Tanjung Cleng

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    • Day 10

      2. Tauchausflug zum Manta Point

      September 26, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute hieß es für mich: Sehr früh aufstehen, denn um 07:15 war Abfahrt zu unserem ersten Tauchspot. Auf der Tagesordnung standen Crystal Bay - in der Hoffnung Mondfische (Mola Mola) zu sichten und Manta Point - wie der Name schon sagt, um mit Manta Rochen zu schwimmen.

      40min ging es mit dem Boot zum Crystal Bay (Der Strand, wo wir gestern mit dem Scooter hingedüst sind). Dort angekommen schnell alles angezogen/angelegt und mit einer Taucherrolle ins kalte Wasser. Leider Ernüchterung, da wir keine Molas spotten konnten. Dafür Lionfishs, Murray Eels und Barracudas. Also auf zum nächsten Spot.

      Am Manta Point angelangt (60min weitere Fahrt) konnte man die Mantas bereits aus dem Boot beobachten. Unter Wasser kam ich aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus. Ein Manta hatte uns auserwählt und schwamm für 20min um uns herum. Immer wieder schien es, als würde er in mich rein crashen wollen, zog aber im letzten Moment nach oben. Einfach bezaubernd.
      Zum krönenden Abschluss direkt beim Ausstieg aus dem Wasser schwamm eine Delfin-Schote an uns vorbei. Keine 10 Meter entfernt von mir. Sie waren jedoch so schnell wieder weg, dass kein Finger auf den Abdruck der Kamera hätte drücken können. Zudem ist meine Cam weiterhin kaputt - die Fotos stammen von meinem Buddy 🤿

      Danach hieß es für mich - Erholung am Strand auf einer schönen Liege vor dem Meer. Dort fing ich mir einen saftigen Sonnenbrand ein, den man auf dem letzten Foto (auf dem ich leckere Cocktails zur Happy-Hour schlürfe) auch an meinen Wangen ablesen kann 🥵
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    • Day 122

      Manta Point 🪸

      December 16, 2022 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Mo and me booked a snorkeling trip with the dive company Pure Dive, because they were said to be the most ethical and environment-friendly ones on the island. We wanted to see manta rays, as it should be a once in a lifetime experience, without disturbing the animals.

      Our guide Sandra from Pure Dive explained to us, that we would be the only ones snorkeling, all the others ones on the boat would go diving. We were afraid that only the divers would be able to see the mantas, but Sandra told us that the likelihood should be quite high that the mantas would come closer to the water surface on that day aswell.

      When our boat headed towards Manta Point, it suddenly became very cloudy and windy and began to rain. When we finally reached the Point and our boat stopped we were veeery cold (maybe the first time for me in Indonesia?🥶) and also veeery happy that we took the pills that Sandra gave us against sea-sickness. 😅

      We couldn’t wait to go into the water (because it was warmer than the air 😅). When we were finally under the surface we followed our guide to the more shallow part near the cliffs. Suddenly we saw something veeeeery big and black swimming directly beneath us 🤯 I didn’t imagined the mantas to be THAT big 🫣 and at first Mo and me had to get used to be that close to the animals - we knew that the mantas shouldn’t be dangerous but they were about 2 to 4 meters in width so that was quite impressing 🤯They were so beautiful how they were slowly gliding through the water 😍 swimming close to them was indeed an amazing experience ✨
      The second snorkeling spot that we headed for was underwhelming (dead corals and only a few fishes), but Mo and me were still amazed by the experience of swimming next to the mantas so it actually didn’t matter to us.
      Since we forgot to take the gopro with us we were very happy to get some pictures and videos from the divers that went together with us!

      After our trip we changed our accommodation because the pain in my ear got worse and the doctor that I went to (a surprisingly professional one!) said to avoid going into the water and driving too much scooter. Since our bungalows were quite far from the main roads we chose a accommodation which was closer to some restaurants (…also the spider and cockroaches situation was getting a little bit annoying - in the evenings Mo and me always guarded each other while peeing or taking a shower😅).

      Our new accommodation looked amazing (and was also free of insects 😅). For dinner we went to a Warung that Denise recommend to us - we had the best watermelon juice so far and the food was also very good. 🌶
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Tanjung Cleng, Q26753556

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