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Top 10 Travel Destinations Antalya
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    • Day 1

      1. Day Antalya (at Night)

      August 9, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Unfortunately, due to the delay of the SunExpress flight, we arrived shortly after midnight and could no longer use the metro. So we went to the bus station at the airport. Once there, we first got an AntalyaKart. There are two cards, one for one-time use, very suitable if you only want to get to your destination, and one for permanent use. The difference is that the first card is made of paper and the second is made of plastic.

      We took line 600 to Yener Ulusoy Station and then 10 minutes walk to our accommodation.

      Unfortunately, the accommodation is a flop. It is clean but very dingy and somehow uncomfortable.

      A small highlight of the night was the Sampiyon Corbasi, which makes incredibly good Turkish soups.
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    • Day 2

      2. Day Antalya I

      August 10, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Early in the morning, I went to the hairdresser to have my beard done again. I came across a Berber called Ali who calls his shop Klasmen 07. Nice, friendly hairdresser who knows his trade.

      Later I went with Theresa to 7 Mehmet to meet friends who happened to be on holiday near Antalya. It was very nice! We talked and laughed a lot. We would like to thank Heidrun and Trish again for the wonderful day. The 7 Mehmet made every effort to make our stay in their restaurant as comfortable as possible. The food was delicious!

      Later, we went to Antalya Bay and the bazaar together and had a look at everything.
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    • Day 2

      2. Day Antalya II

      August 10, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      In the evening, Theresa and I went to our Corbasi again and it was incredibly delicious. I can recommend the Tavuk, Iskembe and Mercimek soup with a clear conscience.

      Since Theresa was too tired, I went to the nightlife district alone and went to a bar to watch the Super Cup final between Real Madrid and Eintracht Frankfurt. Unfortunately we lost. Despite everything, I met nice people again.Read more

    • Day 3

      3. Day Antalya (Departure to Kas)

      August 11, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      To be honest, we didn't really like Antalya on the whole. It was too hot and crowded and the flat was anything but a reason to stay. That's why we decided to go to Kas at short notice.

      We still say, thank you Antalya!

      We got on the T2 in Kali Kapi and went to the last stop Müze. From there, we took the T3 to Batigar, where the Otogar (Turkish: bus station) is located, and then the bus directly to Kas. The journey took about 4 hours and cost the equivalent of 6-7 € per person.
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    • Day 1

      1. Day Kas I

      August 11, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      After the hustle and bustle of Antalya, we were in the mood for peace and nature and decided on a Tiny House on the outskirts of Kas. The house is located in a forest 2 km from Kas. The bus driver kindly let us off 100 m from our accommodation.

      Our Tiny House is a jewel and we were immediately thrilled.

      Since we didn't want to waste any time, we went shopping and stocked up for the next three days.
      In the evening we grilled, had a great dinner and let the fire burn until the morning hours.
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    • Day 2

      2. Day Kas (Trip to Blue Lagoon) I

      August 12, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Today we decided without further ado to go to Ölüdeniz to the blue lagoon. We had seen the pictures before and were very interested. At first we thought it was some kind of national park, but it was not. The blue lagoon is a tourist overcrowded place, which has very nice corners, but in the end it is too crowded. There is the Mediterranean side and the inner lagoon side. The Mediterranean side is free and therefore overcrowded with tourists. The inner lagoon side has pay beaches and clubs and comes across as very dignified and beautiful. We chose the second option, which was incredibly fun. Cool off, sunbathe, have a drink and enjoy the peace and quiet.

      To the drive! We walked into town to Kas along the piers and just past the mosque was the Otogar. From there we took a bus to Fethiye. When we arrived in Fethiye we stood at the nearest bus stop and took the dolmus to Ölüdeniz. The last stop was the blue lagoon.
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    • Day 7

