Tuktuk Salagondi

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    • Dag 75–78

      Lake Toba- der Gardasee Indonesiens

      27. april, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Man nehme den Supervulkan Toba und eine gigantische Explosion. Heraus kommt der größte Kratersee der Erde, der Lake Toba. Dies geschah vor 75000 Jahren und kühlte die Erde damals um ca. 10 Grad ab. In der Mitte des Sees befindet sich die Insel Samosir, welche doppelt so groß ist wie Singapur. Hier bezogen wir unsere Unterkunft und haben wieder einen Glücksgriff gelandet, mit einem sehr vielfältigem Angebot im Restaurant und einer top Aussicht vom Balkon. Das Restaurant nutzten wir ausgiebig und probierten uns bei 3x Frühstück und 2x Abendessen durch die Karte.
      Im Vergleich zu den abenteuerlichen Unternehmungen zuvor, war es hier sehr ruhig und entspannt. Die zwei Tage nutzen wir, um die Insel per Roller zu erkunden- 200km über Bergstraßen, teilweise bei Regen und Gewitter aber immer mit einer spektakulären Aussicht.

      Damit schließen wir die Reise durch Sumatra ab, verlassen Indonesien für eine kurze Zeit, kommen aber in ein paar Tagen zurück.
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    • Dag 19

      Lake Toba | Sumatra

      15. januar 2023, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      6. Stop: Lake Toba ⛵

      Wichtige Änderung 🚨
      Ich (Micha) reise ab sofort mit Master-ette. 🎓 Auch wenn der Weg zum Kolloquium durch 7h Stromausfall im Vorfeld nervenaufreibend war, dank Dieselgenerator für WLAN, Solarpowerbanks und Chrissis Nerven aus Stahl (wie auch immer sie dabei so beeindruckend entspannt bleiben kann 🤷🏻‍♂️) konnte gefeiert werden. Glückwunsch!!🥂 🎉 ☺️

      Die Gruppe für das mittlerweile obligatorische tagtägliche Fanselfie stand ebenfalls sofort parat.

      Funfact: Der Lake Toba ist der grösste See Südostasiens und als Kratersee bis zu 400 Meter tief (falls ihr das schon immer wissen wolltet 💡)

      Next Stop: Zurück nach Malaysia und nordwärts
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    • Dag 60

      Indonesia reflections

      21. februar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      On my penultimate day in Indonesia and whilst lying on a sun lounger by the largest volcanic lake in the world I thought I’d wrote down some reflections on my time in Indonesia. Nothing too deep just some snippets of what I’ve learnt, observed and experienced. Mainly because as I’m now in my 30s my memory is terrible and I’ll probably forget all of this is a month:

      - Indonesians are so friendly! Especially once you get off Bali it too a whole to adjust to the fact that most people just want to chat and be friendly with you, and aren’t trying to get money off you. The number of people I have had just help me out with directions, translation, advice is too many to count. Lots just want to practice their English too, which on the whole is very good across the country.

      - They are also very happy you have visited their country. I got the feeling on a lot of the islands that they don’t quite understand the western obsession with Bali and want more people to see other parts of Indonesia- which I agree is very worth it!

      - There is seemingly little organisation to anything, but yet everything works! Similar to a lot of south east Asia really, but they can sort anything out with a few quick phone calls.

      - It is still a pretty male dominated society; they remain surprised at a solo female traveller and on some cases feel more comfortable addressing men when we’ve been on mixed groups. The women very much are responsible for the domestic life but I have seen signs of that changing such as the lovely student who showed me round the water palace in Yogyakarta

      - Religion is pretty prevalent here- outside of Bali it is largely Muslim and I will not miss the 4.30am call to prayer. In lots of places (flores, Sumatra) there are multiple religions all living alongside each other and it appears a very tolerant society. whilst lots of the women wear headscarves, they are often brightly coloured which seems a lot of friendly in a way!

      - It’s been interesting talking to Indonesians about travel, often when they ask where I am from we have a conversation about London and the UK (largely about football!) and I will sometimes ask if they have been. Occasionally they have travelled, I’ve met some who have studied in the US or Europe but most likely is that they haven’t. It’s just too expensive for them- if you think about how cheap it is for us then in reverse it would be so expensive just to eat in the UK never mind the flight etc. I feel a sense of sadness/unfairness from some, why do Europeans get to travel so easily and so often when it is simply out of reach for them to even travel in Asia!?

      - It’s huge! This is the longest I have spent (I think) in one country in one go outside of the UK (and I suppose Germany when I was born..) but you could honestly spend another few months exploring all the other islands and regions! On the list is Sulawesi, Raja Ampat, Borneo and Maluku. It’s a vast country with so many islands and so many nuances between each region.

      - There are volcanoes everywhere. They just pop up everywhere you go. Some loo me like picture perfect volcanos, others are a bit more rough and ready but they are everywhere!

      overall it has been amazing, I’m sad to leave but also looking forward to being in more of an international city like KL and then back to beach, diving and hanging with Fran, Holly and George in Thailand!

