Badia Prataglia

Mostly a walk thru the forest. 70% good trail. Other parts are a bit overgrown. Strangely I have not seen anybody. There are no long distance trails hiker here in the area. Yesterday I have seen quiteRead more
Mostly a walk thru the forest. 70% good trail. Other parts are a bit overgrown. Strangely I have not seen anybody. There are no long distance trails hiker here in the area. Yesterday I have seen quiteRead more
We've found a very quiet place close to the town. Just uphill. A huge BBQ area with toilets and a small room with fireplace. It is mild tonight and only s little bit wind. The food store opensRead more
Today's journey to Badia involved two buses as it's out of the way. This was where we were suppose to walk to. Shirl's back is much better and tomorrow we might walk part of the track, without packs,Read more
We woke to thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Our thoughts were with those walking. A good day to be indoors.
A lazy morning , resting and planning.
After lunch we caught up with some fellow pilgrimsRead more
We had a quit stroll after breakfast visiting the church before Shirl had a very good rest. In the evening we ate at the same restaurant as last night and had a good meal.
Then a restful evening.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Badia Prataglia