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    • Day 72

      Lake Como

      October 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Our trip from Venice to Lake Como was running very smoothly. We went on 3 trains, each one going for maybe one hour each. It was all going fine and smooth until we had to get on the bus and it all fell apart. We got off the train and out of the train station and just missed the first bus so we had to wait an hour. We were the only ones there for the first thirty minutes but then more and more people started to come until the whole bus stop was packed. There was even a whole gang of 14 to 15 year olds so when the bus came all the 14s and 15s pushed against the doors of the bus trying to get on first and they were pushing so hard that they pushed over an old lady who nearly got run over! We had to scramble on with our big suitcases and no one helped us, just pushed us aside. Me, Mum and Dad got on the bus but Jemilla got cut off by another wave of people and it took her ages to get back on. We were halfway down the bus when she realised she wasn’t on. When she finally scrambled on the bus the driver was saying she wasn’t allowed on. Dad was calling out to the Bus driver to let her on but he didn’t understand, but in the end a New Zealand guy realised what happened and sort it out. We finally got to our place and settled in with our awesome view and now have another good travel story!

      On our second day we walked down to the supermarket along this really nice trail which was really green and had a bunch of paths leading down to the ocean. We did get lost a lot of times.

      On our third day we stayed at home and watched the grand final because we always have to watch it late. It wasn’t like any of the grand finals we’ve watched before because there were no party pies or sausage rolls but a different experience is a good experience.

      After our grand final day we got up and got on a ferry that took us over to Bellagio where we looked around for a-bit. Everything there looked super rich with a lot of rich people and the area around had really nice streets with expensive food, so we had to walk 30 minutes to a super market were we got a delicious pizza for $2, which was cheap seeing that we saw the same pizza for $6 in the middle of town. Our next town (Verena) we visited on the ferry was much smaller and we had not as much time there unfortunately because we had to catch the bus. We then caught the ferry back and got some delicious ice cream while we waited for the bus.

      The next day we visited a really famous villa where a James Bond scene was filmed and half a Star Wars movie. It was a big garden with really nice views and it was really cool standing in the places that famous actors stood. All in all I loved Lake Como because it was quiet and the architecture was very colourful and Italian. I also loved Italy in general because this was our last place before we leave for Switzerland. I think Italy was my favourite country so far and Germany goes in second place.
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    • Day 5


      May 7 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      In Domaso ist es meist schön, heute war es regnerisch und die Dusche wegen fehlender Sonne kühl bis kalt, wird erst abends nach etwas Sonne wärmer. Wir fahren mit dem Bus nach Menaggio. Es ist ein kleines Städtchen mit Flair. Abends scheint die Sonne trotzdem es töpfelt.Read more

    • Day 16

      Schwimmen, lesen, Bummeln Menaggio

      July 25, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Ausgedehntes opulentes Frühstück nach einer Runde baden im Comer See. Heute gönnen wir uns ein Tag ohne geplante Ausflüge und lassen uns nur treiben 🤗.

      Am späten Nachmittag brechen wir auf nach Monaggio, einen Park besuchen, bummeln in Monaggio und Abendessen im Restaurant. Wir haben gerade so noch einen Tisch ergattern können und hatten Glück, dass der angekündigte Sturm uns noch verschonte.

      Am Abend ließen sich noch einige Blitze in den Bergen beobachten. 🌩
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    • Day 23

      Lake Como, Italy (Days 1 & 2)

      August 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      What we did:
      - We spent two and a half days in Como and stayed in the town of Menaggio.
      - We got up really early from Zermatt on day 1 and took 4 trains, a taxi, and a bus to get us to Menaggio around 4pm. Since it was a Sunday most of the busses weren’t running when we reached Lugano, so Trent sweet talked our way onto a bus and we got to Menaggio at about 4pm after a nice scenic bus ride around Lake Lugano and Lake Como. It was quite cloudy that day so we walked around Menaggio and had dinner at Pizzeria Lugano.
      - We woke up the next day (Trent’s birthday - woohoo!) to some rain and had breakfast at the B&B with an older Dutch couple that was very friendly. We stopped at the pharmacy because Steph woke up with her eye swollen shut and got some allergy medicine. We headed to the ferry stop to make it to our 12:00pm lunch reservation for Trents birthday at Veranda dei Pescatore in Varenna. The rain was drenching and we were completely soaked (shoes, clothes, everything) by the end of our 10 minute walk to the restaurant. The restaurant applauded our determination and gave us free champagne and blankets while we tried to tough it out under the awning outside. We eventually moved inside and had a wonderful first Italian meal - great food and great wine! We headed back to Menaggio and hung around the town and had a very chill dinner at a cafe before heading back to the B&B.
      - On our last day in como we had planned to rent a boat for half the day but the wind made the lake too rough for us to go out. We ended up picking up snacks for a picnic and heading over to Bellagio on the ferry. Sat on a bench on the lake and ate our lunch made of amazing Italian meats and cheeses. Walked around Bellagio and got our first Italian gelato - so good! We then decided we hadn't seen enough of a Varenna the day before, so we took the ferry over to Varenna from Bellagio. We walked around the town and stumbled upon a great hotel bar with fantastic outdoor seating and views of the lake. Definitely the highlight of the day and we spent a few hours there. Took the ferry back to Menaggio at the end of the day and wrapped up Como at our favorite pizza joint - Pizzeria Lugano!

