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    • Day 25


      May 5, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Amazing day!! Day dawned sunny with few clouds! Our plan today was to hike in Switzerland. Last night we looked on line for a hike around Lugano which is only about 45 minutes away. Found one and took off this AM for Lugano around 8:30. Found parking in Lugano close to our destination - Monte San Salvatore Funicular. Yes, we "cheated" a bit. We took the funicular to the top of the mountain which was spectacular. You could see 360 around Lake Lugano. This funicular was opened in 1890!! All to bring tourists to the area. A lovely restaurant that has a Michelin rating at the top. (Only in Switzerland). Lots of posters and history of the funicular - very interesting. After poking around there for an hour or so we started our hike downhill. The Swiss are real professionals on hiking and signage. All of the signs tell you - not the distance - but how long it takes to get from one place to another. Our trails was one of many that went done the spine of the peninsula that juts out into Lake Lugano. The first section of downhill was steep, rocky and I used my "sticks" for the first ime on this trip. After that we got to a small artist village - Carona - and found Coke Zeros and sat by the street to have our lunch.

      Talked with a Swiss couple who we had seen on the trail and were lunching as well Then a long path through the woods and a bit of pastureland until we reach our destination of Morote, Switzerland. We planned on either the ferry or bus back to Lugano. As luck would have it, there was a ferry in 20 minutes. Thought it would be a quick ride but as it turned out this ferry pretty much toured the Lake. About 1.5 hours later, we were back to our car. Nice way to unwind and the Swiss ferries have wine !!

      Home to make pasta for dinner, warm enough sit outside for cocktails and dinner. Talked briefly with our "neighbors" - the kids from Latvia. They are partying elsewhere tonight. :-) And
      we enjoyed our after dinner Limoncello.

      Miles: 9.7
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    • Day 19


      April 29, 2018 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      Our 2nd day in Menaggio dawns cloudy with some sun. Views of Lake Como and the surrounding towns nestled in the mountains from our condo still spectacular. Leisurely breakfast while we do another load of wash - washing machine cycle is about an hour and a half - maybe longer. Since it is Sunday we decided to hike to a church. You can see a small church way up on top of one of the nearby mountains. (When the weather clears will add a picture from here - done). Trail head was about 25 minutes up the mountain from our condo in a village named Breglia.

      Easy to find the parking lot and off we went. This was only going to be about an hour walk through the woods to the church and another small chapel. It was a lovely walk, some up but not too bad. Wonderful green forest and glimpses of the Lake very far below. A few others on the trail as well but not many. The very small church had a paved walkway from the town and long cobblestone steps leading to the sanctuary. The site dates from the 1100s but a "new" church built there in the 1700s. An great Sunday AM walk in the woods.

      Back to the condo for lunch and then off to Lenno, a village about 6-7 miles from us. We are headed for Villa Balbianello, a magnificent villa perched over Lake Como. We walked about a mile from where we parked the car to the villa. This afternoon they have a Lake Como Music Festival event - a harpist and a sax/clarinet that did an hour and a half of wonderful music in a spectacular setting. Very special. Lots of villas with gardens in the area to visit. The wisteria is in bloom and I have never seen such lush and full wisteria. Looking for some clear weather for good pictures.

      After the music, off to Porlezza which is only about 15 miles away but is on the North end of Lake Lugano and just 5-7 miles from Switzerland. We want to do a hike from our place to Porlezzo. Our hiking book says it is 14.5K or about 9 miles. So we did a scouting trip. Got hungry there so stopped for pizza and gelato (frozen yougurt for Kay) for dinner. Home for some planning and catching up on e-mail.
      Miles: 5
      Flights: 32!
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    • Day 2

      Menaggio, Italy

      May 19, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      June 2017
      Directly across the lake from Varenna, and equally close to Bellagio, Menaggio makes a fine base from which to explore the northern and southern sections of the lake. Popular with British visitors and home to some residents who commute 8 miles to Lugano, Switzerland, this aesthetically pleasing, extremely laid-back town is similar to Bellagio, though it is somewhat less popular. Once a walled city in medieval times, today it’s a bustling resort filled with hotels, restaurants, live entertainment, arcades, shops, and even a mini-golf course. It’s quite possible to spend an entire day lazing about the lovely lakefront promenade, with its flower beds and palm trees, but it’s worth climbing the steep stairs to explore the older part of town, where you can see remnants of the former wall. If you’d like to escape for a bit, nearby Breglia is a good starting point for hiking trails ranging from easy to difficult.
      Gravedona has one of the best waterfront promenades of any town on Lake Como, with bike paths, sandy beaches, and public tennis courts.

      Argegno is not as glamorous as Varenna and Bellagio, and that is its charm. Impervious to the frenetic activity on other parts of the lake, it has retained its individual character, and remained a simple, unspoilt village where locals far outnumber visitors. It offers travelers a glimpse of authentic village life. Argegno is well known for its cable car that takes you up to the town of Pigra which is at an 800m altitude. From the top the panoramic views are incredible.
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