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    • Gün 30

      San Giovanni Evangelista Parma

      3 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Tucked behind the Cathedral is another fantastic chucrh - San Giovanni Evangelista, the Church of Saint John the Evangelist. This church is part of a complex that includes a Benedictine convent and the San Giovanni Old Pharmacy. Originally a 10th century abbey and church, the current church was rebuilt from around 1498 to 1510.

      Similar to the Cathedral (it still amazes me how many churches these small towns have so close together), it is made of the same pink marble and features several highly detailed sculputres and a bell tower that stands 73 metres high.

      Its interior is elaborate, ornate and a bit more subdued with more golds and darker hues than the softer colours featured in the Cathedral. Many religious artworks by the renowned artist Correggio are on display. Yet another example of how incredibly talented the people of this era were, to be able to create and decorate such amazing structures.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 30

      Monastero di San Giovanni Evangelista

      3 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Adjoining the church is the monastery of San Giovanni which also dates to the 10th century. While most of what we could see was unadorned and peaceful, the library was an explosion of colour and decoration, filled with frescos painted by two artists from Bologna, Giovanni Antonio Paganino and Ercole Pio. It took just one year for the artists to fresco the 21 metre long, 13 metre wide and 6 metre high hall. It is so impressive and the detail and subjects are so interesting. It has a different feel again to the other amazing places we have visited today.

      The library has manuscripts dating back to the 15th century and over 40000 books that can indeed be loaned out.

      This sort of stuff just blows my mind. It’s hard to believe we can walk in buildings and observe art and architecture that is around 1000 years old. Just amazing. I had added Parma to our holiday itinerary for its food history and had no clue that these amazing buildings would be the highlight of our trip for me.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      San Giovanni Evangelista, hinter dem Dom

      14 Mayıs 2023, İtalya ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Direkt hinter der Kathedrale ragt ein weiterer Kirchturm in die Höhe zu dem wir als nächstes gegangen sind. Das Benediktinerkloster San Giovanni Evangelista wurde der nach einem Brand im 15. Jahrhundert neu gebauten. Ins Innere sind wir nicht, da alle Türen geschlossen waren. Ob wegen einer Messe oder allgemein wissen wir nicht. Nicht weiter schlimm, so ging’s direkt weiter auf unsere Runde im Regen.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 29


      2 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today’s destination was Parma, famous for its Parmesan cheese and Parma ham, among other things. We haven’t been here before and it has taken us by surprise. It is such a pretty town filled with colourful buildings (which I love), picturesque laneways, stunning historic sites, many churches for us to explore, and way too many enticing restaurants and cafes. It is a foodie’s paradise so Brad is very happy - very VERY happy.

      Today’s plan was to just acquaint ourselves with the town before our more in-depth exploration tomorrow. And what a beautiful day to just wander and admire the town. The bad weather didn’t follow us and we are back to unbelievable blue skies and warm sunshine. Perfect for taking photos of the amazing buildings and sites. #nofilter

      We had our first of many delicious meals, with lunch at da Mat bistro cucina. And the food was AMAZING. We enjoyed an entree of torta fritta, a delicate fried puffy deliciousness which is basically dough that is fried in lard. It puffs up while cooking to form a pocket and can be cut open to stuff with prosciutto di parma. We followed this up with ravioli for me and pappardelle for Brad. Both meals were amazing, paired with the local wines and beers. It was a great introduction to the food we were looking forward to sampling in Parma.

      We are so excited to see more tomorrow and have a food tour booked for Tuesday. I don’t think the scales will be my friend when we get home but you only live once.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 31

      Food Tour, Parma

      4 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Parma is famous for its food and rich gastronomical tradition: two of its specialties are Parmigiano cheese and Prosciutto di Parma (Parma ham). Because of this we decided to take a guided food tour of the city. Our guide, Alessia took us on a foodie trek to some of the best establishments in Parma.

      We started with aparetifs of prosciutto, salumi, bread and Lambrusco - a sparkling red wine, at Panino d’artista. This restaurant is a tribute to the composer Verdi and is decorated with many of his images and work. It was so good we ended up going back there for dinner tonight.

      For the next course we had pasta and more bread at Officina Alimentare Dedicata. We tried having lunch there on our first day in Parma but it was fully booked, so it was good to be able to enjoy a meal there. Their pasta, like most of the restaurants in town, is hand made on site by a dedicated chef whose only job is to make all the pasta. The fresh pasta is so different to store bought that we are more than likely going to source fresh pasta for cooking when we get home.

      Main course was from Salumeria Garibaldi and they provided a ‘picnic’ of locally sourced veal and potatoes. We walked up to the nearby university and ate our lunch sitting on the edge of the fountain. This was our least favourite course as it was quite rich and salty but we gave it a go.

      To finish off the food tour we had gelato at Gelateria Ciacco, who only use natural plant based ingredients. The taste of the gelato was so fresh and with genuine, natural flavours.

