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    • Tag 102

      Denmark —> Munster, Germany

      27. Juni 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      The day that will forever be remembered as train (failure) day! We were supposed to end up in Amsterdam around 10pm after 3 trains (and 12 hours) but only managed to make it about 3/4 of the way after 4 trains (in around 15 hours)!!

      Train 1 - Copenhagen to Flensburg:
      We arrived at the station 30min before our supposed train time at 9:30am, only to find that our train had departed 30min early for no apparent reason! Thankfully, we were able to get on the next train 2 hours later which would have got us to Amsterdam around midnight with the right connections - that’s when the real problems started!! We were supposed to go to Hamburg in Germany but as we approached the Denmark/Germany border about 2 hours in, we were told that the train staff weren’t trained to drive the train in Germany so we had to get off at Flensburg, just inside the German border (very strange excuse!!)

      Train 2 - Flensburg to Neumunster:
      We were slightly late into Flensburg and so had to wait approx 40min for the next train. This train actually did come on time, however, the schedule showed the train going through to Hamburg but it terminated mid-way and we had to get off and change trains. We stood for this whole 2 hour train squashed up against the doors with our bags.

      Train 3 - Neumunster to Hamburg:
      The train from Neumunster arrived on time, however due to the backlog of people throughout the German train system, each stop took much longer as people were getting on and off. There were a number of reasons stated for the delays such as medical emergencies, people being on the tracks and repair work. We had to stand for this whole hour train and got separated so we were sending each other strange WhatsApps trying to figure out what was going on. We ended up arriving into Hamburg late and so we needed to catch a later train towards Amsterdam.

      Train 4 - Hamburg to Munster:
      This is where we knew we were doomed. We actually got on a train and then got off the train before it departed once it started showing we wouldn’t be in Amsterdam until 6am tomorrow! We jumped on another train, and at this point we were just aiming to get as close to Amsterdam as we possibly could before finding accommodation for the night. The 2 hour train journey was fine as we actually had a seat on this one - which was a relief after running around with our backpacks on across stations all day (and sometimes wearing them on trains)! We watched some Netflix and, as there was a cafe on board, we decided to reward our efforts of the day with our first German beer on the train!

      We made it to the German city of Munster (1hr 30min after the train was supposed to arrive), went to the rail information desk to get tickets for the next day and managed to get accommodation at the Ibis Budget around midnight, so we could have a quick nap before needing to be up to catch our 5am train to finish our journey to Amsterdam.

      This definitely wasn’t the way we intended to spend our first night in Germany on the trip but all part of the fun of travelling!

    • Tag 18

      Jour de repos a Münster

      17. Mai in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Waschen - cour d'histoire avec Rainer - Gasflasche kaufen - stadtcafé 1648 au 11ème - horloge astrologique dans le dom - Bauernbiomarkt am Freitag - Lmag finden - promenade des remparts - concert (politique) des etudiants devant le château - Hafenkäserei - cinema en francais!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 5

      Day 3 - Münster/Metrobar

      7. Oktober 2019 in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Today was great. We woke up in the freezing cold house where they made us a nice breakfast. Apparently Germans like salami in the morning. We had coffee and I noticed it tasted off. That’s when Thomas took a sip and spit it all out. The milk was completely gone. We then drove to Münster where Thomas lives to get to his place

      There we met his wife Anya and his very scared dog Stella. We had a soup and some kind of pretzel looking cookies common during Christmas time here. They weren’t sweet, but like a pumpernickel or something inside.

      The gig was very close. We got there and had to avoid bicyclists constantly driving passed us on the sidewalk. It was a Little Rock music based bar. There we had some kind of nacho chips and a green dip that really didn’t taste like guacamole.

      The gig was fun. Kai Strauss, Erkhan, and other local musicians were all there. During the second set they all sat in and I played harmonica until the last song. Afterwards we packed up and I talked to Kai about how he went to see KISS recently. Then headed to a place open late that serves roasted chickens.