      Dag 7- Cappadocia en pad na Antalya

      August 12, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Ek dink ons ervaar iewers iets in ons lewe wat mens doodeenvoudig nie in woorde kan beskryf, of foto's vasvang nie. Lugballon ry in Cappadocia is een so ervaring! Die bussie het ons reeds 03:30 opgetel en dus was dit 'n BAIE vroeë oggend vir ons! Ons is toe na die plek waar die vlug begin. Dis nogal 'n storie om die hele ding aan die gang te kry en dis MASSIEF! Ons is toe nou op ons vlug... Definitief een van die hoogtepunte in ons albei se lewens! Daarna is ons terug hotel toe, gou ons laaste goedjies gepak en in die kar gelaai en toe ontbyt gaan eet by die hotel. Die Groentoer se bussie het ons toe daar opgetel na ontbyt. Ons gids vir die dag was baie oulik en die bussie het darm aircon ingehad. Ons toer het begin by die Selime Katedraal, waar die Christene baie baie baie jare gelede 'n kerk, kapel, kombuis, en al daai dinge hoog in 'n berg in die grotte uitgekap het. Dis ongelooflik om dit te beleef! Van daar af is ons na die Ihlara Vallei toe. Dit is die grootste kloof in die wêreld wat deur mense bewoon word. So daar is ons toe nou die honderde trappies af, na een van die kerkies in die berg toe, wat uitbeeldings van Daniël in die leeukuil, Maria, Josef en Jesus, die Wyse manne en so aan op die dak het. Dit is wel al baie afgehaal en beskadig. Van daar is ons al met die rivertjie af. Ons het aan die einde van ons stappie middagete geëet. Oppad bussie toe het twee Turke begin baklei en ons was sommer geskok! Mekaar met stoele gegooi en alles! Gelukkig het die een toe op sy bromponie gespring en daar is dit toe darm verby! Ons is toe na die ondergrondse stad toe. Die Christene het dit gebou, na die Romeine gesê het dat indien enige een 'n Christen sien, hulle hulle lewend kan brand of self vasbind en los vir die wilde diere om te eet. Die Christene het dus die streek gekies om in te bly, aangesien al die berge en rotse dieselfde lyk. Hulle het toe ook die ondergrondse stad begin "ontwikkel" die eerste twee vloere vir skuiling vir die diere en stoorplek vir die kos. Die temperature is gereguleerd onder die grond en dit help die diere in die baie warm en baie koud! Verder het hulle nog 5 vloere ondertoe ontwikkel, wat so gemaak is dat as die Romeine kom om hulle aan te val, hulle 'n groot klip voor die "ingang" rol, wat die Romeine nie kon skuif nie en hulle dan verder daar binne gebly het. Daar is kerke, kombuise, luggate en selfs begrafplase daar binne. Hulle het vir maande of selfs jare aan een daar binne gebly, wanneer hulle onder die aanval was. Na ons deur dit was, het ons gou by die Duiwe Vallei gestop. Duiwe vorm 'n baie belangrike deel vir die streek, aangesien die duiwe poef gebruik word as bemesting. Hulle het klomp gaatjies uit die klip vir die duiwe uitgekap as hokkies. Ons is van daar af gou Spice Bazaar toe, waar alles vrek duur was! Ons is toe hotel toe en het in die kar gespring om Antalya toe te ry. Mens ry 'n goeie amper 7 ure aan 500 km. Oorspronklik was die pad vreeslik mooi en alles het goedgegaan. Damian het lekker bestuur en ek lekker geslaap... En toe, 'n hele pas wat net grondpad was! Sonder bordjies of enige iets! Ons het dit toe nou gelukkig oorleef en so 01:00 hier aangekom... Ek toe dadelik bed toe!

      Al ons groete en liefde!♡
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    • Day 145

      Travel day

      August 13, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      Miles: 2.0 Steps: 4522
      Flight stairs: 9

      Nothing exciting today - left Cappadocia early for a flight to Antalya, but first ended up back in Istanbul again!! Funny how airlines work. Antalya is on the southern coast of Turkey. We’re outside the city by about 30 min because I wasn’t using my head when I booked it. So, now we’ll just deal with it.

      We’re back to pools and beaches for a bit - cause why not when you’re in Turkey and it’s 85-90° with 75-80% humidity. We hit the pool when we got in today and it was very nice. Just a basic little hotel with food provided that we’re staying in - nothing fancy, but it’s nice.

      Went down to see the beach after dinner, but it was odd - completely private apparently and closed off for as far as we could see. Used only for restaurants at night, and can only access it if you’re eating there. Come the morning I guess we can get to it. ???
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    • Day 8

