Gucci Museo

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    • Tag 34

      Florence Day 2

      16. April 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Today is our 18 year wedding anniversary! It’s also Aunt Paiges birthday. She is in Italy as well. Tonight she is going to the opera!
      Gabe and I wanted to have a relaxing day without rushing. We started out the day at a cute shop who specialized in crepes, waffles, pancakes and bagels. I had an avocado bagel with “spreadable formaggio” it was good. Mostly because it was something different. We promised the kids we would all get on an E scooter and ride to this other part of town. It was about a 20 minute walk so the scooter defiantly helps. Since it was Sunday is was very crowded in town. we had to do lots of weaving between people walking. We wanted to go to one of the stores we like a lot called OVS. It’s a department store. They carry different brands. Renee needed to get a few things. Then we went to lunch at the Mercato Centrale. Which is a Food Hall. It was super busy but very good. We tried several different things.
      We bought some belts that Andrew and Gabe needed and then got back on our scooters and rode them back to our side of town. We dropped off our packages at the apartment and walked over to the Gucci Garden. It’s a bookstore, an exclusive boutique, a museum and where the Osteria is located. Once we arrived we found out that the museum was closed for renovation. Darn! Gelato time! We took the kids to the Lego store to get a couple of sets to build over the next week. Gabe and I went out to do some Anniversary shopping. We came back and fixed the kids dinner and got ready for our dinner at the Gucci Osteria de Massimo Botura. Recognize that name? Yes, we are going to another of his restaurants. The CEO of Gucci and Massimo went to school together for years. So Massimo agreed to be apart of the restaurant. The first one is in Florence, the 2nd in LA, 3rd in Hong Kong, and 4th is Seoul. ALL of them have 1 Michelin star. The space is very colorful and pretty. It’s much more casual environment than the one in Modena. I have been wanting to go to the one in LA for like 2 years. When I knew we were going to be in Florence I immediately went to look for a reservation. It’s one of the only things I had booked way in advance. The meal was 7 courses and there was only one really wow dish was the pasta. The rest were just good. Nothing like Osteria Francescana. The menu in LA is completely different. The chef in Florence is a female and she is from Mexico and her husband is Japanese. He was Massimo’s sous chef for many years. The experience was lovely and Gabe and I enjoyed our time together.

      **AP show UK the video.
      **Added in a few photos at the end of things from another day that wouldn’t fit.

    • Tag 5

      Hotel Bernini

      6. Juli 2018 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Said goodbye to John & girls this morning as they head off to Rome. I moved into Hotel Bernini right in the middle of all the action. Very fancy pants hotel. Had lovely lunch overlooking the river then back to hotel. Went out late in arvo to see the opening ceremony for the world dragon boat racing. Met up with kiwis from Pyes Pa, we couldn’t believe it. Cheered for the kiwi team. I will be watching the racing tomorrow.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 6


      7. Juli 2018 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Out early this morning for an hours walk to find where I have to be tomorrow to meet a group to go to Pisa and Lucca. Back to watch some dragon boat racing. Unfortunately I couldn’t get close to the kiwis. Lunch beside the river then siesta. Did 12 km today so not bad. Just back at the hotel in the bar having an aperol spritz before bed. Big day tomorrow.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 7

      Pisa and Lucca

      8. Juli 2018 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Long bus trip to Pisa but well worth it. Very hot day with big crowds but plenty of space really. Met a lovely American couple an teamed up with them. Had a lovely lunch with wine tasting? Not bad either!! Nearly caught by pick pockets but heard them just in time and yelled at them, they are so quick. Luckily I had my wits about me, not day dreaming as usual!!! Loved Pisa. Then on to Lucca and a wander around the old town, great little place. Back about 8pm. Another big day tomorrow.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9

      Cinque Terre

      10. Juli 2018 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Early start yesterday for Cinque Terre, started by a two hour bus trip, three train rides and two boat trips, lots of tourists but all good. Such a beautiful part of Italy. Amazing how they built into the rocky outcrops and have managed to stay there. Lots of locals swimming and a number of super yachts. Lunch was included at a wonderful place overlooking the sparkling water at the third village, lots of local wine and even a limoncello at the end. Didn’t get back to Florence until 9pm absolutely knackered. Chill day today.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9

      Last day in Florence

      10. Juli 2018 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      A much needed ‘chill’ day today although I did go out for a couple of walks, one this morning, went exploring and found places I hadn’t seen before. I stopped at a lovely little restaurant for a great lunch. Back to hotel to read the paper and siesta, really tried to pack a little, seems to get more & more difficult!!! Didn’t feel like dinner so had a bar snack and the usual aperol spritz (this is becoming a habit) will have to stop (when I leave Italy)!!! Went out for another walk, lovely to see everyone eating outside and enjoying themselves. Off at 7am in the morning to meet John & the girls at Rome airport, then we all fly to Sicily for another adventure. They have been enjoying Rome.Weiterlesen

    • San Gimignano and Firenze - day 7

      18. April 2019 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Our day started with focaccia from the campsite restaurant with scrumptious tomatoes – why do they always taste better in Italy? - and doing our washing (I was down to my last pair of sox and knickers (just in case anyone wanted to know!). Then we got on our bikes, and headed back to San Gimignano. We went the long way up the hill, and managed to bike all the way. This time we remembered our bike locks, so chained them to a tree, and walked into the town. Jodie found a stunning wine glass in a ceramic shop – they had the most beautiful ceramic table tops. Then we found the markets, and got a wee bit carried away – who could go past pure linen tops for 10 euros? Not us, that’s for sure. We had to check out by midday, so didn’t spend quite as long in the markets as we would have liked, but that was probably a good thing. The ride back to the campsite was lovely again – biking around here certainly perks me up. Then it was up to Nico to carry us away again.

