Cantina Cheo

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    • Day 6


      July 27, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Hüt heimer dr Zug vo Moneglia nach Vernazza gno, is Härz vor Cinque Terre. Dert hei mer üs die dezänt überfüllti Stadt agluegt u si denn ar Küste na gwanderet. Es isch sehr schön gsi und mau e tolli Abwächslig zu de Täg ufem Velo.Read more

    • Day 5


      July 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Såklart ville vi besöka en av de fem små byarna. Eller Cinque Terre som det heter. Fem små byar som är med på Unescos världsarvslista (vi checkar av andra på listan). Vernazza är alltså en av de fem. Senast jag var där var 14 år sedan. Vi läste att det var högtryck med turister, men gjorde ändå ett försök. Mycket riktigt så var det smockat med folk och varmt. Vi vandrade ändå runt lite och gick vilse i smala stentrappor som tog oss upp till högre höjd. Vi åt en gelato. Jenny och jag tog ett litet dopp i havet. Senare fylldes gatorna med musik och vinprovningar. Vi delade en pizza och drack Limone spritz istället för Aperol spritz. Fräscht värre och inget socker. Vi delade en pizza med mascarpone och var alla överens om att vi nog haft det bättre i Moneglia. Så vi bestämde oss för att äta middag där istället.Read more

    • Day 2

      Tag 1 | Cinque Terre

      July 1, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Buongiorno, Italia!
      Angekommen in Vernazza, ist „Erkunden“ angesagt. Mit Unterkunft direkt an der „Main Street“ und am Bahnhof habe ich hier eine sehr gute Anbindung - sowohl zu den anderen Dörfern, zum Wanderweg, als auch zu den Cafés und nicht zuletzt zum Strand. Die erste Erkundungstour führt schnell zum einen oder anderen Focaccia-Laden und den Aussichtspunkten Vernazzas. Was will man mehr, als die schöne Aussicht mit Focaccia zu genießen?
      Was auffällt: die Häuser wirken hier wie gestapelt, es war sicherlich eine große Herausforderung, diese inmitten der Felsen zu erbauen. Beeindruckend.
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    • Day 7

      Walking the Cinque Terre trail

      August 23, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We head off in our gym gear at 11.30am to find the start of the Cinque Terre trail.
      I am so pumped for this.

      Through the tunnel up the hill and off from Monterosso we go.


      Athena stops at some steep downward steps.
      She tells me she can't do it.
      She is afraid of heights.

      (As this is not the first time Athena has pulled out at the last minute on me, due to her fear, whilst adventuring, I say ok I will see you at the hotel. and I simply turn around and just keep walking)

      I did look back to check if she made it down the steps. And sure enough she had. I walk back and ask are you coming then, she says yes.

      Off we go, I am so excited, the first part is very steep, lots of steps, straight up. A good glutes workout.

      However, our adventure turned out to be very slow going.

      So what is mean't to be a 1.5 hour trek turned out for us to be a 4. 5 hour trek.

      That woman was a mess. Shaking. She clung to the rock walls and the shrubbery like her life depended on it.

      In the end she clung to my hand or arm or top whenever the skinny path became open. She never once looked out at the glorious view.

      I did just wanted to walk freely, but was not allowed to just leave her stranded.

      The track was beautiful. Very steep with stone steps along the way. Thin pathways, enough for one person to get through.

      People were walking dogs, one lady had her baby strapped to her back. The walk was easy once you got up higher. The ocean to our right heading to Vernazza would pop out you.
      I'd say 'wow Athena, look at that' but no dice.

      As we went so slowly, I never even broke a sweat.

      We walked through vineyards, between rock walls, over bridges with waterfalls.
      A cat sanctuary sits in the middle for homeless cats. I was sad here.

      4 hours walking a difficult trail in the heat, whilst 'pulling' someone along whom is scared to death, now that deserves a bourban at the end.

      Many hikers passed us. and we would ask how much further. They would tell us 30 mins, which for us translated to 2hrs.

      Honestly, with Athena wearing dark sunnies, it looked like I was leading a blind person over the trail.

      After much trial. We hear the noise of people from the town.

