Place de l'Hôtel de Ville

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    • Day 18

      Cruise Day 12 - Paris

      May 14 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Arrived in Le Havre this morning, we went to Paris but due to bus leaving late and the congestion we didn't have as much time as we had planned which was disappointing. Meet up with Brie and went and seen the Eiffel Tower. Had champagne with lunch and walked what felt like a hundred miles, so very tired when we got back to ship. Quick change and off again to our dinner reservations at the specialty restaurant Sabatinis. The staff came out with a cake and sung happy birthday, which was cute but a little embarrassing. Tomorrow brings the next part of our epic adventure but will be a little sad leaving cruise lifeRead more

    • Day 124

      Le Havre, France

      October 9, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Another fairly early morning port arrival. We took things easy and let the 🐢🐢turtle stampede follow its course; many shore excursion tours were offered. It was close to noon before our trio prepared to leave the ship. Picked up a couple of cold drinks on our way out to explore and enjoy the sunny day. As we were very close to the terminal building no shuttle bus was necessary. We walked along the port access road 'till we met up with the main walking promenade along the docks.

      We noticed a closed fish market across the road, and didn't think much of it until we could smell the dumpster where they tossed the scallop shells 🐚. The shells and flesh baked in the sun leaving an overwhelming odor 🤢

      We did not have a destination in mind, so meandered a few streets. Eventually, we popped out by the harbour and then along the boardwalk by the pebble beach. Starting our circular route back to the ship, passed through the centre of town. The park was still in full bloom, and the central water feature and Boulevard walk was very picturesque. We even passed near the war monument.

      Once back on the ship, had a late lunch, then A&D took off to attend the origami class to fold turkeys, J went to the aft outdoor pool. It was Canadian Thanksgiving, the ship thoughtfully put out a spread of turkey and tradional side dishes. It was very delicious.

      We ended a perfect day watching the sunset from the observation deck at the bow of the boat, and relaxing in the Crow's Nest lounge afterwords.
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    • Day 6

      Giverny and Monet

      June 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Friday, June 16th. We slept in and then walked to breakfast at La Guinguetto. It was the best yogurt ever - it had berries and honey in it. I had a chocolate chaud (hot chocolate) and Anya had an espresso. We waited for Mikel to arrive and wrote in our journal - reliving the first part of our trip. We enjoyed watching the world go by.

      Mikel showed up and found us. He was tired from his flight, picking up the rental car, and driving to Versailles. He was a good sport as he helped us load our luggage and rallied for a day of fun!

      We drove to Versailles and went to the Petit Trianon and Marie Antoinette's private rural hamlet. The hamlet has always been one of my favorites.

      We drove to Giverny and had lunch there. The gardens were amazing and the house was spectacular too! We took photos in the garden and the famous bridge. I loved his house. The kitchen and dining room had such amazing colors! His bedroom looked out over the garden. The ponds were full of lily pads and you felt you were walking in one of his paintings. There were cute stores, restaurants, and bars at Giverny.

      I'm so glad we stopped. I had never been able to fit it in on a previous trip to France.

      After we left Giverny, we continued driving to Le Harve. Mikel had reserved a hotel there - the Hilton Garden Inn - for 2 nights. The hotel was right on the water. We walked to dinner at an outdoor cafe. They were having some sort of outdoor celebration and we enjoyed the crowds and activity.

      Le Harve means "The Harbour". The city and port were founded by King Francis I in 1517. it is located on the shore of the English Channel and at the mouth of the Seine.

      We listened to ABBA on the balcony of the hotel when we got back to the hotel. There were only 2 twin beds in the room and Mikel snored all night. To be fair, he was completely exhausted but Anya got no sleep. When Mikel woke up the next morning, he stretched and said - "I slept AMAZING!" Anya said, "I know you did......"
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    • Day 4

      Le Havre

      October 31, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute stand Le Havre auf dem Programm. Ich war bereits schonmal in dieser Stadt. Leider konnte sie mich beim ersten Mal nicht so ganz überzeugen daher stand die Überlegung im Raum vielleicht direkt an Bord zu bleiben. Neu bei AIDA waren die E-Scooter Touren die wir unbedingt testen wollten also gab ich der Stadt noch eine Chance und wir düsten mit dem E-Scooter los.

