Teatro Goldoni

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    • Dag 25

      Leaving Venice.

      11 oktober 2019, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Finally on a boat as we say goodbye to Venice. Still one of my favourite places on earth even though it has changed so much.
      The people are genuine, the food is amazing and the artwork spectacular. If you can look past the Gucci and Prada stores, Venice has not lost its soul.
      Sad to be leaving but will be back.
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    • Dag 3

      Alla Laguna

      22 november 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      I woke up at 7:30 and got ready for breakfast. I chose the 6€ Italian breakfast, which was fine after last night. It was a cappuccino, coronetto, 2 little doughnuts, and a glass of juice. Then I was back in the room to get ready for my trip to the lagoon.

      The walk was nice, as it always is in the morning. I stopped briefly at the Rialto Bridge--last time I was here it was under construction. Once I was in Canneregio, it was quiet.

      I am now on the vaporetto to Burano.
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    • Dag 2


      19 maart 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Venedig ist bekanntlich eine Reise wert. Gut gegessen und getrunken, den Glasbläsern auf der Insel Murano zugeschaut, Boot gefahren und an einer katholischen Eucharistiefeier mit Miniprozession im Markusdom teilgenommen (war viel interessanter und entspannender als mittags eine Stunde in der Besucher- Warteschlange zu stehenMeer informatie

    • Dag 21

      Adoriamo Venezia

      24 mei 2019, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Good morning Venice, you're looking lovely this morning.

      It was a perfect day for wandering around, avoiding the areas with the most tourists, getting totally lost in the maze of alleys and canals, sitting outside at a cafe for a long lunch, watching the world go by and just enjoying being in Venice .... so that's what we did 😀Meer informatie

    • Dag 24

      Our Last Day In Venice

      27 mei 2019, Italië ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Ma Nature had a big say in today's plans ... she rained on our morning so we had some quality 'inside' time. The rain stopped in the early afternoon allowing for 'outside' time and we were able to tick off the remaining items circled on our map.

      The weather was a little grey and dreary with a few showers while we were out but not enough to slow us down. We leave Venice tomorrow and we were on a mission to experience as much of this wonderful city as possible.
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    • Dag 23

      Wandering With Intent

      26 mei 2019, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today we decided what things we wanted to see, found them on the map, drew a big circle around them and then set off (after a lazy breakfast) to find them in the real world. We did quite well and didn't get lost too often, which was quite an achievement given the big circles we drew on the map covered most of the details which would have helped with navigation.

      A couple of churches, lovely squares, interesting architecture, a squillion canals and many scoops of gelati ... we covered a lot of ground and saw most all our circled places. We'll get to the rest tomorrow.
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    • Dag 22

      Lemmonds On Tour

      25 mei 2019, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      The hiking Lemmeys and the holidaying Hammonds have joined forces in Venice to become Lemmonds On Tour. The alternative was Hammeys but that option didn't get many votes.

      After a boisterous meeting in Piazza San Marco we immediately got to down to the serious business of drinking coffee and swapping travel tales, followed by the even more serious business of eating lunch at a cafe on a picturesque canal. An leisurely stroll around the Cannaregio district, including the historic Jewish ghetto area, burned off a few of the lunch calories but we topped up with gelati.

      And before we knew it, it was time for dinner. Yay, more food 😀
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    • Dag 20

       La Serenissima

      23 mei 2019, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We had a slow, lazy start this morning before dropping off the hire car and getting through flight check-in and bag drop at Bristol Airport. After rummaging in our backpacks and pockets to collect our remaining UK currency we were very pleased to find there was enough left for food and wine before short flight to Italy. Before long our feet were stepping onto the tarmac at Venice Airport.

      Rather than take the waterbus to the city and tackle luggage on public transport, we had arranged for a private water taxi to pick us up ... essentially a man in a boat, we're used to that from the river crossings on our long walk. The boat was much larger and much more expensive than our little ferries but oh, what a way to get to Venice. Ripping across the lagoon at maximum allowable speed, slashing through the wake of other boats, whizzing past the public ferries ... it was just a little James Bond. All that was missing was two cargo ships, a villain and a gorgeous Bond-girl.

      Our apartment is right on the Grand Canal and we were met at the taxi pontoon by a representative from the holiday rental agency. She explained how everything worked but neither of us were really listening ... we were distracted by what we could see out the window.

      Once she left we headed to the closest mercato to get essential supplies ... crusty bread, proscuitto, cheese, olives, wine, etc. And then we wandered out to explore the deserted city. The tourists had left for the day and we had the city to ourselves.
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    • Dag 27

      Snowflakes and canals

      10 januari 2017, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      I went out early this morning to take some photos. I was surprised how busy it was with workers around the city. We had a friendly cat near our apartment then later we saw the same cat inside a bookstore near us, so of course the kids had to go in and give it a pat. Today we had no plans except to wander the streets. We went to the fish markets- always interesting looking at all the different seafoods. It is also fresh fruit & vegetable markets and specialty food shops. We stumble across a butcher shop that only sold horse meat. (No Annette I wasn't that hungry). Kellie wasn't impressed. It was cold today, as we were walking we had light snowflakes falling on us. It was time for a coffee to warm up, after we come out the sun was shining. It is amazing how much warmer you feel with the sun out. It didn't last long though. The pigeons in Italy are extremely friendly. Here in Venice you are nearly tripping over them. Then they fly straight at you and you have to duck out of their way. We saw some walk into a chocolate shop. After a bit more of wander we headed to a restaurant that our host recommended. When we found the restaurant the menu was mainly seafood that we don't eat and a little pricey. So a bit more walking until we found something else. We all had pasta again as we leave Italy tomorrow. We walked a bit more and got some supplies for tonight and tomorrow. It was only 3.30pm but the night air had come in. It is warmer at 7am than 3pm. As our apartment is very central we rested for a 1/2hr before heading out to look for the sun setting. We didn't find it, perhaps it was too overcast today. We strayed into a very expensive street. Had fun gasping at the prices. On our stroll back we found a bakery and a fruit & veg shop right around the corner of our apartment. I wished we found that on our first night. We are now tucked up in our apartment drinking our other expensive bottle of wine, so we don't have to cart it around any further. Well, good excuse to drink it.

      Photo 1 - Fish Market
      Photo 2 - Butcher shop
      Photo 3 - Pigeons in the chocolate shop
      Photo 4 - Cat in the bookstore
      Photo 5 & 6 - Canals of Venice
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    • Dag 25

      Farewell Florence

      8 januari 2017, Italië ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

      This morning we packed up once again and caught the train to Venice. We boarded at 11.30 and arrived in Venice about 2pm. The first part of the trip was in tunnels which was causing havoc with the ears. I think Dave and I are showing our age as we enjoyed the peacefulness of first class on thr other train journey last week . We were around a couple of families which means constant chatter, luckily they left on the next stop. The scenery wasn't much today, bare fields and colourful houses. Venice was very chilly but the sun was shining. Our apartment is very very nice and spacious. By the time our host finished welcoming us it was time to do some shopping. Always an interesting chore trying to find things in European shops and then google translate whilst dodging everyone. When we get home to Australia a big juicy steak will be on the menu along with a schnitty parma. Chicken on the menu tonight again. We are just having a relaxing evening as we are all trying to get over coughs and colds. Decided to try our €42 (Euro/$60) bottle of Tuscan Chanti red wine tonight.

      Photo 1 - Countryside on the way to Venice
      Photo 2 - Inside of the train
      Photo 3 - Coming into Venice, the light colour blue is the sea iced up.
      Photo 4 & 5 - Main Canal of Venice
      Photo 6 - Red wine for the night
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