Kókkinon Nerón

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    • Day 25

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      June 1, 2017 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Aus einem Reiseführer nahmen wir uns die Koordinaten für unseren nächsten Halt. Versteckt zwischen hohen, schattenspendenden Bäumen lag die kleine Bucht namens platia ammos.

      Kaum angekommen wurden wir vom Besitzer des Strandrestaurants mit der herzlichen, griechischen Gastfreundschaft empfangen und mit einer kühlen Erfrischung an den Strand weitergeleitet. Eine halbe Ewigkeit taten wir nichts ausser dem kristallklarem Meer zu lauschen und als die ersten Sterne am Himmel auftauchten gesellten wir uns zu zwei polnischen Mädls und drei Griechen an die Terasse.
      Diesen und auch den darauffolgenden Abend verbrachten wir in dieser gemütlichen Runde und wurden zwischendurch mit Muscheln, frischem Fisch, Meergrassalat und vieles mehr verköstigt.
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    • Day 6

      2,5 hours of digging

      June 26, 2022 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Yesterday evening I looked up my app for sleeping places and found a nice spot at the beach. When I got pulled over by cops (third time in 2 days...) I had to wait for half an hour while they searched my car, showed me nice places to stay and critiqued my chances of a normal job with my tattoos. When they finally took of it was already dark. I went of to the sleeping location through a small rocky road (as usual) and when I came into the open place I got stuck. Apparently there are sandy beaches in Greece and I found it!....

      So at that moment (around midnight) I was like fuck this shit I'm not getting out of here now, I don't see shit outside, I'm just gonna drink some wine and sleep.

      I texted my lord in savior (patrick) if he could help me in the morning with getting out (cuz he my travel guru). When I woke up and he was still sleeping I was like; I can do it myself! Watched a very terrible American video on YouTube and got started with digging the sand away. With my hands ofcourse cuz I forgot my shovel (just like many other things). Slowly cutting my hands open but when I finally was proud of what I did (even put a plastic plank that I found underneath one of the wheels), I started my camper and tried to get out. Ofcouse it didn't work cuz I had no fucking clue of what I was doing.

      Luckily after a while Patrick woke up called me, told me what to do and I started digging again and searching for wood. Couldn't find any wood on the beach but I did find reed. Started getting that and cutting my hands even more open. But after a while I was ready to try again. Patrick gave me some tips to drive and it was working! But not good enough... so after trying and digging and replacing the reeds and trying again a very nice greek man came by and explained in Greek that he was gonna pull me out of there with his car. I'm so thankful for that cuz man this was not a good day of my morning.

      So after 2,5 hours I got out and it was a beautiful beach but I was so traumatized about this that I did not EVER wanted to see that beach again. So I drove 20 minutes to an other beach (with stones), was able to park my camper in the shades (!!!!!) and took myself out for dinner to celebrate getting out of the sand. After that I laid in the sun all day and slept and finally had a good resting day. And boy did i need that, didn't know I could sleep this much all day.

      Really liked this place so I'm still here, gonna sleep here and we will see what tomorrow brings!

      Oh and ofcourse very important. Yesterday I met this cutest little dog from who I earned his trust with treats and love and today I met another white fluffy dog that was to privileged to eat my treats but did really appreciate my love and sat beside my camper for a while, while I gave it all the love it have.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kókkinon Nerón, Kokkinon Neron

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