      What we ate:
      - Pizzeria Lugano: Diavola Pizza and Mushroom Pizza night 1. Diavola was the favorite! A calzone and bolognese pasta on night 3.
      - La Veranda Dei Pescatore: Burrata and tomatoes, meet and cheese plate, lake fish risotto, and mixed grilled fish. Great bottle of red wine: Viandante.
      - Gelateria del Borgo: Steph got lemon and strawberry and Trent got lemon, strawberry, and melon.
      - Hotel Royal Victoria: Olives, chips, pretzels, nuts, with a couple of Aperol Spritzes!
      - Cafe Central - a couple of paninis, a beer, and cappuccino for dinner night two since we were so full from Trent’s birthday lunch.
      - Picked up bread, salami, prosciutto, and some cheese for a picnic on the lake in Bellagio on day 2.

      Fun facts:
      - Steph is either allergic to Como or the detergent used at the B&B. We decided she looked like Will Smith in Hitch every time she woke up in Como with her eye shut.
      - There are two pharmacies in Italy, one with a green cross that sells medicine similar to what you would find at a Walgreens in the states, and one with a Red Cross that sells botanical/home remedy type medicine.
      - Steph and Trent are pleasantly surprised by prices in Italy! Scandinavia and Swiss prices have made them appreciate the Italian prices.
      - Italy doesn’t understand the concept of time lol. Nothing runs on time (ferries, trains, busses) and this has been very frustrating for us.
      - Steph now wants to recreate an Italian patio/pergola with trellises, lanterns, and a climbing tree/plant in our backyard after being at the Royal Victoria.
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    • Day 3

      Day 3 ~ Mennagio, Italy

      July 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Our first full day in Lake Como, Italy... we decided to switch hotels from Lake Laguna to Lake Como because the first hotel didn't give us the room we booked and paid for... but, our new digs are quite spectacular... so it's all good. Some random pics from today! 💜Read more

    • Day 5


      August 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Première nuit en tente. Auguste et maman se sont fait devorer par la moustique entre Arona et Menaggio.
      Auguste 37 piqûres en tout sur ses 2 jambes, maman pas loin et papa zero.
      Pauvre Auguste qui s'en plaint beaucoup.
      La nuit en tente sest bien passé moins bien pr maman qui s'est souvent fait poussée par un enfant de 2 ans qui a la facheuse tendance de dormir en diagonale....
      Petite journée tranquille. Plage de cailloux, baignade dans une eau claire douce et d'une température plus que satisfaisante. Jeux de cailloux.
      Petit instant pluie pendant 1h où nous sommes enfermés sous la tente pour le plus grand plaisir d'Auguste qui adore faire l'avion et nous sauter dessus !
      Ballade dans le centre de Menaggio avec un petit resto bien sympa.
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    • Day 4

      Départ pour le lac de Côme

      August 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Arrivée apres le bateau, un appel du proprietaire du air bnb nous informe que nous nous sommes trompés dans les dates, nous aurions dû quitter le air bnb le matin même alors que nous pensions avoir réservé jusqu'au lendemain. Vite, nous nous dépêchons de rentrer, faire les affaires (à l'arrache) et quitter le logement le plus vite possible.
      C'est parti pour la deuxième partie du voyage au lac de Côme.
      Heureusement le camping de Menaggio que nous avions est réservé à partir du lendemain nous fait une petite place pour notre tente pour la nuit supplémentaire. Nous sommes mal installés, les affaires en vrac dans la voiture, nous mangeons à l'arrache bref ça ira mieux demain.
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    • Day 2

      Mit der Fähre von Menaggio nach Varenna

      September 7, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Calimoto, meine Motorrad Navi App ist immer für Überraschungen gut. Die App möchte, das ich mit der Fähre über den Lago di Como übersetze. Auch gut. So bleibt Zeit für einen lecker Cappuccino. 😋

    • Day 25


      May 5, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Amazing day!! Day dawned sunny with few clouds! Our plan today was to hike in Switzerland. Last night we looked on line for a hike around Lugano which is only about 45 minutes away. Found one and took off this AM for Lugano around 8:30. Found parking in Lugano close to our destination - Monte San Salvatore Funicular. Yes, we "cheated" a bit. We took the funicular to the top of the mountain which was spectacular. You could see 360 around Lake Lugano. This funicular was opened in 1890!! All to bring tourists to the area. A lovely restaurant that has a Michelin rating at the top. (Only in Switzerland). Lots of posters and history of the funicular - very interesting. After poking around there for an hour or so we started our hike downhill. The Swiss are real professionals on hiking and signage. All of the signs tell you - not the distance - but how long it takes to get from one place to another. Our trails was one of many that went done the spine of the peninsula that juts out into Lake Lugano. The first section of downhill was steep, rocky and I used my "sticks" for the first ime on this trip. After that we got to a small artist village - Carona - and found Coke Zeros and sat by the street to have our lunch.

      Talked with a Swiss couple who we had seen on the trail and were lunching as well Then a long path through the woods and a bit of pastureland until we reach our destination of Morote, Switzerland. We planned on either the ferry or bus back to Lugano. As luck would have it, there was a ferry in 20 minutes. Thought it would be a quick ride but as it turned out this ferry pretty much toured the Lake. About 1.5 hours later, we were back to our car. Nice way to unwind and the Swiss ferries have wine !!

      Home to make pasta for dinner, warm enough sit outside for cocktails and dinner. Talked briefly with our "neighbors" - the kids from Latvia. They are partying elsewhere tonight. :-) And
      we enjoyed our after dinner Limoncello.

      Miles: 9.7
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