler than the one you left behind." It also has a wonderfully large collection of French Asterix and Obelix comics. (If you know, you know.) After a brief trip to McDonald's for sustenance, I passed out under a thick cotton comforter and had the best sleep of my life. No light pollution and noise makes for a deep, delicious rest.

      Madeleine's brother Gabriel and her grandmother Elisabeth woke up before us. Elisabeth speaks no English but she is such a warm, hospitable woman who clearly loves having guests. That morning, after a breakfast of jam, toast, and nesquick, we set off for the town of Bayeux to see their cathedral and a 1,000 year old artifact called the "tapisserie Bayeux". It's a spectacular hand-embroidered tapestry that measures a whopping 70 meters in length and depicts the Norman conquest of England in 1066. It served as a kind of medieval comic book, educating the largely illiterate peasant population about the important historical event. An accompanying museum gave details about the restoration and the many times it was almost lost in history. The cathedral and town offered us a cute little walk during which I learned more about swearing in French than history.

      After that we headed to a place called the point d'hoc, an important military outpost for the Germans during WWII. The barracks and bunkers are mostly intact (you can even enter them), and you can still see the places where the cannons and machine guns were mounted. The landscape is dotted with deep craters left by American bombs that are now overgrown with lush grass. These remnants of war offer a stark contrast to the beautiful expanse of blue ocean that greets you just over the edge of the cliff. There's a stone monument there commemorating the 77,000 Allied troops who lost their lives during D-Day and the resulting Battle of Normandy.

      It began to rain. We sprinted to the car and drove to our next stop, a home-depot adjacent store called "Jardiland", to buy supplies for the work we needed to at home. Once we got there, we helped Madeleine's dad and uncle remove the clusters of invasive mistletoe from the family's orchard of fruit trees, which include cherries, applies, pears, and quinces. Mucking around in the grass with buckets reminded me so much of home. Madeleine showed me their vast garden, the stream out back, and the house of a neighbor that they don't like.

      After a short break, grand-mère called us to dinner with a steaming plate of coquilles-san Jacques (Brittany scallops), white wine, and crusty bread. A lovely apple tart and lively conversation followed. After dinner, Madeleine and I headed upstairs to watch a movie called "fatal bazooka", a popular French comedy about a rapper who falls from grace. A cultural experience that saw us both fall asleep at the end. A lovely day and a restful sleep, there nothing that I love more.

      Sunday morning was, well, sunny. The perfect weather for our last planned activity, which was to visit the beach. Madeleine drove us through a cute French seaside town and showed me her great-grandmother's old house, only to find out that the town was hosting a marathon that blocked thru access to the beach. After finding a hole in the runners, we crossed and walked down the beach boardwalk to the shore, lined by a stately hotel and bistro. We sat down on a large beach towel in the sand and picked up shells while staring out at the misty blue sea. Watching the waves unfurl on the shore and chatting with Madeline was so peaceful and serene that the hours ran away from us. After awhile we packed up our things and took a meandering walk back to the car, which we drove to the carwash (a cultural experience in itself that I won't get into). We were called home for lunch soon after.

      Lunch was grand-mère's final piece de resistance before our departure in the afternoon. First, she served us a slightly pungent paté that looked like head cheese, and smoked brittany sausage, with more baguette. But the real star of the show was a dish called boudin, which is basically congealed pig's blood encased in its own intestine. We have something similar in Germany so I wasn't too alarmed, but it would have been enough to make any vegan shake in their boots. I had less of a problem with the flavor and more with the texture, which is like blood jello. When eaten with strong horseradish mustard, however, it's actually quite pleasant. We cracked walnuts from the basement stores and drank Coca Cola until grand-mère emerged from the kitchen with more apple tarts. Nap-time followed. Before I knew it, it was already time to head home.

      The ride home was largely quiet. Grand-mère pointed out the stables where the famous racehorses are bred (apparently the prince of Monaco bought one) and pastures with grazing sheep and cows. I learned that the word for water tower is "chateau d'eau", which literally means water castle. Madeleine and I both took a nap, and when I woke up we were already almost in Paris. Of course, it was grey and traffic-filled, like it always is. I wished in the back of my mind that we could have stayed longer, but it was enough to have been once. When we said goodbye, Grand-mère gave me a kiss on both cheeks and wished me well. Madeleine brought me to the metro station and hugged me. I got on the train and I was staring out the window something strange happened. We crossed the Seine, directly by the station next to the Eiffel Tower. The clouds broke and a ray of sunlight shone through, illuminating the tower and a river filled with boats and people in a beautifully picturesque scene. There was an audible murmur, and a child shouted out "look outside!".

      Paris is a city designed to be marveled at. It is beautiful thanks to the careful design of architects and tasteful people. But it is still capable of moments of spontaneous beauty that are not preconceived, like when it greets its residents with a moment of rare sunshine. Or perhaps it knew I was returning, and wanted to say "I may have more rats and snobbish people than Normandy, but I am still your home."

      a bientôt everyone. See you next post :)

    • 日1

      Made it to Paris

      2022年9月5日, フランス ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Long day of travel and not much sleep on the plane but made it to Paris in one piece. Walked around the corner from our hotel and had a great meal and watched a nice cooling rain. Now, off to rest up for tomorrow.もっと詳しく

    • 日1

      Paris with obligatory Eiffel Tower pic

      2023年5月11日, フランス ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      I arrived in Paris with my friends Joan and Chris. While we waited for our other friends to arrive on a later flight we walked to the Eiffel Tower.

      It was overcast, but not rainy, other than a few stray raindrops.

      Had a nice meal with the group at a cute restaurant near our hotel, then early to bed. We scheduled a walking tour for tomorrow, then we'll take the train to St Jean Pied de Port on Saturday to start the Camino.

    • 日5

      Pt. 2 of Paris

      2023年5月29日, フランス ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      This is a summary from part 2 of Paris but I'll make separate posts about our hotel, dinner, crêpes, and The Louvre!

      -Our first crêpes together.
      -The Obelisque (the tall pointy tower) with the Arc de Triomphe in the distance.
      -A statue in the Tuileries Garden that had a pigeon perched atop it's head. 🤣
      -Me arriving at the Louvre.
      -Me at the Eiffel Tower (we decided not to go up because we both could barely walk anymore and I heard on good authority that it is extremely overrated). Instead, we sat in shade near it and reviewed our fake identities and stories we will use when someone tries to con us again.
      -We had a lovely dinner at Cocotte. Funny commentary to follow ...
      -Video of some street dancers.
      -This was the first moving mannequin I've ever seen (and then we saw multiple!).

    • 日6

      Good Morning from Paris

      2023年5月30日, フランス ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Good morning from Paris!

      The A/C is broken in our hotel room so we had to leave windows open. Did I mention that window screens are not as popular in Europe? Don't worry... We are on the 5th floor. Let's just say, sleep wasn't the best because we were melting. 🥲

      Thankfully, we are headed to the breakfast buffet. ❤️🥐


    Paris, París, Parigi


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