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    • Jour 11

      A rainy day in Newport

      28 mai, Irlande ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      Despite the rain that characterizes much of Irish weather, our spirits remained undampened as we set out to explore more of County Mayo's lesser-known gems. The drizzle added a mystical quality to the landscape, enhancing the deep greens and the soft mist that seemed to blanket everything in a gentle hush.

      Our first stop was the area around Lackakeely. Even under the gray skies, the land here was lush and vibrant, offering picturesque views and a peaceful solitude that felt almost otherworldly. The rain brought out the rich aromas of the earth and vegetation, creating an immersive sensory experience as we explored the area.

      Next, we ventured to Betra Beach. The rainy weather meant we had the beach mostly to ourselves, apart from a few other hardy souls braving the elements. The rough sea under the stormy sky was a magnificent sight, and the dogs, Awen and Nessy, seemed to revel in the brisk air and open space, undeterred by the wet conditions.

      Lastly, we returned to Newport, a charming town that served as a warm refuge from the relentless rain. Here, we took the opportunity to delve into some local cuisine, finding comfort in warm dishes that seemed to embody the heartiness of Irish cooking. The welcoming atmosphere of the town, combined with the friendly locals, made it an ideal spot to wind down and reflect on our day's adventures.

      Despite the weather, our exploration today reminded us that there is beauty and adventure to be found in every kind of day, rain or shine. As we settled in for the evening, we looked forward to what tomorrow might bring, rain or no rain.
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