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    • Päivä 5


      28. maaliskuuta 2023, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Budapest ist wunderschön mit seiner lebendigen Mischung aus Geschichte und Neuem.
      Ein bisschen schade, dass z.B. auf dem Schlossberg im Margareten Turm und für kleine Bereiche der Fischerbastei stark überhöhte Eintrittspreise aufgerufen werden. Das fühlt sich eher wie Nepp als wie Erhaltung an (bspw. Fischerbastei 1 Person 3 Euro für max 50 m, der Rest war eh gesperrt oder für Kaffees/Restaurants reserviert).

      Das positive Gegenbeispiel gab es in der Ruinenkneipe Szimpla Kert. Urig und ein bunter Mix aus allem was man sich vorstellen kann, ergibt eine herrlich relelaxte Atmosphäre in der Kneipe im jüdischen Viertel. Die Preise waren für die ungarische Hauptstadt sehr moderat (bspw. 2 große Gläser Wein 7 Euro).

      Gestern wäre ein Tag zum im Bett bleiben gewesen, eiskalte 4 Grad und von Windböen gepeitschter Regen. Dennoch haben wir uns auf den Weg zu den Labyrinthen unter dem Schlossberg gemacht. Sicherheitshalber noch mal nach unserem lieben kleinen Scheißer geschaut (unser Volvo) und einen Strafzettel entdeckt.
      Bei der Post am nächsten Tag den Zettel einer verständnisvoll lächelnden Dame hinter dem Schalter in die Hand gedrückt, 17 Euro bezahlt und als learning abgehakt.
      Wichtigste Erkenntnis: Parkzonen in Budapest sind für Nicht-Eingeweihte nicht zu durchschauen. Unseren kleinen Scheißer haben wir auf einen Langzeitparkplatz in den äußeren Bezirken im Westend verbracht und 3 Tage später unversehrt für 7500 Forint (ca 20 Euro) wieder abgeholt.
      Da unser AirBnb so zentral lag, sind wir meist zu Fuß unterwegs gewesen oder haben die App Budapest Go genutzt. Eine Fahrt mit den Öffis kostet derzeit 90 Cent pro Person. Das Ticket, gilt, bis man umsteigt.
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    • Päivä 75

      Budapest Day 2 - Baths, and Buda Castle

      9. elokuuta 2023, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      In the morning we had delicious breakfast with the Eggs Imperial - salmon Benedict with trout caviar - delicious! Then I went to one of the Budapest famous thermal baths. The opulent baths located in one of the hotels are from 19 century are so big that even though there were lots of people, it didn’t feel crowded. Very relaxing me healing experience! In the afternoon, we went to Buda Castle Walkative tour, which took us around the castle hill, up many stairs and round gorgeous buildings. Afterwards, we walked back to the hotel, crossing Danube River with gorgeous views.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 260

      We got a snow day in Budapest :))

      22. tammikuuta 2024, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

      We finally got a snowy day!!! We decided we'd make the most of it by going to the Fisherman's Bastion, it's a big white castle at the top of the buda hill and it had a great view of the city. The bastion is about 200m from the buda castle and between them is a really quaint cobblestone street. Walking along that street with the bastion in front of us was a little bit like being in Harry Potter. It was kind of a grey day so the view was a bit foggy but it was still awesome to see Budapest looking all wintery and white. After the bastion we went to the same pizza place we went to on our first day here and then went for our usual happy hour stein at the local pub on our street.

      Ozge came to visit over the weekend and we went out to a nightclub that spencer was told would be "a real hungarian party". It was the most standard club we've been to all trip with the only notable feature being that all the dudes were built super thick. We went with ozge and an Aussie we met on new years. Spencer and the Aussie dude said they had a horrible time because of the big dudes but I had fun :) Ozges friend recommended a hungarian fish soup restaurant which we tried tonight. The soup was really hearty and filling, quite similar to Goulash but better. It's been so cold this week, today some of the paths were frozen and i was able to slide around like I was wearing socks.
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    • Päivä 3

      Halászbástya (Vissersbastion)