      Next stop was Pams supermarket again in Poggibonsi. We wanted to get some levelling blocks for Nico, but the shop next to Pams had lunch from 1 to 3.30 and was closed, so we lost our enthusiasm and went on our way after getting a clothes drying rack, washing bucket and some still water. We have a really good garage in Nico, the 2 bikes fit in easily if we want, and found today that we could leave an entire drying rack up. That will make drying clothes a bit easier. Then we set off for Lucca which is meant to be amazing.

      The drive went quite smoothly until we met our first toll station. I had warned Jody that these weren’t always plain sailing, but I don’t think she was mentally prepared for the trauma. We elected to choose the lane to pay by card, and that’s when the fun started. It wasn’t really that clear where to put the ticket, so Jody put in her credit card first. Then a man’s voice came over the intercom basically saying ‘what are you doing!’. Jody asked him if he spoke English, and the answer was no. But he managed to give a bit of help, and she managed to get the ticket in a place that just looked like a box to me, and then put credit card in the same box and then the gate opened. Needless to say at the next toll gate we chose the cash option, and there was a person sitting in the booth who could have helped us if we had problems. We did notice the wind a bit – Nico is pretty high and large in front with the luton, so hopefully we won’t be driving on any really windy days.

      While we were driving both of us lost our sense of direction, and wondered where the GPS was taking us – it felt like we were going closer to Florence than Lucca. So we stopped to check the GPS, and it was taking us on main highways, but yes we were going close to Florence. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, we both decided that we loved Florence, and as we were so close then maybe we should stay there for the night, so we did!

      We got to our pitch about 3.45, and there was a shuttle into the city at 4.30. That was about the time I realised that I must have left my sunglasses somewhere, as they were nowhere to be found. But we put the washing in the sun for a while, got our bags ready, and were on time for the shuttle. It was fun walking around Firenze, and I got to see my favourite places. The lindt shop beside the Duomo is always easy to find, and we had a gelato there as well just taking in the lovely view. Just such an amazing structure. We had looked in a few shops for bags and jackets on the way, but I had in mind the road full of shops where they make their own jackets. When we found that road, I went into 1 shop and found a really nice jacket there for 150 euros. I asked him to keep hold of it and I might be back. Then I went to the next shop, and found the perfect jacket – similar to the style of my red one at home. The listed price was 445 euros. But by the time he had convinced Jody to get one as well, we paid 320 euros for 2 jackets. We were both very pleased with our purchases, and put them on straight away as it had got a bit cooler.

      Then it was off to Mercato for dinner. That is a bit like the Stables in Auckland, but much bigger, and much noisier. I have figured out why I like Italians so much. It is because they are never reserved, and larger than life. Earlier today we were in a shop, and the older man and woman were having an argument very loudly across the shop. A middleage man then asked them to ssssh, which they totally ignored. Then he started saying something like customers in the shop, but they still ignored that. I think it was their son, and found it hilarious. There is always something loud going on. We had a lovely meal of Tuscan stew with roasted potatoes and grilled veges. We shared the 3 plates which was plenty for both of us. After dinner we tried to catch a taxi, but ended up walking to the train station where there was a long line of people waiting. I then googled it cos there was something in my memory banks – and yes, you can’t flag down taxis in Italy, good to know.

      So now back in Nico at 10pm preparing for bed. We don’t have to check out tomorrow until 2pm, so plan to bike the 5kms into Firenze for breakfast. I mentioned biking up to Fiesole, and Jody thought she could be quite good support crew, ie waiting at the bottom for me to come back down and to take a video. After that we hope to get to Lucca! Being Easter weekend we are a bit concerned about finding a campground with a vacancy.

    • Tag 2

      Day two

      3. April in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Secondo giorno: Ci svegliamo, e dopo aver fatto colazione prendiamo il bus e giungiamo nella meravigliosa Firenze.
      Rimango stupita dalle innumerevoli opere d'arte presenti in questa città,
      e mi soffermo ad ammirarle una per una.
      La guida ci spiega ogni particolare sulla città e dopo aver fatto un giro del centro storico, ci dirigiamo verso il ristorante.
      Dopo aver pranzato ci viene concesso del tempo libero e io e le mie amiche entriamo in qualche negozio e passeggiamo in giro per la città fino all'orario di rientro. Torniamo sul bus e rientriamo in Hotel. Facciamo una cena anche stasera molto discutibile, e passiamo la nottata scherzando, e in tarda nottata ci addormentiamo.

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