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    • Dag 46

      Bored enough for Monopoly!

      9 mei 2020, Ierland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      It was an absolute scorcher today!
      Nearly too hot at times!

      Paul got up for a super early morning walk today so I was able to do the Parkrun quiz from bed without having to worry about waking him. It was really random! Might do it again next week...if I don't get too tempted by a lie in!

      Did a good Emmet tempo session in the morning with Lisa and spent the rest of the day in the garden - hot tubbing, bbqing and even playing monopoly! (Yes we're getting desperate 😂)

      Bought some tulips to brighten up the kitchen...since I'm spending most of my time there these days!

      It's great having the weekly Emmet plan to focus on. At least I'll have improved my running fitness if nothing else when this is over!

      Our next door neighbours had loads of visitors over this evening. And there was some sort of street party a few doors down- loads of adults sitting around and kids out playing. We're not meant to be mixing with anyone outside our household but alot of people seem to have decided not to bother following the restrictions any more! I think there's a sense that we've beaten this thing so people are relaxing. Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite us 😬

      I must say it is really annoying sitting at home doing nothing, listening to these people having the banter while I follow the rules. 😤
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    • Dag 38

      Leo's Announcement

      1 mei 2020, Ierland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Leo made another announcement today in relation to the plan for easing the lockdown. May as well unpack the car as I won't be going to Rosslare any time soon 😥

      Our radius is extending to 5km from Tuesday but nothing much else is changing for now. From 18th March garden centres and hardware stores are allowed to reopen. And then restrictions will gradually relax during the Summer.

      Basically it means the Summer has been cancelled!

      Need to just try and take each day as it comes & try not to think about the next few months too much.... It's getting tough 😑
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    • Dag 37

      Virtual Miling

      30 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Susan organised a virtual mile race this week. I headed down to the West pier after work today to do mine. Had a nice tail wind for it but ran out of pier with 200m to go so had to turn back into the wind for the last bit! Managed it in 5.57, 2 seconds off my 5.55 prediction!

      Mia is loving the egg chair! She's spending loads of time sitting out on it reading. She's devouring books during the lockdown..can't get enough of them!
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    • Dag 34

      Jolly hockey!

      27 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      My Mixtiles arrived today - yay! Here's a pic of my lovely wall display. Its great having so much time to tick things off my to do list that have been on there for years! I also hung up a picture of some rhinos bums that I took while on safari! #winningatlockdown 😁

      Another amazingly sunny day today. Spent a good half an hour videoing Mia for this Instagram thing she's doing with her hockey team! Here's the finished result...well her part anyway.

      Was meant to have a rest day today but Paul was going for a run at lunch & I couldn't resist! He has now ran the most he has ever run in a month...he's heading out most days each week..nearly as bad as me! 😮

      I decided that I was going to start eating healthily today. And then Mia baked a lemon drizzle cake AND a rhubarb crumble. I just can't win! 😑😑😑

      Here's a pic of my sunflowers which are coming along nicely! I have lots of seeds on the go at the moment and lots of time to care for them. Hopefully they don't all die when I go back to work! 😬

      Who knew I have all this pent up love of cooking, gardening and exercise classes inside me! I just have never had the time to do any of them until now! 😄

      Finished the day today with a watch of the 9 o'clock news and a game of poker with Paul and Mia. Apparently it will come down to the wire as to whether they will ease any restrictions on May 5th...its not looking good..feel like they are preparing us for not great news.

      They did a survey and apparently most people want the 2km limit removed or increased. While people are least bothered about restaurants and pubs being opened! I think I'm the opposite. Sure what am I going to do with a 10km radius? Go for a 20km out and back run?

      Even when we get back to normal, it looks like it will be a new kind of normal. One where we still have to social distance and can't really hang out in groups or within 2 meters of eachother. Might be years, if ever, before we can just go back to how things were. That makes me a bit sad ☹

      Here's a pic of Jonathan Sexton with his new hair. He copied Paul haha!
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    • Dag 33

      Sunday = Long run & hot tub day

      26 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      The weather finally changed today...No more sun forecast for the next while 😭

      Went for a long run this morning. Legs feeling very tired. Had some great chats with Lisa about the virus and whether they will ever find a vaccine. It sounds like we are still a long way from one.

      Passed by this little house with an Irish flag in the garden and this little sign! (See pic)

      Did a 30 min restorative yoga session on down dog when I got home and went out to the shops to pick up some food for the week ahead. I wear a mask and gloves whenever I go to the shops these days - I feel less exposed when I'm hidden behind my mask! Paul and Mia think it makes me look like a before fashion is what I say haha!

      Finished the day with a dip in the hot tub!

      I'm fully focused on the next announcement about what will happen after the May 5th lockdown expires. Crossing my fingers for a meaningful easing of restrictions...hopefully I won't be really disappointed! 🤞
      I really would struggle to do this for another 3 weeks. Like it's better than prison i suppose...although at least prisoners get to hang out with their prisoner friends haha!

      It just gets very boring when all I can do is fitness and eating! And I'm definitely overdoing both at the moment haha!
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    • Dag 29

      Bored boxing!

      22 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Tried a body weight boxing class today! Really enjoyed it. Think I might sign up to a real life boxing class when this is over.

      Bought some more buxus balls from Lidl this morning. Felt a bit guilty filling my trolley with plants and compost...not exactly essential groceries but someone's gotta buy them right?!

      Funny how exercise, baking and gardening have rocketed in popularity! Bags of compost, flour and kettlebells are like total gold dust these days. I guess when you're stuck at home there isn't much else to be doing.