      20. huhtikuuta 2024, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      De ochtend begint met regen, maar als wij naar buiten stappen is het gelukkig net droog! Vandaag met de metro naar Boeda...we beginnen bij het Vissersbastion en ook gelijk de Matthiaskerk. Klein klimmetje met obstakels 😉 en dan zijn we er. Een aardige Italiaanse vrouw met dochter heeft weer een mooie foto van ons gemaakt. Het is hier op het plein erg druk. Veel Aziaten in groepen. Wederom een prachtig uitzicht op de Donau, het Parlement, de Kettingbrug en het Pest gedeelte.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3

      Mátyás-templon (Matthiaskerk)

      20. huhtikuuta 2024, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Op het plein bij het Vissersbastion heb je ook de Matthiaskerk. Prachtig mooi, en dat dak, wow!!! Maar we zijn hier niet naar binnen geweest,..we zijn gisteren al in een kerk geweest😊.
      Het weer wordt gelukkig steeds beter (dachten we) 🌞..en we zien ook nog een beetje bloesem🌸💮.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7

      Stadsgedeelte Boeda

      10. toukokuuta 2024, Unkari ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Onderweg richting Boeda kwamen we eerst nog op het Elisabethplein de Donaufontein met daarbovenop Danubius (de Donau), de drie andere vrouwen eronder symboliseren 3 andere belangrijke rivieren in Hongarije: Tisza, Dráva en de Szálva en een Reuzenrad tegen.

      12:45u; daar was dan de beroemde Kettingbrug van Hongarije.
      Aan de andere kant van deze brug bevind zich het stadsgedeelte Boeda. De Kettingbrug is een van de 4 bruggen die Boeda-Pest met elkaar verbindt.
      Zeker wel de mooiste!

      Wanneer je over de brug bent, zie je de Tunnel, die bestaat uit twee Dorische zuilen, onderaan de burchtheuvel.
      Dit plein (grote rotonde) is het officiële centrum van Boedapest, vanwege de 0-kilometer steen, vanwaar alle afstanden vanaf Boedapest worden berekend.

      Het idee was om naar het Koninklijk Paleis van Boedapest te gaan.
      Alleen bij de kabelbaan naar boven stond een aardige rij, waar we niet zoveel zin in hadden.
      Geprobeerd om met de kinderwagen zo boven te komen, maar óf het was een en al trap, wat niet te doen was, óf de weg was afgesloten. Helaas... had het daar graag gezien!
      Er moet nl ook een mooie Matthiasfontein zijn daar, die ik (Rox) graag eens had willen zien. Maar wie weet... Misschien ooit?!

      Zover als we wel kwamen maar even een lekker drankje genuttigd 🍺🍹 want we waren toch wel dorstig geworden. Boeda is nl veel heuvelachtiger dan dat Pest is, Pest is gewoon plat. 😅

      Vervolgens zijn we naar het Vissersbastion en de Matthiaskerk gelopen, althans zover als dat met de kinderwagen weer ging. Lars is voor het plein blijven wachten met Logan, zodat ik even naar boven kon om te kijken. Hij hoefde zelf nl niet zo nodig te gaan kijken.
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    • Päivä 30

      3. Budapest

      27. heinäkuuta 2024, Unkari ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Jetzt sind wir heute einmal über die Donau gefahren. Dabei haben wir das übelst prunkvolle Regierungsgebäude gesehen und sind jetzt den Berg hochgelaufen. Dabei haben wir noch eine Hochzeit gesehen. Ich möchte heute Abend noch etwas leckeres zum Abschluss kochen und morgen geht's bei mir ja schon ganz zeitig weiter.
      Jetzt sind wir oben angekommen und sind an der Matthiaskirche und die hat ein wirklich schönes Dach. Die Stadt ist wirklich schön. Prunkvoll und alt aber nicht heruntergekommen-alt. Diese Stadt hier lohnt sich wirklich anzuschauen. Als wir hier ankamen wars erstmal super kalt (25°C) und daran mussten wir uns erstmal gewöhnen aber jetzt ist alles wieder gut.
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    • Päivä 40

      Budapest: Buda Castle … Kürtőskalács

      17. lokakuuta 2024, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      When the group left Matthias Church, Mui and I stayed behind … advising Valeria that we would be making our own way back to the Rinda. This had been our plan all along. It worked out well and I was able to wander around the different parts of the church at leisure and take photos from different vantage points.

      When we left the church, it was around 11:30a. Time to try a local pastry known as the chimney cake.