      I have too many pictures to pick 6 highlights but
      I’ve tried!!
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    • Dag 47

      Tuk Tuk, Sumatra, Indonesia

      27. januar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Today we switched the hotel and now live in a Batak house ❤️, again with garden 🌺 and lake 🌊 view... I won’t tell you the price since it is embarrassingly cheap. I travelled a lot since I was 16 but this place here is one of the nicest I found so far (except of Anini beach and Polihale state park in Kauai, Hawaii). So we’re going to stay until Saturday and then move on - the plan is to find some really lonely islands 🏝. And now I’m going to jump into the lake... 🏊🏼‍♀️Les mer

    • Dag 60

      Lake Toba

      21. februar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Decided to have a very chilled day today, mainly consisted of lounging by the lake, reading, a bit of swimming and eating.

      Thought about going for a walk but then thought i hadn’t had a day doing nothing in ages so I didn’t!

      Had dinner at Jenny’s and had a whole bbq’d fish- bit spicy but lovely.

      Leaving tomorrow and to be honest I’m not that sad. It’s beautiful but a bit eerie, feels like a place that time forgot. Lots of older German and Swiss men here too- think they came in the 80s and never left. Whilst it’s nice being off the beaten track, I don’t think this is the place for me!
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    • Dag 59

      Berestagi -> Lake Toba (Tuk Tuk)

      20. februar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Time to leave Berestagi as my time in Indonesia is running out. Had a chilled morning at the homestay and enjoyed the roof terrace (bit cloudy so the views not as nice but still pleasant) and for picked up in the shared taxi at 12.15. Good for me is that I was actually the only person as some others cancelled so it became a private taxi for the price of a shared one!

      The drive to lake toba was about 3 hours- we stopped at a nice viewpoint for a break and I had some lunch, Nasi Goreng for old times sake! Arrived at Parapet about 3.20 in time for the 3.30 ferry over to Tuk Tuk which is on the island in the middle of the lake. Basically lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in the world and the largest lake is south east Asia, and has a massive island in the middle of it. Most of the tourist accomodation is on a part of the lake called Tuk Tuk so that’s where I headed. Was about a 45 minute ferry and the ferry stops at each hotels jetty which was very handy! My hotel was pretty nice - I have a room with a lake view and terrace, not bad for £9 a night.

      After I checked in I went for a little walk down to somewhere which is supposed to have nice views and it did, had a beer. Bit weird though as there are loads of hotels and homestays here but not may people, and a lot of them look very run down.i know it’s low season but I did a bit of research online and apparently this used to be really popular in the 80s and 90’s but just hasn’t see as many tourists since- as backpackers favour Vietnam Cambodia and Thailand etc. Lots of Germans here as well!

      Finished my walk around the town, showered and went out for pizza- had been craving it for days so had to give in! Very nice indeed.
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    • Dag 66

      Sadness, Lake Toba, Indonesia

      15. februar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      I‘m a bit sad to loose this view from my balcony... It’s our last evening at Lake Toba, tomorrow morning we‘re leaving direction Medan, stay there over night and fly ✈️ over Jakarta to Bali the next day. There we‘ll also stay only one night and fly ✈️ over Istanbul to Hamburg.
      Although I‘m missing my friends & colleges, my son, my plants 🌱 and my apartment, I definitely will miss this wonderful clear lake, the swimming, the climate and the friendly Indonesian people 😕. To celebrate our departure we had Batak Toba Fish 🐟 BBQ this evening, it made a bit easier...
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    • Dag 66

      Drinking water, Sumatra, Indonesia

      15. februar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Fortunately most of the people living here use the big bottles of water 💧. Imagine the amount of they if they wouldn’t... I always asked myself how they clean and refill theses bottles. Now I know...

    • Dag 60

      Samosir, Sumatra, Indonesia

      9. februar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      How does a typical Lake-Toba-morning looks like?
      I stand up and from our balcony I check if the lake is still there and if there is some weather - all is still there and it looks great as usual! Then we take a swim and enjoy the clear and fresh water. Then we go for breakfast: fruit, fruit aaaaaand wait... fruit 🍉 🍌 🥭 🍍 well and iced coffee for sure. Then we take the canoe and check if the lake is really ok, well it is... and then, surprisingly, we go swimming. After that we dry up on the sun chair and then... well well well... then it’s already time for lunch 🤪.Les mer

    • Dag 44

      Samosir, Indonesia

      24. januar 2020, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Today we found out, that you need to be at least 2 weeks in Indonesia, before you can extend your visa, so we couldn’t do that today. We used the opportunity to get all information, the forms and all copies, now we’re ready to go and we will do the extension next Wednesday. So we went to Parapat by ferry, visited the market and went for lunch. We also passed by Aek Nauli Elephant Conservation Unit. I did some research and found out that above all, the increasing conversion of the rainforest to farmland is endangering the Sumatra elephant as their natural habitat is becoming increasingly limited. The animals that are looking for food in the newly created plantations are driven out by the farmers, killed or locked up in camps. So this is one of this camps (similar to the one in Tangkahan). After I found that information I decided not to go there but found the Barumun Nagari Wildlife Sanctuary which imho is the better way to solve this. But Barumun Nagari would take some time to travel, so let’s see if we will travel there. In any case we will enjoy this wonderful lake for some more days...Les mer

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