      Mass gatherings have been cancelled until at least December. That means the Berlin music festival and the Killers are both cancelled 😭

      There is a trend going around in fb where people are being asked to tag their favourite running pic to flood the internet with positivity. Here's my pic!

      I'm SO BORED of this lockdown! I just want my freedom back to go for a drive or meet my friends or anything really. The uncertainty of not knowing when it will end is REALLY getting to me...even finding it hard to keep up the motivation at work with it being remote. I don't think I have ever had so many emails to get through in my inbox! 🙈

      Plan for tomorrow = more of the same.

      At least the weather is 🌞🌞🌞
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    • Dag 28

      Injured by a fish pie!

      21 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Another beautiful day today - we really have been so lucky with the weather!
      We brought the table tennis table out to the garden and myself & Mia have been getting lots of use out of it - the wind adds an extra skill/luck factor!

      Oasis went into liquidation and stopped accepting gift cards a few days ago, and I still have an unspent €100 voucher from Christmas..nooo! I sent a letter to AIB today to request a charge back so hopefully it comes through. Lots of business are struggling to survive and there are lots of news stories of big companies going out of business.
      By the time this is over I'd say loads of shops, pubs etc will have gone bust.

      I ordered disposable masks which arrived in the post today. I'll wear one on my next outing to the shops but might save some in case mask wearing becomes compulsory - Alot of countries are bringing in restrictions where you can't leave the house or go shopping without wearing a mask.

      Dropped out to mums to give her some anti bac wipes & collected my old cd player while I was there. I must give it a try to see if it still works!

      Had another Pete session this evening - loving the virtual Pete classes! Paul shouted down during it to say that he could hear me groaning from the top floor! The neighbours must have also heard me while they were having their bbqs haha!

      Lisa chaired a Crusaders table quiz this evening. She did a great job! The race report round was particularly good!

      I cooked a fish pie for lunch today, and then dropped it all down my front and burnt my leg through my jeans! :(
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    • Dag 27


      20 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      The weather has been unbelievably good recently and is meant to last, so today I decided to bring the table tennis table outside! Paul was happy because it frees up space for him to move the office downstairs and away from Mia's room- she doesn't like being woken up by his 9.15am conference calls!

      Windy Ridges have been closed for deliveries for the past while because they got completely overwhelmed by orders. But they opened briefly this morning and I was able to get an order in..
      And it arrived a few hours later!
      One planter fully complete 😁
      Now I have some flowers for the bees!

      Found some anti bac wipes in boots today. They are like gold dust at the moment so it was very exciting! They had a sign up saying you could only buy 1 packet but I got away with buying 2, woohoo! I'll drop one over to Mum later this week.

      Some new toys and a new house arrived for the guinea pigs today. Me and Paul have been ordering so much stuff recently, our doorbell is constantly ringing with deliveries!

      Mia sat outside for the afternoon reading her book and brought the guinea pigs outside for some fresh air. She started back at school today after the Easter holidays - she really struggled to get out of bed for pastoral care at 10am!

      Went for another run with Paul today. He's really getting into this running malarkey! That's 5 runs so far. We met Olwyn while out running. She nearly fell off her bike with excitement when she spotted me! 🤣

      Started on season 4 of love island this evening- we must be getting desperate! 😂🙈
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    • Dag 26

      Lockdown quartet & long run Sunday

      19 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Went for my long run early today so that I could get back to help Mia with her religion project on Ethics. This was for my benefit as much as hers to avoid her needing a last minute dig out at 10pm tonight!

      Had the usual chats with Lisa while out running- we're both following the same Emmet plan which is handy! Spotted this happy unicorn during it. Lots of people have teddies and signs stuck in their windows - signs about staying at home and things to brighten up people's walks/runs!

      I downloaded a new app for my Garmin which alerts you when you're within 50 meters of your 2km radius! It was interesting to see exactly where my radius reaches to- just past the 40 foot. I ran around the radius, up to the graduate ( which is slightly outside the radius) ,down to Deansgrange and home. Next week I'll explore the Blackrock side of the radius!

      Mia learned all about utilitarianism, deonotology and the philosophy of ethics today! She got quite into it - discussing things like whether it would be right to go back in time to kill baby Hitler - we might have a future philosopher on our hands!

      I finally finished my section of the lockdown quartet - recording and video. Can't wait to see the finished result when Lisa puts it together!

      In general Coronavirus news, the US is quickly becoming the new hotspot while new cases in Europe seem to be plateauing. Alot of American governors have issued stay at home orders but Trump is rallying everyone to protest against having to stay at home. People are out in the streets protesting in some States! I'm so glad I don't live in America!

      I ordered some more masks today as I think the ones I originally ordered are gonna be pure crap based on recent reviews haha! It will be good to have a small stash in case mask wearing become a mandatory.
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    • Dag 25

      Race day!

      18 april 2020, Ierland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Today was time trial day on Emmets plan! I also signed up for the Miles that Mater virtual 5k which is raising funds for frontline healthcare workers in Ireland. So today was the big race day!

      I was vaguely planning on getting up early to avoid people but decided to have a lie in instead! I went out at about 12pm but luckily it was overcast and cold so it wasn't too busy.
      I ran out and back on the West pier and across to finish on the east pier. I'm really happy with my result of 21.49. I pushed quite hard but it's impossible to go full pelt on your own. On a couple of occasions I was tempted to pause my Garmin to catch a breath but I didn't give into temptation!

      I had a lovely chicken, goats cheese and beetroot salad for lunch followed by my chicken curry for dinner.

      Found a new total junk show today called Too Hot to Handle. It's like Love Island but junkier! Perfect for quarantine!

      Here's a pic of what myself, Mum, Anna and Lisa will look like when we emerge from the lockdown haha! 😂
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