      When we got there Kai and some others were there. After midnight the chicken meal is 7 euros so we all got that. Some of the best chicken I’ve ever had. Most people walked out of there paying 10-12 euros. It was awesome.

      Afterward we drove back but went down a one way so we had to back up a huge trailer quite a ways. Then we were up for a short while (at least Andrew and I).

      Today Belgium!

    • Tag 44

      Au revoir France; Hallo Deutschland

      18. Mai 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      It was sadly time to say goodbye to Paris and France…
      Unfortunately we had a last minute panic when we realised a) that Deutsche Bahn didn’t have an office in the station so we couldn’t use the discount from Sydney Trains 🤔☹️ and b) there we no more trains to Münster that day…at least not from that station 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ (edit: heard back from DB today - 9/6/23 - with a confirmation of the discount we asked for in March to use in May…German efficiency!)

      However, with some rapid internet searching and a “short” walk with all our bags through Paris, we were finally off…via Brussels and Cologne to Münster.

      One bonus of the…extended…version of getting to our next destination was plenty of time for homework both for the girls and the parents.
      It also meant we got to see the wonderful sights of Hamm…picturesque…especially at 10pm.

      However, it was all worth it the next day when we got to catch up with the wonder K-Boom and meet Simon (woo woo, Karolin’s got a boyfriennnd!)

      Karolin and Kylie had teed up a ride around Münster which really quite a lovely city with an interesting history.

      It was Father’s Day in Germany and we were worried we’d taken Karolin and Simon away from their families. However, they told us the tradition for Father’s Day in Munster is basically an excuse for a piss up for anyone who is a Dad or, basically, male. We saw loads of ‘dads’ trips with crates of beer and jolly Dads. Apparently Mother’s Day was when you got together with family. Raw deal (for some).

      We hired some bikes and started our ride around the old city walls stopping and looking around at modern sculptures and old towers and stately mansions, statues of famous authors (Baroness Anna Elisabeth Franziska Adolphine Wilhelmine Louise Maria von Droste zu Hülshoff) and beautiful lakes and parklands.

      We stopped at a reconstruction of an old Westphalian village (Freilichtmuseum Mühlenhof) for lunch (snags in bread, or “wurst” as their called - even though they were the best, and yummy cake) and managed to squeeze in our first German beer 🍺
      There was a fair on in the village and we got to watch sheep being shorn, wool being prepared and spun. We even got to visit an old school house where School Mitress Ariah taught the class with a firm but caring hand 📏

      After a bit more of a ride it was time for a pub and good German meal (MEAT!!) along with a quick game of Queens which I think confused the crap out of poor Simon but delighted Ariah.

      Great day.

    • Tag 12

      A Münster day of shopping

      12. August 2023 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today is the story of two guys, David & Peter, who spent the day traipsing behind our wives as they moved from shop to shop in the large city of Münster. It is a testimony to the love and dedication we feel for our respective spouses that we can exercise such patience and understanding, and wait outside shops holding bags while our better halves move from counter to counter. And at the end of the day they are happy even if they have not bought much despite the hours of shopping.
      After the main city centre shopping it was off to the markets and some more informal shopping and street food.
      For the guys some of the day was boring hanging around the shops, but overall it was interesting to see a new city and spend time with our friends.
      Once home David fired up the BBQ for some steaks and salads on the balcony to finish off a great day.

