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  • Day 5

    Day 4

    March 14 in Samoa ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    The mentality for 9am start vs 8am start is wild.
    Slept wonderfully for our 9am start.
    Breakfast had these nice donut things today.
    Unfortunately it’s mainly just the same scrambled egg and sausages everyday 🤢
    Got on our way to the To - Sua trench.
    Probs my highlight of the trip.
    Big big hole.
    Big big slippery ladder to get down.
    Green water, cold temp which became perfect after a minute.
    The current was so strong it pulled you around one side to the other. Their were ropes to hold onto.
    We went through a cave to another empty hole that was connected. Had a great time just splashing around. It was beautiful. I wish I had a water proof camera. That’s going to be the big money winning invention one day cause we have legit not got photos of activities this trip because of it haha. And I don’t trust the pouches.
    Climbing back up the ladder was less scary.
    We got some photos of the view from the top and i fed my complimentary banana muffin to the chickens. Had a blast doing that lol
    Walked across to another viewpoint and if i have understood correctly a tsunami hit up to cost and killed 200 people in I think 2007.
    There was also 2 rocks which were once people? It was open and then the people tuned into rocks so now it’s closed cause they have the key.
    Don’t ask me WHAT was opened then closed cause I haven’t a clue hahahah.
    I find it so hard to understand 😩😩😩
    Went back to the resort which for once was actually nearby (hurray! ) and then we went for a cocktail and a swim.
    It’s so hot and we are both burnt even though we have gone through nearly 2 bottles of sunscreen.
    Had some lunch, booked a massage for tomorrow and am now just relaxing on our deck.
    Read for a while before going for a sit in the ocean.
    Have come back and had a 10 minute panic because I couldn’t find my phone.
    Will just lying down watching me fret while he stayed put.
    Eventually asked if he could help and he soon found it tangled in his blanket 🙄
    Relived cause it’s on airplane mode and no WiFi to track/call or message.
    Will said he wanted a nap and I commented we would waste the daylight and he retorted he came here to do nothing. Fair play.

    And suddenly our quick cat nap turned into a 5 hours snooze fest 🤣🤣
    So it’s 7pm and we are at dinner eating another 3 course meal like pigs.
    Have I mentioned the garlic bread?? 🤣🤣🤣 world class. Have taken a picture tonight is honor of its mastery.
    Had a sasalaka (green fruit) smoothie. Won’t be ordering again but proud of myself for branching out.
    Back in the room and there is a gecko on the wall. If it crawls on me during the night I’ll cry.
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