      Kurze Probefahrt auf dem Hafengelände und los ging die Wilde Fahrt. Durch die City vorbei an verschiedenen Sehenswürdigkeiten bishin zur Küste und den Kreidefelsen. Die Tour machte wirklich viel Spaß bis die ersten Scooter den Geist aufgaben weil die Akkus leer waren. Aber dank der netten und umsichtigen Scouts war auch das kein Problem. Schnell hatten wir neue Scooter und konnten die Tour zufrieden beenden.

      Was für ein Erlebnis, das werde ich definitiv nochmal wiederholen.
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    • Day 4

      Le Havre

      April 28 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Heute standen zwei Ausflüge auf dem Programm. Nach den Grautönen am Morgen war es beim Überqueren der Pont de Normandie plötzlich sonnig und wir konnten den Rundgang und die Freizeit in Honfleur bei schönem Wetter geniessen. Für das Mittagessen ging es zurück zum Schiff und kurz vor Verlassen des Schiffes zum zweiten Ausflug schüttete es aus Kübeln. Anscheinend typisch für die Normandie. Nach einer kurzen Rundfahrt durch Le Havre mit Fotostopp bei der sehenswerten St. Joseph Kirche gings nach Etretat zu den Kreidefelsen. Unser Guide hatte für uns Sonne bestellt und siehe da, wir hatten etwas Sonne!Read more

    • Day 58

      Le Havre & Rouen, Francia

      May 31 in France ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      Como no podría ser de otra manera la llegada a Francia se caracterizó por una huelga general portuaria. Por lo que tuvimos que salir unas horas antes por si acaso nos afectaba.

      El puerto de La Havre se encuentra a una hora de Rouen, la capital de la región Normandía. No tenía grandes expectativas sobre este puerto y pensaba quedarme en Le Havre, pero al final en el último momento cambie de planes y cogí un tren hacia Rouen. Cuánto me alegro de haberlo hecho.

      Rouen es una ciudad preciosa, al puro estilo francés. En la que aparentemente llueve bastante y así fue, día pasado por agua pero igualmente disfruté mucho.

      Nada más llegar decidí ir a tomar un tentempié a una Charcuterie y organizar un poco el día investigando que ver. Mientras deleitaba quesos y embutidos franceses me encontré con la sorpresa de que la ciudad era famosa mayoritariamente por Juana de Arco. Y toda la ciudad estaba repleta de conmemoraciones, fotos, museos dedicados a ella.

      Juana de Arco fue una heroína francesa que con tal sólo 17 años puso en jaque al poderoso ejército inglés en una de las etapas más convulsas del siglo XV. Sus orígenes humildes, una campesina de Domrémy, no fueron impedimento para que, inspirada por mandato divino, liberara el sitio de Orleans de manos de los ingleses. Una importante victoria que permitió en 1429 la coronación de Carlos VII de Francia. Dicen que más tarde fue traicionada por Carlos Vll ya que no hizo nada para evitar su muerte y ejecución debido a la acusación por parte de los ingleses de brujería, herejía, travestismo, y tenencia de armas.

      Durante los juicios Juana se mantuvo elocuente e ingeniosa frente a los jueces. Una vez le preguntaron si estaba segura de estar en la gracia de Dios; si contestaba que no, reconocía ser una falsaria, mientras que si decía que sí, afirmaba estar fuera del juicio de la Iglesia; de manera que Juana contestó: «Si no estoy en ella [en la gracia], que Dios me ponga, y si lo estoy, que me mantenga».

      Juana de Arco no se retractó, sino que reafirmó sus revelaciones. La mañana del 30 de mayo de 1431, hace 582 años, fue atada a una estaca y quemada viva en la plaza del Mercado Viejo de Ruán, al noroeste de Francia, y sus cenizas fueron arrojadas al río Sena.

      Pude pasear por sus calles, ver la catedral, el reloj, la plaza donde asesinaron a Juana de Arco… Un día muy completo. El viaje en tren entre Le Havre y Rouen es muy bonito, ya que atraviesa zonas de campo y pequeños pueblos.

      Quizás los franceses al tener tantos referentes revolucionarios como Juana de Arco y momentos históricos como la Revolución Francesa han mamado ese espíritu justiciero. De ahí el lema "Libertad, Igualdad, Fraternidad" que se proclamo por primera durante la Revolución francesa.

      Ha sido un placer Normandía,

      Próximo destino Inglaterra, Londres !!
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    • Day 26

      Le Havre

      April 21 in France ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Le Havre die Stadt aus Beton, aber auf ihre eigene Art schön

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, Place de l'Hotel de Ville

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