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    • Day 49

      Habitats insolites 👀

      May 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      De retour sur le continent ! Welcome back !!

      On ne vous cache pas qu'on a éprouvé quelques difficultés à quitter notre île... La Sicile a réellement gagné notre cœur ! ❤

      En miroir avec nos émotions, une pluie s'est abattue sur l'Italie durant quelques jours, ralentissant notre rythme et permettant une transition douce avec la suite du périple 🌧🌈. (Nous sommes resté•e•s coincé•e•s 2 jours près d'une chapelle en altitude, avec pour seule voisine une statue de la vierge ! Superbe spot, mais impossible de redescendre à cause du chemin de terre que l'on avait emprunté et qui était devenu impraticable avec la pluie (!). On a activé le mode autarcie, on a presque failli faire de la récupération d'eau de pluie car notre réserve commençait à s'amenuiser 😅).


      Après cette petite mésaventure, nous sommes parti•e•s à la découverte d'une des plus vielles villes du monde, porte d'entrée de la région des Pouilles, le talon de la botte : Matera !

      Pour la petite histoire...👇
      Les premier•e•s habitant•e•s de la ville avaient élu domicile dans des maisons troglodytes : les sassi ; et ce jusque dans les années 50 ! Un jour, un journaliste a rédigé un article à propos de ces personnes vivant à contre courant, auprès de la nature avec leurs animaux, dans des conditions similaires à celles du Moyen-âge. Ce coup de projecteur a produit un scandale dans tout le pays, le gouvernement a alors désignée la situation comme une "honte nationale" et a obligé les familles à déménager dans des immeubles de la nouvelle ville. Plus tard, les sassi ont été réhabilitées et sont de nouveaux habitées.

      Parcourir les rues de cette ville chargée d'histoires et profiter de la vue magnifique sur les prémices du canyon verdoyant des Pouilles, c'était fantastique ! 💫🔥


      Sur la route entre Matera et Alberobello, on rencontre déjà des trulli !

      Il s'agit de petites maisons circulaires en pierres blanchies à la chaux au toit conique. Solitaires ou jumelles, elles se regroupent en petits hameaux. À l'origine, le trullo était construit pour loger les travailleureuses agricoles durant les saisons.

      À Alberobello, ce sont des centaines de trulli que nous découvrons ; habitées, louées par des touristes, transformées en boutiques, abritant des cafés...

      On a adoré ce concept d'habitat groupé où l'espace se trouve optimisé et certaines commodités mutualisées. Deux quartiers étonnants et insolites que l'on recommande !

      Le saviez-vous ? ☝🤓
      La partie la plus élevée au sommet du toit est différente sur chaque trullo. Il s'agit de la "signature" du maçon-tailleur de pierres, et aussi un indicateur du statut social du•de la propriétaire.
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    • Day 5

      Matera, Italy

      September 1, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Up early again for another travel day. We all felt that we spent JUST the right amount of time in Rome and were all ready to head down South for the week. We ate breakfast in our lobby before catching a taxi to Fiumincino. I was so impressed with how nice and new the airport was - so much better than gross JFK. We hopped on a bus to get to our plane and then, 40 minutes later, Bari! Luckily we had no trouble with our rental car (Matt got to relearn how to drive a manual transmission) and an hour later we pulled into the parking lot in Matera. Evie wasn't feeling well after the drive, so Matt and Hannah took a car to the hotel with the luggage while Evie and I walked in - and what a walk! Matera is literally built into the mountain and there are these caves carved all in the city, inluding our hotel - Sextantino - and it was absolutely breathtaking. Our room was in a giant cave - literally built into the cave the girls (and us) loved it so so much. We spent some time exploring our rooms and then went outside for some drinks and cards. Later in the evening we walked down the main street, twisting and turning past the big bascilicata until we reached our dinner destination at La Lopa. The restaurant was also built into a cave and at the bottom of the stairs was a cinema that played Italian movies shot in Matera (lots of bloody, naked guys). Then we walked home and went to bed (in the cave!).Read more

    • Day 6

      Matera, Italy

      September 2, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      First full day in Matera! We woke up a bit early (8:30 so not tooooo early) and the kids were unhappy. They begrudgingly got dressed and we went next door for breakfast which was (of course) in a cave. It was a gorgeous space and there was the most amazing buffet with cheeses, cakes and fruit. After, we met our guide for the morning who gave us the history of Matera and showed us all over the city. The history of Sassi is incredibly interesting and now I feel like I have to go back and re-read Christ Stopped at Eboli. The girls were tired at the end of our walk so we found a gelato place for a snack and then wandered back to our hotel for a little rest. We changed into our walking gear (I had to go all the way back to the car to get my sneakers!) and went next door for pizza which as AH-mazing. Some of the best we have ever had. We had decided earlier in the trip that we were going to hike accross the canyon to go explore the caves (built in neolithic times!), so we walked over and began the 1.6km hike. And hike it was! Straight up and straight down with a crazy bridge suspended very high up over the river. It was super hard but the kids did amazing and didn't complain at all. Once we got to the top of the far canyon there were all of these really fantastic caves to discover and explore built right into the rock. The only downside was the amount of trash all over the place and how crazy steep and dangerous (no railing at all) it was. Matt did not like being up so high, so we went back down fairly soon (the kids were bummed, they could have explored all day). Everyone was tired when we got back so we let the girls watch Star Wars on Matt's computer and we went outside for a drink which was very nice :) After, we all took a shower and played cards before walking down the street for dinner at a cute outdoor place (it was mercifully pretty chilly out!) and had pasta and the most delicous t-bone steak cooked on a hot plate. So good and the kids loved it. Then we sadly ordered the grossest dessset (some sort of weird cannoli thing) we have ever had before heading back to the cave for bed!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Macchia, Q18428689

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