      And the view of Vernazza, is before us.
      HELLO VERNAZZA!!! You beautiful thing xx

      I would walk this trail again, anytime. Even with Athena xx
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    • Day 4

      Tag 3 | Cinque Terre-Wanderung

      July 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wanderung Monterosso nach Corniglia 🗺️

      Die Wanderung beginnt am Bahnhof von Monterosso. Erste Station nach ca. 1,5h: Vernazza mit Focaccia-Stopp. Zweite Station nach wieder ca. 1,5h: Corniglia. Hier gibt es bei der Gelateria Alberto wohl das beste Eis der Cinque Terre (Miele di Corniglia kann ich empfehlen, diese Sorte ist aus dem regionalen Honig hergestellt worden).
      Auf dem Weg habe ich eine Australierin getroffen, mit der ich den Rest der Wanderung verbracht und dabei einiges über Australien gelernt habe :).

      Leider ist der Weg von Corniglia zu den letzten zwei Dörfern Manarola und Riomaggiore gesperrt; hier ist jedoch für hoch Motivierte ein Höhenweg verfügbar (Schwierigkeit: mittel).

      Die Dörfer sind übrigens von Levanto bis La Spezia auch mit einem Zug verbunden, der im 20-minütigen Takt verkehrt.
      So anstrengend die Wanderung ist, so schön und lohnenswert ist die Aussicht! Völlig verständlich, dass hierfür also jährlich Millionen Menschen anreisen. Ein wahres Highlight. Übrigens wohl auch für nicht geübte Wanderinnen und Wanderer machbar.
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    • Day 5

      Cinque terre

      March 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Wir machten einen Ausflug um die wunderschönen bunten Fischerdörfer an der Küste Liguriens zu bewundern. Allerdings war unser Plan diese mit dem Auto zu erkunden etwas fehlgeleitet und gestaltete sich schwierig. Dennoch konnten wir auf diese Weise die unglaubliche Küstenstraße Liguriens bewundern. Ein Paradies für Motorradfahrer. Am Abend gab es sogar noch Strand und eiskaltes Meer.Read more

    • Day 12

      Fottur fra Vernazza til Corniglia

      July 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Første dagen i Cinque Terre ble brukt til å gå fra Vernazza til Corniglia.

      En vakker sti omgitt av oliventrær og sjøutsikt. Knappe 4 km og enkel sti, men med varmen og en del høydemeter så ble hardt nok til tider.

      Midt i løypa dukket det plutselig opp ett bondens marked hvor vi fikk påfyll av lokale frukter og friske drikker.

      Mens Tyri og Eirik tog toget tilbake, gikk sprekingene Brage og Gry hele strekket tilbake.
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    • Day 32 - Lucca then to Cinque Terre

      August 10, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today we are leaving Speedo man, the mozzies and his dirty hotel that doesn’t change towels when you put them on the floor, just folds them back up and leaves them for you on a chair near the door, like they are new towels… can’t wait to write that review.

      We found some better roads to depart and head for Lucca, we found a cafe along the way that I figured out how to ask for take away cappuccino and got some nice breads for lunch for us.

      On the way to Lucca we went the toll route - the Autostrada - The T-Cross doesn’t like 130km per hour so I stuck to 115km or 120km when needing to weave around trucks. It was a dream driving on the Autostrada and was a relaxing time compared to the small roads & blind bends we have had!

      We got to Lucca and got a park inside the city walls, we were amazed and considered us lucky. We walked around and so far the regret is we didn’t spend a night or two here. Quiet and picturesque.
      Lucca is a city on the Serchio river. It’s known for the well-preserved Renaissance walls encircling its historic city center and its cobblestone streets. Broad, tree-lined pathways along the tops of these massive 16th- and 17th-century ramparts are popular for strolling and cycling. Casa di Puccini, where the great opera composer was born, is now a house museum. We opted after our walk of Lucca, and the big trouble of the day - Katie trying to decide whether a leather bag she fell in love with should be brought or not (the shop shut at 1pm unfortunately) that lunch was to be had under one of the trees on the path.

      We jumped back into the car and headed to Cinque Terra region, I decided that we would drive from the south to Vernazza instead of what google maps suggested of coming in from the North quicker. I soon found out why it suggested the North. 30 minutes from the car park location we got onto roads that only fitted our car but again was two way. Italians don’t give way and they also have no courtesy when driving. So Katie got out her pretend pedals and helped me with the drive. Thankfully she did as we had a couple of vehicles coming up she could see, as I was too busy staring straight ahead as she scanned further on.

