Plateía Karytsi

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    • Day 11

      Akropolis - Sonnenuntergang & Nacht

      April 11, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Zurück im Hotel konnten wir neben dem tollen Blick auf die Akropolis auch einen sehr schönen Sonnenuntergang bestaunen. In Kombination wirklich unbeschreiblich schön! Am Abend konnten wir dann auch noch die hell beleuchtete Akropolis bestaunen. Alleine dieser Anblick, den wir jetzt jeden Abend haben, ist den Aufpreis fürs Zimmer wert. Deutlich wert! Auch wenn wir heute mit 12.408 Schritten (9,02 Km) nicht so extrem viel gegangen sind, war der Tag durch frühes aufstehen, Autofahren, Fliegen und dann ab in die Metro durchaus lang und anstrengend. Also hieß es zeitnah ins Bett und den Tag mit Serie, bzw. Champions League schauen ausklingen lassen. Morgen steht dann unsere erste richtige Tour durch Athen an. Morgen steht das Zentrum auf dem Plan. Wir freuen uns schon sehr!Read more

    • Day 2


      April 5, 2017 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Woke up several times during the night and had to pee but the toilet is next to one of owners room and I didn't want to wake him. - side note - he smokes a lottttt of weed, he has basically hotboxed his bedroom and I got a whiff every time I went to the loo. Made me feel a little queezy. The streets outside were very loud too.
      We got up at 8 and had left by 8:30 - we decided we would find the meeting place for our tour and then get breakfast. Hadrians arch was about 1km away and easy to find. We had breakfast at some resturant nearby and it made Will feel sick. He got scrambled eggs and they were dripping in butter. I got pancakes and they were pretty shitty too.
      We walked back for the start of our tour and got the tour guide we wanted - her name was Sam and she was originally from South Africa so her accent was easy to understand. She has lived in Greece for 26 years after coming for a 2 week holiday and meeting her husband.
      She was a great guide, very enthusiast and good with dates.
      We saw Hadrians Arch and Zeus temple. (Can't remember exact name but it's right next to the arch) we then walked on and came across an ancient bath they only discovered in 2004. I liked listening to the gross way they use to bathe by shaving their skin off into the water. Next we walked past the gardens which was the athletes village for the modern day Olympic Games - Sam painted a colorful picture of what it would have been like.
      We saw the Olympic stadium, but didn't go in. We plan on doing it another day.
      We went through another garden (there is only 2 in the whole of Athens) - Amalia, the queen and wife of Otto created the garden - seeds from all over the world were brought and planted there - there was also a zoo (mainly ducks and goats for kids), beautiful GINORMOUS bird nests and random parts from old buildings used as decorations. It was pretty.
      Next we went past the prime ministers house / not where he lives but where he works. We were fortunate enough that something special was happening so there was tonnes of security and a special changing of the guard ceremony. It is compulsory is Greece for all males to do Military service. I got photos with a guard; he didn't blink once, was kinda creepy.
      They do this ridiculous walk with Pom poms on their feet and a horse shoe on the bottom of their foot because king Otto was obsessed with horses. We waited for the prime minister/other to arrive but it took too long so we moved on but not before maybe 100 odd soldiers did a walking parade down the street.
      We walked past the House of Parliament and the tomb of the unknown solider which I want to have a closer look at another day and then onto some churches one being the metropolitan cathedral of Athens.
      We saw Hadrians library, the Roman Agora and this beautiful graffiti street. Street art is not illegal here - graffiti is.
      There are heaps of cats, but they seem to be well looked after or at least they haven't been abused. They come happily for pats and arnt scared of people.
      We walked through winding streets with little houses with breathtaking views. We finished our tour and tipped 10€. I found her to be a great guide.
      We had lunch at a resturant nearby.
      There was a cat in the resturant :)
      We tried a Greek entree platter which was actually delicious. The sausage was great.
      Will tried a few beer and he really enjoyed them too. I tried tomato soup for the first time, yum!
      We then started walking down to the acropolis entrance. I fell down the hill and received little sympathy from William, he was highly embarrassed but my knees hurt so much I couldn't stand up so I just sat there for a moment having a little cry lol. I did scrape my knees though so lucky I was wearing pants or it would have been much worse.
      We paid 20€ each to enter the acropolis which was expensive but it is one of the Main sites so..
      what can I say other than it had a lot of broken marble pieces along the paths. The signs unfortunately were mainly in Greek and didn't really describe what we were looking at but talked about its restoration.
      There was a fantastic theatre though and the Parthenon was super duper. Except again, disappointed in the lack of explanation regarding its purpose and how it would have been used.
      "A temple for Athena" doesn't really tell me why it's so significant.
      The rocks where very slippery though when we were walking back down, again, lots of cats and dogs. Will needed to pee really badly and so we stoped in an information center to use the facilities.
      On the toilet door was a sign "please don't put toilet paper in the toilet" ....... gross.
      We then went back home and I was so tired I fell asleep about 5pm without dinner and slept the whole way through. :)

