Come Skiing with me ⛷️

Take a ride with me, Holly is Skiing and Jonah is Boarding. I did my best to film them, there's a few hard patches but thankfully no swearing if you have the sound on. I also had to edit it to be ableRead more
Take a ride with me, Holly is Skiing and Jonah is Boarding. I did my best to film them, there's a few hard patches but thankfully no swearing if you have the sound on. I also had to edit it to be ableRead more
Ok, not Ponty Pandy but Principi di Piemonte Hotel is our residence for the week, and very nice it is too. Our rooms are on the 6th floor, with one room like Rapunzel right up near the tower. TheRead more
Sva vzela kolesi in šla do konca ceste. Osem kilometrov klanca, tako da sva se kar namatrala.
Cesta se konča pri neki visokogorski kmetiji, tam nekje na 2.400, potem sva šla naprej pa še pešRead more
Gestern sind wir von Susa (500 mtr.) nach Sestriere auf 2000 mtr. gefahren wo wir 3 Nächte bleiben Heute machen wir eine Wanderung ins nahegelegene Tal des Flusses Chisonetto über den Sentieri deiRead more
Za 10 eur te spustijo v dolino Val Algentera. Ene 10 metrov asfalta se kmalu spremeni v prašen makadam, ki se vzpenja skozi macesnov gozd.
Ko vstopiš, nisi časovno omejen, kako dolgo boš v tejRead more
Ker je dolinca čez vikende zeeelo priljubljena, plus so napovedane pooblačitve, jo mahneva dalje... Mi2 z Bacijem peš ob rečici, Andrej pa spakira Conigliota in naju ujame na prvem parkingu vRead more
Zwei Tage sind wir schon in diesem wundervollen Tal und bleiben noch bis morgen hier, es gibt hier ca. 10 Wasserfälle auf der Gesamtlänge des Tales von 13 km, alle ca. zwischen 70 und 100 mtr. hoch.Read more
Well, I didn’t go skiing but had a lovely trip to the village centre and a nice, steady, walk back. Had coffee at my favourite coffee shop and spent a lovely, lazy afternoon reading and knitting.Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Sauze di Cesana, Соз-дзі-Чэзана, Lo Sause, Սաուզե դի Չեզանա, サウゼ・ディ・チェザーナ, Соз-ди-Чезана, Salisa Cesanae, Sauze d Cesan-a, Саузе-ди-Чезана, Соз-ді-Чезана, 绍泽迪切萨纳
Traveler What fabulous fun.