      We made it to the car park, they had my name at the top of the bookings as this was a loose operation and never emailed me back. We got into the van that drove us the rest of the way as it;s residence and taxi only area.
      We checked in and had to climb to our room - fourth floor, 60 steps and steep! Made it to the room and we opted for a walk around town. I kinda had an idea of where I wanted to end up and would you have it, we ended up directly in front of a bar called the Deck.Well when on Holiday a Rose and Spritz is always calling. The deck has an amazing view out and we enjoyed the spot very much.

      We got some breakfast supplies to put in the fridge and headed back to the room. Dinner was super easy but so delicious. We got some burgers from Hambu, I got the Octopus burger and vanilla Katie got Classico, bless her. We sat by the water with some drinks from the bar enjoying the view.

      After dinner we went and found some vantage points for views and to watch the sunset. Coming back down we went to get Gelato, after yesterday it still doesn’t count!
      We are currently deciding on a sunset boat cruise and how our two days here will look, with visiting the other villages.
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    • Day 34 - Vernazza

      August 12, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we had these wild ideas of jumping on the trails and doing some hiking, after experiencing 30 degrees here, we both agreed it wouldn’t be fun and we would probably give ourselves heat stroke!

      So we got up late, had our breakfast and climbed down our 64 stairs to get to some much needed coffee. I googled the best coffee in Vernazza, his pastries were said to be the best too so had to try one as well! The service was chaotic but the people watching was great! We will opt for elsewhere tomorrow due to the chaos of the small cafe though with our bags in tow.

      We looked through some shops of the town and took it slow. After a while we decided lunch was soon to be on the cards, I wanted to treat ourselves to a view, so we climbed the stairs to the path that leads to Corniglia. There before the paid path starts, sits a restaurant called Ristorante La Torre, views of Vernazza looking North. Katie had pesto pasta and I had the Spaghetti Mari - shrimps, clams & mussels dancing to please you as the menu states it. It was amazing, so was the Rose wine we ordered!

      After lunch we walked back into town slowly, we came back to the room to beat the heat. I googled things for the next legs of our trip and Katie had a much needed nap.

      We had booked a sunset cruise to take us along and see all 5 Cinque Terre Villages from the sea. We embarked on our cruise with a couple from America, a trio from Copenhagen and another couple who we shared trip advice from the Sunshine Cost in Queensland.

      Our Captain gave us a running commentary of the views, we saw a hole in the cliff edge, he pointed it out and as the trains between the village mostly run in tunnels, this is one of the escapes if needed…. All good until you see the jump you need to make into the Ocean.
      The 5 Cinque Terre towns were created mainly as fishing villages, they have their unique colours so sailors could see it from a distance and get back to the right village quicker and using less man power. Each town is painted differently so they can see it from afar the difference to know which one you are heading for, the untrained person like you & me wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, but apparently there are.
      He also told us how Cinque Terre villages came to be, The village of San Bernardino above Vernazza was the first village here on the coast. The original people never came down to the ocean as they were scared of attacks from Pirates. When the French came with Napoleon, they decided that they would help protect the seas in area. The ports of Levanto & La Spezia were of interest to the French also, the original people of San Bernardino started to come down and fish, soon becoming sailors and then started to create the 5 villages as they are today. Today there is no full time fishermen in the villages and with train access, Cinque Terre relies on tourists now to come and see the area.

      Once back in Vernazza we grabbed a small bite to eat and some Gelato, there is a concert on in the main Piazza so getting a table anywhere is impossible, thankfully we had some appetisers on the boat!

      Today was a nice relaxing day ready for our travels Tomorrow!
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    • Day 3

      Wanderweg von CORNIGLIA nach VERNAZZO

      July 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Grundsätzlich kann man zwischen den verschiedenen Städten in Cinque Terre mit dem Zug fahren 👍 Wir haben uns die Route von Corniglia nach Vernazza rausgepickt und sind diese gewandert - und es war heiß 💯💥
      Aber auch so schön und laut - die Zikaden dort sind ein wahnsinn 🤓 und sehr viele Kakteen (riesige!!! Wir glauben auch eine XXXXXXL Aloe Vera gesehen zu haben...🙌😅) und Zitronenbäume 🌵🌳🌱
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