    • Tag 8


      12. Juni 2019 in Deutschland ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Na een goede nachtrust vervolgen we om 8.45 uur onze vaartocht, we varen nu over het Dortmund Ems- kanaal, (225,8 kilometer lang) eveneens een belangrijke route tussen de Rijn en de zeehavens Bremen en Hamburg en een veel gebruikte route richting Berlijn.
      Hoewel aanvankelijk de zon schijnt verdwijnt deze al snel en wordt de lucht egaal grijs.
      Het landschap aan beide oevers is licht glooiend met uitgestrekte korenvelden, afgewisseld met boerderijen.
      Het water is turquoise van kleur als gevolg van de kaliumhoudende bodem, plotseling zie ik een rode Wouw boven het korenveld zweven: een prachtig gezicht!
      Aan het einde van de morgen begint het zachtjes te regenen, maar het duurt niet lang of de regen komt met bakken uit de hemel.
      Om 13.00 uur naderen we Münster en gaan we regenkleding aantrekken, in de stromende regen leggen we onze boten aan en gaan snel naar binnen om te lunchen.
      Münster is een grote stad in de deelstaat Noord-Rijnland- Westfalen met 270.000 inwoners en is met zo'n 50.000 studenten een levendige (universiteit)stad.
      In 1648 werd hier de vrede van Münster getekend waardoor de Tachtigjarige oorlog werd beëindigd en de erkenning van de onafhankelijkheid door Spanje een feit werd.

    • Tag 8


      12. Juni 2019 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Om bij te komen van de natte aankomst gisteren in de haven van Münster zijn we 's avonds met elkaar gaan eten bij Willy's favoriete Italiaanse restaurant , ook wij vonden het geweldig lekker kleine porties waar Willy voor waarschuwde...dat zijn we niet met hem eens.
      Het was was een super gezellige avond!

    • Tag 9

      Ligdag vervolg...

      13. Juni 2019 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Omdat Münster een prachtige stad is én omdat er voor de komende twee dagen proviand ingeslagen moet worden blijven wij vandaag liggen. Als we wakker worden schijnt de zon uitbundig!
      Volgens afspraak gaan 4 dames en twee heren om 11.00 uur boodschappen doen o.a. voor de BBQ die we morgen bij aankomst willen houden, de weersvoorspelling is goed, nu maar hopen dat de weergoden zich daar aan houden.

      De volgende activiteit start om 14.00 uur, onder leiding van Monique maken een groot aantal toervaarders een stadswandeling door Münster. Het is een flinke wandeling, maar zeer de moeite waard!
      Gelukkig zijn er veel uitnodigende terrassen....

    • Tag 2

      Weihnachtsmarkt die Zweite

      9. Dezember 2016 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Ich finde ja ein Weihnachtsmarkt ist einfach nicht genug. Deshalb gingen wir auch in Münster munter auf die Suche nach den selben.

      Gefunden haben wir gleich Fünf. Konnten wir tagsüber die Waren an den Standln noch ohne viel Gedränge begutachten, so freuten wir uns dennoch schon auf den Abend. Denn im Dunkeln versprühen die Märkte mit ihren vielen funkelnden Lichtern erst so richtig ihren verzaubernden Charme.

      Auch kulinarisch wurde wieder ausgiebig probiert. So genossen wir den landestypischen Grünkohl mit Kartoffeln und Mettwurst, die fast landestypischen bayrischen Dampfnudeln, einen der an jeder Ecke duftenden Reibekuchen mit Apfelmus und zum Finale einen frisch aus dem Holzofen kommenden Flammkuchen. Prost, Mahlzeit.

    • Tag 2

      Schönes Münster

      9. Dezember 2016 in Deutschland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Ich finde ja vor lauter Düsseldorfer Weihnachtsmärkte sollte man sein eigentliches Ziel nicht aus den Augen verlieren. Drum ging es heute im Sauseschritt weiter nach Münster.

      Das Städtchen ist auf jeden Fall einen Ausflug wert. Historische Häuserfronten, Kopfsteinpfaster, ein paar tausend Studenten und geschätzte 3 Millionen Fahrräder säumen das Straßenbild der kompakten, wunderschönen Altstadt.

      Natürlich durfte auch ein Besuch der Universität nicht fehlen. Diese ist äußerst nöblich in einem ehemaligen Schloss untergebracht. Aber so sehr wir uns auch bemühten, Professor Boerne war heute einfach nicht zu finden. :)

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Münster, Muenster, مونستر, Горад Мюнстэр, Мюнстер, Μύνστερ, Munster, מינסטר, FMO, ミュンスター, მიუნსტერი, 뮌스터, Monasterium, Miunsteris, Minstere, Mönster, Минстер, 明斯特

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