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    • Giorno 45


      23 luglio 2023, Germania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Day 44:
      Distance: 38.07 km (1,451.53 km)
      Steps: 54,341 (2,071,832)
      Move time: 8h40 (321h21)
      Spend: £0.00 (£670.06)

      🇩🇪 Biberach an der Riß to Memmingen. 🇩🇪

      After sleeping rough following Schützenfest, I awoke to find the odd local grazing the aftermath of the celebrations. And you know what they were doing? I wondered why everyone in Germany loved recycling so much, and I think I've finally figured out why. Somehow, the promise of payment exists for recycling certain items, of which one is clearly glass bottles. And so, with the sunlight still tentative, locals came bumbling about to collect as many glass bottles as they could physically carry. The walking that followed those odd scenes was much more regular to me though, or at least up until the part where it felt like every footstep I placed was pure agony (I don't know why, and I've been toning down the distance lately, but fuck did it hurt). Anyway, I am blessed for the evening as I've had the sheer pleasure of being hosted by Vasile in the Bavarian city of Memmingen. Vasile is a Moldovan who has lived all over the continent and had a whole load of interesting perspectives to discuss, as well as just being a completely sound guy. He helped me out big time too; cooking me dinner, helping me to wash my clothes, and even giving me an extensive tour of the old town.Leggi altro

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