Piazza Trilussa

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    • Day 25 - Vatican City & Rome

      3 agosto 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Today we woke up at 6am, we were feeling rather spiritual and needed our fix! Luckily I had organised an early morning tour of the Vatican before the trip!!
      We headed to the Vatican City where our tour started at 7.30am (public opening isn’t until 8.30am!) The tour was great, it wasn’t in your face religion that I was preparing myself for, instead it was how the Vatican City came to be, the artefacts they have found and saved through the centuries, how each pope decided on different things in the Vatican & mainly about the paintings and their stories behind said paintings. It also was the highlights tour - see everything that should be seen, if you want to brave the crowds after breakfast at 9.30am then do so at your own pace.
      We went into the Sistine Chapel and learnt about how Michelangelo painted the roof, then 25 years later a pope begged him to paint the Last Judgement piece on the wall. He put a lot of himself in this as he didn’t want to do the Last Judgement painting - so he put a pope going to Hell, he also did a self portrait of himself as his face on flayed skin held by St. Bartholomew precariously between heaven & Hell.

      After the provided breakfast at the Vatican (Italians can’t cook eggs but can make a great pancake) we made our way through the masses, we dodge, duck, dived and weaved through the crowd - it was humid too - so we skipped going back through most sites as once you’ve seen a few statues, you’ve seen enough of them in that heat! We went onto St. Peter’s Basilica through an entry point off the Sistine chapel the tour guide told us about so we didn’t have to line up for 3 hours!
      After a walk through that, Katie and I decided we had our fill of churches and religion so we headed back to the BnB (Yes Vatican didn’t disappoint - I saw 3 gift shops on the way out - no bobble head Jesus’s tho unfortunately) Before going back to the BnB, we made a stop to Knight’s of Malta keyhole that looks to a garden and perfectly framed Saint Peter’s Basilica. The keyhole is part of the property owned by the Priory of the Knights of Malta, a Roman Catholic religious order of crusader knights that originated in Jerusalem in the 11th century. It is the oldest surviving chivalric order in the world and is a sovereign entity under international law. The estate also hosts the embassy of the Order of Malta to Italy.

      After that we went back and rested from our travels this morning.

      Once rested and cooled, we made our way over to Trastevere for some lunch - Again a TikTok reviewed place was in order - We went to Trapizzino which is Italian street food, pretty much Pizza base with a filling inside, we also had a Suppli Classico starter that is Mozzarella and risotto style rice Depp fried. Super Healthy lunch - so we had to wash it down with a glass of wine!

      We ventured to Termini to see where we picked the car up as we didn’t feel great about trying to find it with luggage the next morning.

      Dinner was at Il Tagliere Toscano Navona, a sharing board of cheese and meat, we also made light work of of a bottle of Rose! This was another TikTok venture - Dad, this is my secret along with Insta!

      We then walked over to Frigidarium for more Gelato - this time there was a line but it moved quickly. We were served by the owner it seemed, he got Katie her Lemon & Liquorice flavours, I then asked for strawberry, couldn’t decide on the rest so he chose peach and yoghurt to go with it. It was amazing and I was very happy with this!

      We ventured on past the Pantheon again, this time closed so I showed Katie the boards outside and explained what she had missed due to the lines. It is still amazing on the outside as this has stood the test of time since what is presumed 126AD, as it was initially built somewhere between 27BC & 14AD but was made from wood and burnt down.

      We moved onto the Trevi fountain, took some photos and decided we were ready to head to the BnB, public transport doesn’t work like normal transport options it seems, busses turn up on their time and if they turn up. Took us 30-40minutes for a bus to finally go to near where we wanted but we made it back to the BnB safely which we were happy with!.
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    • Giorno 39

      It's Off to Rome We Go

      1 agosto 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Today was the day we go to Rome. The final leg of our journey. The last stretch.

      To be honest, the day wasn't looking so good. We got up, finished packing, went to the train station, ate some breakfast, caught our train and headed to Rome. Pretty standard. We were worried our train was going to be late because another train coming out of Rome hit a "large animal " and it was causing major delays. But our train was coming from the Milan direction and so it was only a few minutes behind schedule.

      We had made arrangements with the apartment people that we would be at the place between 1:30 and 2 to check in. We were supposed to arrive in Rome at 12:30 so I thought I had factored in enough buffer time to account for any delays. In the end, we arrived just after 1 and with the time it took to figure out transport, then take the transport, and the walk the 10 minutes to our place, we got there just before 2.