      We followed our noses — there was a sweet, cinnamon infused aroma wafting on the air — to a nearby café/bakery and found what we were looking for there.

      Kürtőskalács is the name by which this pastry is known in Hungary. The sweet dough is wrapped around a cylindrical baking spit, rolled in sugar, and placed over a charcoal fire … though if the baking is being done inside, then electricity has to be used to fuel the fire. Finally, when the chimney cake takes on a golden brown hue, the baker adds a coating. That done, the pastry is slipped off the spit … steam rising from it … much like smoke does from a chimney. Hence the name.

      The bakery we went to had an outdoor set up, so our chimney cake — oversized and easily shareable by two people — was baked over a charcoal fire. When it was ready to be coated, we opted for the traditional cinnamon. And then we sat down as a small table outside and started tearing into our special treat. The outside of the pastry is supposed to be crispy. Ours was crispy-ish. The inside, which is supposed to be soft and a little doughy, was too thick and perhaps a little undercooked. It definitely did not unfurl apart like it was supposed to do. Nothing wrong with the taste, though.

      We’ll try our luck again tomorrow
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    • Päivä 40

      Budapest: Buda Castle … The Bastion

      17. lokakuuta 2024, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      One of the landmarks of the Buda Castle District is the Fisherman’s Bastion … Halaszbastya in Hungarian. It is located behind Matthias Church. We knew from its location that it probably offered some amazing views of the city. Thus, we headed there after our snack break.

      Here, we were greeted by a statue of St Stephen, which we had noticed earlier when we were visiting the church.. Stephen I was the first king of Hungary … the founder of the state. He was canonized 45 years after his death in 1038. As such he is considered the country’s spiritual patron. The day celebrated as his feast day is also the State Foundation Day.

      In light of how far back the history of the Castle District goes, it is surprising that the statue has only been installed since 1906. Nonetheless, it is an impressive, well-executed statue with beautiful detail work despite — or perhaps because of — the interventions to the sculptor’s original design. The result … St Stephen is on horseback — not on the throne — with the Holy Crown on his head. Also, because Emperor Franz Joseph objected to the spear that was placed in the king’s hand, it was changed to a double-cross. While some may have found the decorations of the saddle cover distracting when the statue was unveiled, I thought it was a lovely piece of craftsmanship.

      Stopping at the sales window near the statue, we purchased tickets to go up for a wander along the top of the Fisherman’s Bastion. This was perhaps unnecessary since the views are just as easy to see for free elsewhere around the viewing terrace. But I liked the idea of checking out the towers and turrets, and as I was hoping, it proved to be a good vantage point for photographing Matthias Church. The admission was under $2pp so it wasn’t a huge expense anyway.

      Considering the bastion’s neo-Romanesque style, one might be forgiven for thinking that it is quite an old structure. After all, this was one of the styles popular during Medieval times. In fact, it was’t until 1895-1902 that the bastion was constructed as a scenic lookout terrace on the base of the castle walls. Like so many other structures in the Castle District, the bastion was damaged during WWII. It was restored, of course.

      The seven towers of the bastion represent the seven Hungarian chieftains who brought their tribes to present day Hungary in 895. As a matter of history, without these tribes, there might not have been a State of Hungary. It is said, that the bastion is named for the guild of fishermen who historically lived below the castle walls … in an area known as “Fishtown” or “Watertown.” They were responsible for defending that section of the city walls during medieval times. While the guild might be the generally accepted namesake of the bastion, there is apparently no real proof that is the case.

      As we slowly strolled the bastion pathway, we enjoyed the panoramic views of Buda and Pest laid out below us … the Danube meandering between the two like a café au lait ribbon. Spectacular.
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    • Päivä 3

      🫐🍋Mandragòra, benessere e gusto.

      17. huhtikuuta 2023, Unkari ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Arriviamo in anticipo e ci gustiamo due belle lager fredde sotto le prime luci del tramonto in serenità e relax 🍻

      A seguire ci aspetterà una cena di piatti della tradizione rivisitati che porteranno a delle combinazioni di sapori originali e indimenticabili. 🫐🍋

      📍Mandragòra ⭐️ 5/5
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    Buda, Boeda, بودا, Budin, Буда, Budín, Budim, ブダ, 부더, Будим, บูดอ, 布达


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