Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville - Esplanade de la Libération

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    • Dag 35

      Paris Jazzzzzz

      6. mars, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      I arrived in Paris just in time to reach the next home exchange in the 11e arrondissement, very conveniently situated near Finola's flat and the musician's hotel.
      I stocked up on groceries and set off to meet Finola for the concert at the famous Duc de Lombards. Quite the honour to be invited by the musicians!Les mer

    • Dag 81

      Paris, France (Day 3)

      25. oktober 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      What we did:
      - Slept in, of course, because why not. Our vacation days are sadly dwindling. Europe doesn’t do breakfast so we found another delicious American brunch spot and plotted our day!
      - After brunch we headed off on our tourist journey. We took the metro across town and started at the “Arc de Triomph”. Cool to see how large the roundabout is with the offshoots across Paris from it, but at the end of the day it is just a stone gate so we moved on fairly quickly
      - Walked down the Champs-Elysees strip of stores and parks. Then made it to the massive “Jardin des Tuileres” where we wandered through the gorgeous park. Perfect fall time for the leaves changing.
      - We then came up to the Louvre! Like all the other touristy things, tickets were booked out months ago so we didn’t stand a chance against the throngs of people. But let’s be honest, didn’t actually want to go in anyway so this just made us not feel guilty.
      - Continued our walk through the famous fashion house district where Trent scarfed down a pile of pastries and a sandwiches. Steph was unsurprisingly still full from brunch.
      - We then found Sarah’s recommended macaroon store, “Lauderée” and got an assortment of the French delicacy. Steph was unsurprisingly hungry again since desert was in the picture! We took them over to the park and tasted the variety of flavors. Way better than the dry ones in the US, but still pretty overrated
      - Walked along the Seine and called Sally to catch up before their Cabo trip! We loved the views - Paris is cool - we’ve decided.
      - Walked over to Notre Dame and were pleasantly surprised to see how much was still there. There is a massive construction process to rebuild it all by the 24’ olympics.
      - Sufficiently cultured, we headed to grab drinks at a cool cafe in the 3rd arrondissement!
      - Given France’s imperialist past with Vietnam, there is a huge presence of great Vietnamese food so we then headed up to the 11th to enjoy delicious Pho. Probably the best we’ve tried other than what we had when we were visiting Vietnam.
      - Determined to inadvertently walk through the entirety of Paris in a day, we headed up to Montmartre for drinks. Walked by the Moulin Rouge and got Steph her French Crème Brûlée before calling it a night.
      - Awesome day in Paris! Went through 8 of the 17 arrondissements. Guess we needed that calorie burn

      Where we ate:
      - Holybelly in the 10th for breakfast! Steph got pancakes, halloumi and sausage while Trent got eggs benedict, smoked salmon and potatoes. Great cafe créme as well!
      - Trent had French sammy and croissants for lunch at Yannick Martin bakery
      - Absolutely delicious Pho and spring rolls at Dong Houng
      - Crème Brûlée At Café des Deux Moulins in Montmartre

      Fun facts:
      - The Mona Lisa is voted the #1 most overrated thing in Europe
      - We learned that cappuccinos aren’t really a thing in France. They sell them but they are pretty bad. To get as close to a cappuccino as possible you have to order “cafe creme”.
      - The Arc de Triomphe is actually for the tomb of an unknown soldier from WW1 and every single day they relight a fire there
      - Notre Dame fire was likely started by a cigarette. They had a crazy elaborate process over the years to clean it up, stabilize it and rebuild for the olympics
      - Café des Deux Moulins is famous for it’s key scene in Amelie
      Les mer

    • Dag 1

      Paris signatures

      26. oktober 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      A few signatures on paper in a strange Advocates office, on a damp day in Paris, the end of a chapter. Not one I ever wanted to finish so soon. Walking out into the fresh Paris air on a cold autumnal day. One last hug and we parted for the last time. I had mixed feelings of sadness, relief and excitement about the future. Throughout my travels this year, there were days when I thought I just wanted to disappear, it took everything I had not to cry and shrivel into a ball in the corner feeling unworthy. I just wanted to be appreciated for who I was, loved and held just for being me. Isn’t that what everyone wants? I sat and rode my bike with the pain, sobbed and laugh with memories, then pop them like little stones into my top pocket and will continue to carry them with me like small scars. But they are no longer boulders that roll over me, just reminders of the storms I have survived. The darkest times can lead us to the brightest days and the most toxic people can teach us the best lessons. The most painful struggles allowed me the greatest growth and the most heartbreaking of losses made room for more amazing people in my life. Even when it’s scary and tomorrow seemed such a long way away, it took all my strength just to keep going, realising that going back to the past is not an option, the only way was forward, battling the moments, to get back to the path I was meant to travel. I fell into a million pieces, I decided which parts of me to pick back up and rebuild, leaving many parts of me behind that I had outgrown. This is now the phoenix phase, the rebuild of the new, stronger me. The signature on the paper today was societies way of officially ending a chapter, but chapters end before signatures, and ends indicate new beginnings. We are all stronger than we think, but are we brave enough to face the pain head on and make the necessary changes to rebuild ourself. That’s the real scary part and where the real work begins. I will no longer mould to fit where I don’t belong anymore.Les mer

    • Dag 41

      Paris, France

      4. mai 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we headed to Paris. Even though we have been here twice before and hadn’t planned to return again, I was very excited to be here. We changed our plans so we could catch up with Daniel and Alicia when they arrived in Paris at the start of their European holiday.