      The apartment is huge. It is located in the Trastevere neighborhood which is a cool little neighborhood but not super accessible via public transport. And once again it was hot. After we got checked in and unpacked, everyone was already tired. We still had to run out to a grocery store to get some supplies so Jen, Caden and I made the trek in the heat to get the necessities.

      It was so hot I started to wonder.... is that it for today? What a waste.

      We stayed in the apartment for awhile and when the sun had started to go down, we decided to head into the heart of the city. Jen planned a route and we just stared walking. And can I say this turned out to be the most fun we have had. We would walk and then pop out at some super famous landmark. Then walk some more and poof, there is another one. We stopped at McDonald's to get drinks and use the bathroom and then more walking. The heat was fine when you are in the shade of all the buildings. In the end we saw the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain the Spanish steps, Piazza Navona, and lots more. Really good street musicians, saw cool street artists, had great Gelato, and it was wonderful just to take in the energy of the city at night.

      So in the end it was one of our best days. And just for fun, I turned on the GPS of my watch to see our path. I wish I would have done it more. It was cool to see.

      So now it's off to bed with our coliseum tour tomorrow. Chow for now.
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    • Giorno 42

      The Last Day

      4 agosto 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      For this day we had nothing planned. This was more of a buffer day. If there was something we just couldn't get to our if we just needed to rest, this was the day.

      We didn't have a lot left on our to do list. We decided to go out for breakfast for a change. We didn't do that really at all. We would either eat cereal and fruit in, or sometimes we would had pastries and eat in the go. Today we sat down for a right proper breakfast at a place called Gingers. Pancakes and omelets, it was heavenly.

      Afterwards, we decided to head to the Borghese Gallery and Gardens. It was a long walk... so... we decided to walk it. On the way we stopped by the Pantheon again. Every time we have gone by, both this trip and Jen and my trip years ago, we have not been able to go in. But this time it was open. So finally we got to enter and look around. What a cool, very ancient building.

      Then, as we continued on our way, we came across another church called Basilica Dei SS Ambrogio e Carlo. Fairly nondescript on the outside but amazing on the inside.

      Then we were off again to the Gardens with a quick stop at the Piazza Del Popolo, the place Jen and I walked through every day on our last trip and the start of the old downtown area.

      The gardens started just up the hill so we made the trek up, took some pictures and headed into the park. We were wanting to get tickets for their museum but the website wasn't working so we decided just to take our chances and head over there and try and buy tickets at the door. I the end they were sold out for the day so I guess that is something that has to go on a future list.

      Then, after walking around a bit more, we started to head home. It was 36 degrees again today and we were all fading fast. We did manage to get some shopping done on the way though.

      We made it home and just relaxed for much of the afternoon. We planned how we were going to get to the airport the next day, packed up our stuff, did a little napping, and just tried to stay cool. After a bit, we didn't want to end our vacation inside so we rallied ourselves and headed out for one last good supper. We kept it local and just found a place nearby. The food was good. The gelato afterwards was even better, and at the end of the night we all felt satisfied with the ending and the trip as a whole. We did a lot, saw a lot, and it will take some time to process but we all agree we are ready to come home.

      Tomorrow will be a long day but by the end we should be sleeping the night in Calgary, and then on the road back to Regina.

      So good night and we will be seeing some of you tomorrow.
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    • Giorno 4


      30 settembre 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      After Gianicolo we walk down into Trastevere, have a meal and see a chain dragged down by hundreds of padlocks.
      It seems to be a very strong metaphor, probably something about true love producing a lot of scrap metal in public places.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 88

      Rome Day 4 St Peter's Basilica

      7 dicembre 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      We decided to go to St Peter's Basilica today and Church of St Louis and Basilica of San Maria Sopra Minerva to see works by Caravagio, Michaelangelo and Lippo, just to name a few.
      I had a truffle pasta that was so good, I went back for dinner. They were very generous with their truffles at Mozzichi.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 1

      Retaurant Spirito di Vino

      22 ottobre 2021, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Zum Abendessen waren wir in Peters Lieblingsrestaurant von früher, er hatte ja mal länger in Rom gelebt. Das Gebäude im Stadtviertel Trasteverde „jenseits des Tibers“ blickt auf eine lange Geschichte zurück. Es wurde früher als Synagoge benutzt, das Kellergewölbe, das früher das Haus war, ist fast 2000 Jahre alt.
      Papa hat bedient, Mama hat gekocht, der Sohn ist der Sommelier. Wir wurden gut unterhalten und hatten einen schönen Abend. Essen war gut, die Nachspeise war excellent.
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    • Giorno 1

      Die Füße schmerzen….

      8 luglio 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Rom zu Fuß…. Aua….
      Hier ein paar Impressionen…

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