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    • Dag 12

      Mot Delhi

      10. marts 2020, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Sov härligt i vår Maharadjasvit. Frukost kl 9 och sedan en promenad ner till floden åh så härligt. Här kan man vara fler dagar! Färgfestivalen var i full gång och indierna firar att en vinter är över.
      Vi åt lunch och reste sedan mot Delhi med buss till Jhansi sen tåg till Delhi tog 4 timmar. Fick lite lunch ombord helt ok.
      Vid 21 tiden check in på Ramada och sen buffé middag med gänget.
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    • Dag 214


      27. marts, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Orcha è una bellissima città, con dei templi e dei palazzi stupendi. È ancora una città poco turistica, ma che vale la pena di visitare.
      I palazzi hanno degli affreschi bellissimi e le costruzioni sono anche molto affascinanti.
      I templi sono anche molto speciali, mi ha affascianto molto il tempio Ram Raja, dove i fedeli pregano molto intensamente. Era bellissimo vedere la loro cultura e la loro devozione per gli dei.


      Orcha is a beautiful city, with some stunning temples and buildings. It is still a little touristy city, but it is worth visiting.
      The palaces have beautiful frescoes and the buildings are also very fascinating.
      The temples are also very special, I was very fascinated by the Ram Raja temple, where the faithful pray very intensely. It was beautiful to see their culture and their devotion to the gods.
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    • Dag 12

      Tillbaka till Orchha

      10. marts 2020, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Vi kom tillbaka till Orchha och våra res vänner som hade haft en slapp dag vid poolen. En god trevlig middag ute under tak. Vi firade Ingrids födelsedag med tårta och sång. Ett härligt hotell i Rajastan stil me like 🙏Læs mere

    • Dag 11

      Erotik i Kharujaho

      9. marts 2020, Indien ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      En strålande varm och solig dag. Frukost på hotellet, det här var den tråkigaste hotellmaten. Byn hade bara ca 20,000 innevånare. Många hotell förstås då turister kom en masse.
      Vi tittade på de vackra templen och fantastiska skulpturer med erotiska bilder, samt vardagliga situationer.
      Vi åt lunch på Ramada innan vi åkte hemåt till Orchha, bedrövlig väg....tog drygt 5 timmar. Vi besökte en liten by på returen med så underbara barn.
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    • Dag 22

      Goodbye Orcha, Hello Agra

      7. december 2019, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Woke early, packed bags and brought downstairs (stored in staff room while we go out) and paid for accommodation. Went to see temple on hill, doors closed, too early. Went to first temple - beautiful and barely anyone around! Many narrow stairs that open up to massive rooms/paths. Walked to No-Mads for breakfast, mixed veg paratha brekky x2 - great chat w Udeshya. Got leftovers for takeaway snacks on train journey later. Went to fort to get ticket giving us access to all other temples. Explored fort. Construction going on outside but inside the architecture was beautiful inside. It was a shame however because there was rubbish everywhere, plastic wrappers, tobacco spit, people carving their names on this historic building, paintings poorly preserved. Next went to temple near guesthouse. Had two young boys who approached us asking for selfies, but we could see they were obviously touts so said no. They seemed to report to a guy pretending to be an attendant of the temple, and sent these boys to us again to give it another try and so they kept following us and repeatedly asked for selfies. When we refused and walked away, the boss told us we had to take off our shoes as it was a temple (no one else had shoes off). At this point we were no longer able to enjoy this temple without being followed by these two boys so decided to head out. On the way out, the boss ran after us and told us never mind about the shoes cause we can explore upstairs where we didn’t need to remove them for that. Said we had to pay to get up there - told him that was bullshit as the ticket we bought allowed for unlimited access to all temples in town. He grabbed hold of our ticket and said “okay okay okay” and ripped off a corner pretending he was allowing us to proceed. We said forget it and walked out. He sent the two boys to follow us down the stairs to ask for selfies again, told these boys to leave us alone. As we walked down, a vendor saw what was happening and yelled at these boys to stop bothering us. Told us to let him know if this happens again and he would call the tourist police for us. Now disheartened with this experience, we reluctantly visited the closed temple we visited this morning. Barely anyone there. Not as grand as the fort but underlying architecture was beautiful- again rubbish, spit and carvings everywhere, very poorly kept. Headed back to guesthouse to book our guesthouse in Agra and wait for our tuktuk to arrive at 1:30pm. Guesthouse booked at cc YOGA Homestay in Agra as well be arriving late. Tuktuk to Jhansi train station 250INR. 3pm train delayed 2 hrs. Got on 2S class, we had reserved seats for this 5 hour journey. More ppl arrive on train w unreserved seats so they jussi stand where they can - gets packed, people sitting on tables and overhead baggage compartment. 3hrs into journey hear a man behind us asking something and getting denied/ignored, makes his way to us where people are sat on a table in front of us. Man asks ppl on table if he could please rest his toddler child on the table so he can sleep. People just stare at him and ignore him. M&Z shocked at the lack of empathy..He starts to walk back and M gets up to give seat but ppl weren’t moving - when we started calling for him to come back he had just put his toddler son on overhead baggage compartment. Managed to call him over, M gave his seat, man very thankful. Ppl start praising Marty and one man shakes his hand and says loudly “you’re a good man”. M tells him not to call him a good man because this is simply what you should do for your fellow ppl, he tells them anyone could have done it, starts pointing and says “you could’ve given their seat, those ladies on the table could’ve done it, you all could’ve done it and been a good person but you chose not to do it”. Ppl now wanting to talk to Marty and shake his hand. Father very thankful, 3yo boy very tired. Arrived in Agra, got tuktuk to moustache Agra and walked to cc Yoga Guesthouse. Host was not there and paper saying to call him on WhatsApp. Called on WhatsApp, couldn’t hear so hung up & texted. Host says he is at wedding and will be back in 30mins, Z&M can enter their room. Man not there (didn’t message) so went to bed. Will spend one day tmrw then leave the next morning.Læs mere