      With that being our only reason for returning, we were both surprised by how happy we felt to actually be back in Paris. It isn’t a city that has “called for me to return” but walking the Parisian streets, admiring the very Parisian buildings and the feel of the place makes us very happy to be back here.

      We were able to drop off our luggage early and spend the day getting reacquainted with this beautiful city. We started with a simple, and delicious, French breakfast that brought back so many memories from our previous visits.

      After an afternoon spent at the cemetery (more to follow) we ended the night with dinner at an Italian restaurant, not what we thought we would end up doing but we were tired and the food looked good. Thankfully it was and we didn’t regret our choice. After dinner we thought we would have a quick walk to the river for a look but with Brad navigating we walked for half an hour in the complete wrong direction. We were only a six minute walk from the water when we started our evening stroll. Needless to say we gave up and I lead us back to our hotel as it was finally getting dark. We will see the river tomorrow.
      Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Hôtel de Ville

      19. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Der Morgen begrüßt und mit Regen. Wir lassen uns von den paar Tropfen nicht irritieren. Am Hôtel de Ville angekommen ist der Himmel auch schon wieder blau.
      Julia findet die Post. Leider eigentlich geplante Bus fährt heute nicht zum Eiffelturm. Also wieder zurück zur Metro.Les mer

    • Dag 37

      Paris walking tour

      8. mars, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Sleep deprived but hungry for some culture I went on a walking tour where I made a new friend from Finland to roam around with.
      As usual, it was amazing to get some historical context of Paris throughout the ages. Île de Paris, Notre-Dâme, Saine Chapelle, Flower Market, La conciergrie, Le Louvre, Les Tuilleries, Place de la Concorde, etc.
      After a visit to the Petit Palais we went for a tasty afternoon meal of french onion soup and red wine!
      Les mer

    • Dag 8


      27. september 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Ich war für 2 Tage in Paris. Ich fuhr über 5h mit dem Auto. War nicht Nachhaltig. Ich war für 2 Nächte im Hotel Belmara City. Ich konnte die Stadt sehr gut sehen für 2 Tagen. Ich ging meistens zu Fuss. Am 1 Tag habe ich sofort der Eifelturm gesehen, das Kunstmuseum Louvre. Ich ging dann was essen im Hotel.
      Am 2 Tag ging ich früh am Morgen essen wie z.B der beliebte Croissant. Tagsüber sah ich noch viele andere Sehenswürdigkeiten. Am Abend sah der Eifelturm am schönsten aus.
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    • Dag 3

      HÔTEL DE Ville

      8. juni 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Das Hôtel de Ville ist ein Ort von dem eine große politische Macht ausgeht, da dort der Sitz des Pariser Rates ist und gleichzeitig ist er auch ein Ort, der ein hohes Ansehen genießt, da dort die Gäste des Bürgermeisters empfangen werden. Das Rathaus von Paris ist heute das größte Gemeindegebäude Europas.Les mer

    • Dag 2


      17. september 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Our stopover in Hanoi was smooth. It was about 3 hours and I managed to find myself in a business lounge for about an hour of that time, which was pleasant, although Asian spicy food at 2am is never fantastic.
      The second flight on Vietnam Air was 12 hours long and I slept spasmodically.
      On arriving in Paris it was efficient through immigration and customs and then onto the RER train to Gare de Nord. From there we changed to the metro to catch a train to Richard Lenoir station, near where we
      had booked an Airbnb.
      Steve, Sandy and I dropped our bags at a Nannybag where we could leave them till we could get into our accommodation.
      Then we walked through the neighbourhood to the Bastille markets, which are a magic outdoor markets full of quality French food and other things. We bought some pastries, baguettes and dips and enjoyed a little picnic in the market.
      We then walked past the Bastille monument and towards the Marais district.
      We explored a 400 year old church within throwing distance of the Bastille, admired some patisseries, and then walked through the picturesque Place de Vosges, with its art galleries, restaurants, historic buildings and beautiful garden. Victor Hugo’s house is also a museum in the unique aristocratic neighbourhood.
      We then walked through the Jewish neighbourhood and visited some Jewish shops, and bought some Yiddish traditional food, including a vegetable borek.
      We visited the Museum Carnevalet which is a museum about the history of Paris which has only been recently opened after a renovation lasting at least five years. It is located in a beautiful building built be Louise IV and a real feature of Paris. The museum was free entry and well worth visiting.
      Afterwords we went just across the road into an exhibit of design in an old library which was worth visiting just for its historical maps and books.
      It was great just wandering through the neighbourhoods of Paris on a quiet Sunday morning.
      Les mer

    • Dag 62


      12. april 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Insgesamt 35 Tage Frankreich sind mit Paris zuende gegangen. Ein gutes letztes Ziel, oder?
      (Und jetzt viel Spaß mit den nächsten 5 Bildern vom Eifelturm die die Welt noch gebraucht hat.)

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    Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville - Esplanade de la Libération, Place de l'Hotel-de-Ville - Esplanade de la Liberation, Place de Grève

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