      After walking for about 5km between these food stops, which we needed to to burn off some of the calories, we went back to our apartment for our siesta.

      This evening we returned to Panino d’artista for dinner in their adjoining restaurant, La Cucina del Maestro where we eventually enjoyed another delicious meal. Unfortunately they seemed to have forgotten us and we did have to wait quite some time to be served, but that gave us time to really enjoy the decor.

      We had a massive food day and are both so full. But the plan was to take advantage of the Parma food experience while we were here and I think we have achieved our goal.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 30

      Gallo d'Oro, Parma

      3 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      After a day filled with sights to feed the soul, the body still needed to be fueled. We decided to try one of the restaurants our host had recommended and it was amazing. Dinner tonight was at Ristorante Gallo d’Oro, and once again, the food was delicious.

      The only thing that did amuse us was our entree of parmesan cheese, which we thought we had to try as it is the food of the town. What we didn't expect was chunks of parmesan cheese served with two small bows of dipping sauces. No bread, no biscuits, nothing but cheese and we have to admit it was a bit overpowering. One nibble was all we needed. Thnakfully the rest of our meal was perfect and easy to devour.

      To top our evening off we sat next to Kristy and John, a couple from Perth. It was nice being able to talk and laugh with people from Australia after being away from home for so long. These interludes just add to the whole experience.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 32

      Perfect Parma

      5 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Parma has been perfect. Being declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of the amount of protected foods that are made in this Provence, we vowed to try as many of their local delicacies as possible in our short time here. And we succeeded as we roll ourselves onto our last town before heading home.

      Not only is Parma a gift to the taste buds, it is a town of beauty and many spectacular historic sites. The Parma Cathedral, the Baptistry of Parma and the Monastery of San Giovanni Evangelista are just breathtaking with their elaborately decorated surfaces, stunning and detailed frescoes and richness of textures, colours and materials. All three are very overwhelming and photographs just can’t honestly portray the beauty of these places, and the wonder. Once again we wonder at how these amazing structures were built and decorated, some over 1000 years ago. Mind officially blown. Parma has to be a highlight of our trip and being a “non-tourist” town it was a delight to experience and explore.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Palazzo della Pilotta - Weg nach Parma

      14 Mayıs 2023, İtalya ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Kaum aus dem Park raus ging’s über die Ponte Giuseppe Verdi Richtung Zentrum. Die Brücke führt über den Fluss Parma, der auf Satellitenaufnahmen in Google Maps komplett ausgetrocknet war und jetzt dank dem vielen Regen wieder vorhanden ist. Sogar mit erstaunlich viel Wasser! Von der Brücke ging’s direkt durch einen gigantischen Gebäudekomplex. Der Palazzo della Pilotta hat seinen Namen vom Pelota-Spiel, das von den spanischen Soldaten auf dem Cortile del Guzzatoio gespielt wurde. Heute beherbergt die Gebäudegruppe das Archäologische Nationalmuseum Parma, die Kunsthochschule Toschi, die Biblioteca Palatina, das Bodonianische Museum, das Teatro Farnese und die Galleria nazionale di Parma (Nationalgalerie Parma). Die ersten Teile des Komplexes wurden schon 1583 erbaut. Ingesamt kam es immer wieder zu Anbauten, Umbauten und leider auch mal zu Zerstörung. Aus diesem Grund fehlt auch, gut erkennbar, ein Teil der Ummauerung des großen Innenhofs.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 30

      Duomo di Parma

      3 Ekim 2022, İtalya ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Following the museum we made our way into the cathedral, where once again our breath was taken away.

      Well I had absolutely no idea what to expect from inside the Parma Cathedral. Jaw dropping and breathtaking - words and photos do not and cannot adequately describe the beauty, the talent or the feeling inside this Cathedral. Stunning, overwhelming, elaborate, intricate….

      Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is considered one of the finest examples of a Romanesque Cathedral in Italy and is particularly known for its fantastic interior frescoes. Construction began in 1059 and like all other structures has been remodelled and added to throughout the years. While the exterior doesn’t stand out as anything special, the interior is bursting with colour, even today, and is considered a fine example of Renaissance art. We absolutely loved it. I could have admired it for hours.

      Stunning and we did not think it could be topped... but it was...
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6


      12 Nisan 2023, İtalya ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C


      ist eine Universitätsstadt in der italienischen Region Emilia-Romagna. Sie ist für Parmesankäse und Parmaschinken berühmt. Das Stadtzentrum ist mit romanischen Gebäuden geschmückt, darunter der mit Fresken ausgemalte Dom von Parma und das Baptisterium aus rosafarbenem Marmor. Im Teatro Regio, einem Opernhaus aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, finden Klassikkonzerte statt. Die Galleria Nazionale im beeindruckenden Palazzo della Pilotta präsentiert Werke der Maler Correggio und Canaletto.Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Parma, بارما, Парма, Parme, פארמה, PMF, パルマ, Pèrma, پارما

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