The MediaHarbor

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    • Jour 48

      A Day in D'Dorf

      7 juillet 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today we got up and decided to head to Aldi to see what we could grab for breakfast. We found all my favourite foods and there was a massive range of pastries to choose from. We got 2 each and headed back to the apartment. We then headed to a river cruise along the Rhine. We got a nice seat on the top level, it was a beautiful day. The cruise was only an hour but we got to see some of the city and Erin got a beer.
      We then visited tourist information to see if there were any must see spots. We got some old school maps and headed back to make our own plan. We headed towards the art gallery K21. It was an interesting experience... There was potentially more security guards than art work and majority of the work was different. There were a few really good exhibits but some were very weird including animations of people crying, drawings that looked like they were done by 5 year olds and photos of mountains. Please see the video of my favourite art piece though. We also went into a paid exhibition accidentally which was the one we enjoyed most ironically.
      Next we walked to the parliament building and past these cool apartment buildings. We stopped for lunch and Erin had the worlds biggest schnitzel. We then walked along the Rhine promenade and saw where they were doing the pole vaulting. Back in the main town the 3x3 basketball tournament had started so we watched one of those games.
      We went back to the accommodation, got changed and headed back out. Erin took me on her own version of a free walking tour and we saw some lovely buildings. She even bought me a beer as you are allowed to open carry here. We found a nice seat overlooking the Rhine and had a beer. We then watched another basketball game while enjoying a beer. The quality of the competition was really good. The amount of people who had embraced the free merch from IMG was incredible, everyone in orange bucket hats or fedoras.
      Next stop was a bar we'd seen earlier which had 2 for 1 cocktails. We had a watermelon cocktail and then a pina colada. They were both very good. Then we had a 1€ shot because yolo.
      We grabbed another beer and sat down to watch a few more games before going for a late snack dinner as we were so full still.
      We had a pretzel and spinach bread dumplings which were delicious. We headed home after this, it was 30 degrees and had been a big walking day!
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    • Jour 8

      Day 6 and 7 Dresden, Germany

      14 décembre 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      The morning (Wednesday) was probably a bit uninteresting but the second half of the afternoon was amazing. We left Weimar for a two hour trip to Leipzig. Now we were in East Germany and a strong contrast to where we had been. Leipzig was a huge city of over 1 million people. The town city was less interesting and lacking the character we had previously seen. We wandered the back streets before investigating the market which was definitely not as good as the others. After a large piece of pizza bread each we were back on the bus heading for Dresden. As we got closer the bus veered off through the narrow streets of a residential area. The hotel was beautiful and after half an hour we were back on the bus, as we were actually 10 kms out of the city.
      Our tour leader walked us to the main markets as there are several spread around. Dresden is an amazing city, characterised by huge dark stoned buildings, many which have actually been rebuilt since the war. And the main Christmas market was the oldest in Germany. While the products on sale were similar to what we’d seen, the stalls themselves were works of art with many having lit up rooftops that were the feature. With our accommodation being outside the city, and no meal provided tonight, we had extra time in town to find dinner. We had a beautiful Italian meal at a very cool restaurant- lasagne and tiramisu. We then made our way back to meet the bus at 7 30.
      Unfortunately the photos do not do justice to the markets as the atmosphere is really also created by the smells, lights, sounds, people and the surrounds. I’ll try to describe the German Christmas markets as they are nothing like NZ markets. Each market is usually set up in an old part of town and the lights and Christmas trees and nativity scenes are a feature, particularly as it starts to get dark at 3 pm! The common features of the markets are the little stalls each manned by very helpful and friendly shop keepers who are not at all pushy. The markets usually have a number of rides for children to go on and some of the ferris wheels and merry- go-rounds have been spectacular and obviously very old. The stalls primarily sell Christmas decorations, wooden ornaments, toys, candles, hats, scarves and gloves. But every market has its own specialties or points of difference. Added to that all markets have many fantastic food stalls, again often specialising in local delicacies such as salami, sausages,( bratwurst) chocolate (meister-klasse) , gingerbread, breads, nuts, popcorn and all have mulled wine. ( gluhwein) The wine is served in souvenir china cups and a refund given if the cup is returned instead of being kept as a momento. The stalls are remarkably clean with no plastic wrapping allowed, and while you do need to pay to use the toilets, they too are kept to a high standard. All the stalls we have visited have been very safe - tourists and families everywhere soaking up the wonderful atmosphere.
      Our second day in Dresden started with a trip to a beautiful part of the region called Meissen. The drive out following the River Elbe passed many historical places including three castles and some vineyards. We stoped for a look at a tiny Christmas market and the atmosphere was so special even though it was drizzling. We ate the most delicious treat yet- a sugary doughnut cooked over a fire- “chimney cake”. We then headed on to the Meissen porcelain factory. It was truly beautiful and the china exquisite. Much and all as we would like to have bought a souvenir they were so expensive so photos will have to do! Our afternoon was a trip to a stollen bakery. The history attached to the bread is so interesting, including the laws that apply to it, and our coffee and sample of the stollen was lovely. Tonight we ate at a German restaurant in Dresden and enjoyed our time away from the tour. It has rained off and on all day but not enough to get really wet or cold. It was however dark at 3 pm. Off to Berlin tomorrow.
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    • Jour 1


      28 mai 2020, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      "Der Neue Zollhof des US-amerikanischen Architekten Frank O. Gehry steht für den Strukturwandel des Düsseldorfer Hafens. Pünktlich zur Jahrtausendwende ergänzte das expressive Gebäudeensemble die Liste der Düsseldorfer Wahrzeichen.

      Gehry schuf drei skulpturale, organisch geformte Bauten, die sich keiner Geometrie unterwerfen und zudem in Materialität, Höhe und Formensprache unterscheiden. Besonders kontrastreich sind die drei Fassaden: Klinker trifft hier auf Edelstahl und strahlend weißen Putz. Doch nicht nur Architekturfreunde kommen am Neuen Zollhof auf ihre Kosten: Zwei Restaurants im Erdgeschoss der Gehry-Bauten, die Meerbar und das Rocca 800 °C, locken auch Feinschmecker an."

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    • Jour 2

      Im Medienhafen

      11 août 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      "Der einstige Rheinhafen hat einen großen Wandel erlebt: wo früher Silos und Lagerhallen die Skyline des Hafengebiets prägten, stehen heute von national und international renommierten Architekten erbaute Gebäudekomplexe. Der Medienhafen beherbergt zahlreiche Unternehmen vor allem aus Medien und Kommunikation, Mode und Architektur sowie Kunst und Kultur. Seinen besonderen Charme verdankt der Hafen der Mischung aus 'neu und alt': die alten Kaimauern, Treppenanlagen und die Gleisanlagen der alten Ladestraße sind noch erhalten und stehen heute unter Denkmalschutz."

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