      We found out Coco had been attacked by Zeus/Athena and had to be put down tonight. I feel so, so sad for Coco. The poor little thing. She was such a sweet and happy soul. I'm honestly gutted. I hope the family is ok.
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    • Day 2

      Baba Au Rum

      February 28, 2024 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nummer 25 van beste bars in de wereld! (Zeggen ze)

    • Day 4

      The Clumsies

      March 1, 2024 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nummer 47 van de beste bars van de wereld (zeggen ze)

    • Day 3

      Day 2 Poros Island Day Trip

      September 9, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Took the fast ferry to Poros Island, about an hour from Athens. Enjoyed some brunch, checking out the sights and finally some time swimming in the Ionian Sea!

    • Day 12

      From Delphi to Athens

      June 12, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      In this transition day, we visited the ruins of the Athena temple in Delphi, while the kids were mostly concerned by the humongous amount of insects getting too close. The next stop was a waterfall in a small town called Petra, not much advertised in tourist guides, but which is an oasis of peace to have picnic or BBQ for locals. The last bit of the trip was the arrival to Athens, where we returned the car as soon as possible to avoid the nightmare of city driving and parking. The apartment was cozy and very well located in the center close to the main shopping street, tourist sites and different restaurants. Bit probably what we enjoyed the most was watching the Monsters Inc movie all together before going to sleep.Read more

    • Day 14

      Not an ordinary day in Athens

      June 14, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      After the intense sightseeing, we decided to take it easy. Still, we had a few items on our list: the national gardens (including the playground) and to see some of the remaining temples to use our combined ticket. However, the heat got us and it was very difficult to make kids walk, even if the ‘carrot’ was the playground. So we were stopping to rest under shade every 20-30 meters.
      Once we finally reached the playground, Neringa realised that she was no longer having her phone with her. So suddenly instead of enjoying the playground we started looking for the phone in the park. Neringa could remember placing it on one of the benches of the park but when David ran back to check, it was no longer there. Then Neringa and Elijas took their turn to look for it, in case it fell from the pocket… we looked until the scream of David on the other side of the park. We managed to find each other to learn that someone responded the call and is waiting hand over the phone. Happy end!
      We then ate at an Indian restaurant ‘Indian Havel li’ to conclude that our local resto in Østerbro offers much better food. But it came in handy as Alisa fell asleep and could rest in an air conditioned space while we were eating.
      Following the lunch we have reconsidered o it plan and reduced it to finding an ice cream place, which would offer fresh ice cream without traces of nuts. After some persistent search we found a ‘Chillbox’ frozen yoghurt place which offered soft-ice-like yoghurt without any traces of nuts. Supposedly. After enjoying the portion Elijas started scratching his ears and head and soon after Neringa discovered that he was having an allergic reaction. Luckily, we managed to get some medicine from a nearby pharmacy which stopped inflation of his eye and eventually calmed the itchiness which had spread all over the body. Neringa carried Elijas home as he had no forces to walk and then followed a series of calls to family, friend doctors, another pharmacy visit as Elijas had some cough attacks and really scared his parents. Luckily, the medication worked and we did not need to use the needle … All good what ends well!
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    • Day 159

      ATH - Walking Street Food tour

      September 6, 2022 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      🇧🇷 Partimos a explorar a culinaria grega nesse tour de comida de rua.

      🇦🇷 Salimos a explorar la cocina griega en este tour de comida callejera.

      🇺🇸 We set out to explore Greek cuisine on this street food tour.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Plateía Karytsi, Plateia Karytsi, Πλατεία Καρύτση

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