    • Dag 6

      Fahrt nach Orchha

      14. februar 2018, Indien ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Heute mussten wir früh aufstehen. Mit dem Zug fuhren wir Richtung Orchha, wo wir 2 Nächte bleiben werden. Nachdem wir in Orchha angekommen sind, besuchten wir als erstes eine Papierfabrik. Danach checkten wir in unserem Hotel ein.Læs mere

    • Dag 7

      Wedding Crash No. 3 @ Orchha

      23. november 2016, Indien ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Plötzlich hören wir beim Abendessen einen lauten Knall und Feuerwerk. Dazu kommt ein ohrenbetäubender Lärm in Form von Musik. Das ganze Stammt von einem Prozessionszug einer Hochzeit. Wir suchen den Umzug und werden natürlich sofort eingeladen mit zu tanzen. Zu jeder Hochzeit gehört in Indien ein Umzug mit überschwänglichem Tanzen.

      Die Hochzeit findet direkt bei uns im Hotel statt. Was es uns einfach macht als Zaungäste der Veranstaltung beizuwohnen. Naja, Zaungäste waren wir nicht lange. Irgend jemand hat uns dann doch entdeckt und gleich mit dem Begrüßungsgetränk versorgt. Das hätten Sie mal besser sein lassen, denn der Drink war fürchterlich. Das Essen das uns danach gebracht wurde war dafür um so besser.

      Weiter passierte dann nicht mehr viel. Hauptsächlich geht es wohl darum, dass mit dem Brautpaar Fotos gemacht werden. Vielleicht musste sich der Bräutigam aber auch noch von seinem Sturz erholen. Er war beim Einzug von seinem Pferd gefallen.
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    • Dag 7

      Raja Mahal

      15. februar 2018, Indien ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Als letztes besuchten wir noch den Raja Mahal. Danach hatten wir den ganzen Nachmittag zur freien Verfügung. Während dieser Zeit schlenderten wir nochmals durch Orchha und verschickten in der "Postfiliale" noch unsere Postkarten.Læs mere

    • Dag 11


      28. januar 2018, Indien ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

      Arrived in Orchha and had a snooze then lunch then another little snooze before heading out to see the old Kings Palace and then headed into town in a tuk tuk to watch an Indian Hindu ceremony in the temple, then had a wander round the market before finishing with dinner and some extremely animated Indian mtv.Læs mere

    • Dag 7

      Tempel @ Orchha

      23. november 2016, Indien ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Heute Abend besuchen wir den Tempel in Orchha. Seltsamer Weise befindet sich der Tempel in einem ehemaligen Palast. Direkt nebenan steht ein schöner richtig alter Tempel. D.h. er wurde als Tempel erbaut aber nie als Tempel genutzt. Die eigentliche buddhistische Zeremonie ist eher unspannend.Læs mere

    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Orchha, ওড়ছা, Órčha, Orchhâ, ઓરછા, ओरछा, Órcsha, オールチャー, Orachha, ਓਰਛਾ, Орчха, Орчга, 奥拉奇哈

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