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  • Day 167

    Antalya —> Kaş

    August 31, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    This morning, we left Antalya and had a big travel morning to the town of Demre. On the way, we made a surprise stop to take some photos from the side of the road of ancient cave tombs from 5 to 3 BC.

    We had lunch in Demre and then explored the small town. We passed across the front of the St Nicholas church (St Nicholas was originally from this town) and then explored the market which had lots of St Nicholas themed souvenirs!

    We then made our way to the port where we boarded our boat for the afternoon and evening. We set off around 2pm and didn’t get back to land until 8pm!

    We had so much fun exploring the Mediterranean peninsula and made a few stops where we were able to jump off the boat and swim for a bit. We enjoyed trying out different dives and jumps from the top storey and playing games and having drinks on the boat. We even passed some cool islands and an underwater ancient city.

    We then made one final stop where we had a delicious dinner of fish cooked on the back of the boat which was delicious! After this, we sang Hazal happy birthday and enjoyed some delicious Turkish delights and Baklava.

    We made our way back to port where we then drove to our new hotel in Kaş, checked in and then went out to explore/have drinks because it was our tour guide’s birthday! The town is very lively and a tourist hotspot. The harbour is very nice and there are plenty of companies selling tickets for various boat tours.

    We had some drinks and chatted at a beautiful bar overlooking the harbour until after midnight. The town was still so busy with market stores, jewellery and clothes shops still open after midnight!
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