      Dag 8 - Antalya

      August 13, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Aangesien ons bitter min slaap ingekry het die afgelope paar dae met ons besige skedules, het ons 'n heerlike, stadige Saterdag gehad... Ons het bietjie laat geslaap, geen alarms of enige plek om te wees nie. Toe ons klaar opgestaan en klaar gemaak het, het ons die strate ingevaar. Ons het lekker rondgeloop en na die klomp winkeltjies gekyk. Ons is toe na die "Old Bazaar" toe, waar ons rondgekyk het en toe sommer vir ons handdoeke gekoop het. Van daar af is ons Old City toe, waar die stad begin het. Dit is nou gevul met klomp klein winkeltjies, waardeur ons gestap het. Ons het na die toring gaan kyk en is toe sommer daar by 'n klein museumpie in. Dit was ongelooflik warm en ek was seker daarvan dat ons gaan sterf van hitte uitputting! Dit was rerig erg! Haha! So toe stap ons stadig aan terug na ons hotel se kant toe. Ons stop toe gou eers by die mall, want orals sien ons advertensies van Nutella roomys en aangesien dit deesdae Damian se gunsteling is, moes ons dit opspoor! Dit was toe nou nie in die Mall nie, maar ons het toe gou middagete gekry en is toe huistoe vir 'n middagslapie en die rugby. Dis nogal 'n storie om in die land te probeer rugby kyk. Na die rugby het ons Land of the Legends toe gegaan, waar ons gesien het almal wag om die fontein vir wat ons gedink het 'n water vertoning gaan wees. Groot was ons teleurstelling toe dit na 40 minute se wag 'n kindervertoning met 'n beer was! Ons loop toe maar deur, dis vrek mooi daar, maar alles is ONGELOOFLIK duur daar. Ons wou oorspronklik aandete daar eet, maar het besluit teen daai prys mag ons dalk bankrot daar uitstap. Ons het toe maar die liggies en kasteel gaan kyk en toe gery om kos te soek. Aangesien dit net voor 12 die aand was, was daar nie rerig baie plekke oop nie en is ons toe by die Mc Donald's in. Hulle kos proe rerig nog anders as ons sin ook! Dis baie opvallend dat die Turke MAL oor tamatie is, aangesien daar tamatie in amper elke dis is, maar dit was vir my ook baie duidelik toe ek sien dat saam hulle Happy Meals, jy 'n bygereg van Cocktail tamaties kan vat! Van daar is ons toe oppad huistoe, toe ons verby die Nutella roomys plek ry! Dadelik 'n U-draai gemaak en gaan roomys koop! Ek bedoel, watse roomys winkel is inelkgeval nog oop 00:45? Die roomys was baie lekker en boonop nog goedkoop ook! Twee sugar cones, met twee scopes elk, was so R28 saam... Ons was gelukkig! Van daar is ons toe nou Hotel toe en terug in die kooi!
      Al ons groete en liefde!♡
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    • Day 3

      3. Day Kas (Boat Cruise Kaleköy) I

      August 13, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      On the penultimate day of our departure to Ankara, we took another boat trip and visited the island of Kekova. The partially sunken ruins of the ancient city of Dolichiste are not to be missed if you happen to be in the area.

      Destroyed by an earthquake in the 2nd century AD, the site was rebuilt during the Byzantine era but later abandoned. Another quake - probably in the 10th century - caused most of the ruins to be submerged today. In the northwest of the island, there was a shipyard (Turkish: Tersane) in the ancient village of Xera.

      The Kekova region also includes Üçagiz (ancient Teimiussa) on the nearby mainland, the ancient town of Aperlai and the small coastal town of Kaleköy, which was built on ancient Simena.

      We visited all these islands, could visit the castle in Kaleköy and swim in 6 different sea bays and lagoons.

      The trip included lunch, fruit in the afternoon and cay (Turkish tea). We paid 450 Lt. per person, which is the equivalent of 22-24€.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Antalya, Propinsi Antalya, أنطاليا, ܐܢܛܐܠܝܐ, Antalya ili, Анталья, Правінцыя Анталья, Анталия, Província dAntalya, پارێزگای ئانتالیا, Antalijská provincie, Επαρχία Αττάλειας, Provinco Antalya, Provincia de Antalya, Antalya provints, Antalya probintzia, استان آنتالیا, Antalyan maakunta, Antalya Praant, Անթալիայի նահանգ, Provinsi Antalya, アンタルヤ県, ანთალიის პროვინცია, Antalya walayati, 안탈리아 주, Attalea, Antalijos provincija, Antaljas ils, Анталија, अंताल्या प्रांत, Wilayah Antalya, Provinsen Antalya, Антали, ਅੰਤਾਲਿਆ ਸੂਬਾ, آنتالیا صوبہ, Antália, Provincia Antalya, Intara y’Antalya, Antalya Province, Antalya eanangoddi, Provinca Antalia, Mkoa wa Antalya, Вилояти Анталия, Antalýa, Lalawigan ng Antalya, ئانتاليا ۋىلايىتى, صوبہ انطالیہ, ანთალიაშ პროვინცია, 安塔利亚省

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