Soggy books

This morning began with a cappuccino and some pastries before we got lost in the narrow streets of Venice.
There was a marathon underway which congested much of the busy areas including St. Mark'sRead more
This morning began with a cappuccino and some pastries before we got lost in the narrow streets of Venice.
There was a marathon underway which congested much of the busy areas including St. Mark'sRead more
A stroll around Venice in the evening is a beautiful experience. Moving constantly from dark to light and narrow street to open squares. And the music makes it even better. Talking to your soul fromRead more
European history is inseparable from religion, and Venice has this connection on full display. There are 137 churches in Venice - they are everywhere. All but 3 or 4 are Roman Catholic (there’s oneRead more
A private gondola tour was a highlight of our trip to Venice…. but the entertainment factor at Piazza San Marco was pretty high with the seagulls attacking peoples bowls of chips and knocking overRead more
Heute habe ich mal wieder in einem Flugzeug gesessen. ✈️ Für alle die meine Footprints schon ein bisschen verfolgen: Vielleicht erinnert ihr euch noch an meine Girls-Gang auf dem Jakobsweg?Read more
Es ist acht Uhr morgens. Jemand shreckt aus dem Schlaf hoch und merckt: "Misst ich wollte doch den Wecker stellen, um vor den anderen Touris an der Piazza San Marco zu sein." Ein undeutliches GerauneRead more
Die Anreise war etwas ungewöhnlich. Aus Mombasa kommend, mit Zwischenstation in Mailand erreichte ich Venedig Santa Lucia in einem völlig überfüllten aber superpünktlichen Regionalzug! Sobald manRead more
It’s raining in Venice! After a slow start to the morning we headed off to use our hop on hop off water bus pass. It was much cooler today which was great for walking around. Our first stop is StRead more
6:54..warum bitte bin ich an meinem Ausschlaftag um 6:54 wach..😂..Ich gönne mir einen Zero Day in Venedig, bevor es ab morgen durch die Alpen geht..Irgendwie ist radfahren entspannter alsRead more
Wochenlang habe ich auf diese Momente hingefiebert! Venedig „ganz für mich allein“! Bin um 5.45 los gezogen und war um 5.50 an der Rialto Brücke. Von dort bin ich zum Markusplatz und ich mussRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Venice, Venedig, Benezia, البندقية, Venecia, Венеция, Venecija, Venècia, Benátky, Βενετία, Venecio, Venezia, ونیز, Venetsia, Venise, Vignesie, Venecia - Venezia, ונציה, Velence, Վենետիկ, VCE, Venesia, Venizia, Feneyjar, ベニス, ვენეცია, 베네치아, Venetia, Venedeg, Venies, Венеција, Venetië, V'nise, Wenecja, Veneza, Veneția, Vinezzia, Benetke, Venediku, Venedik, ۋېنىتسىيە, Венеція, Venezsia, 威尼斯
That's my type of book shop.....get any bargains??
Traveler They were all very cheap, unfortunately I couldn't read Italian so I had to pass
Love these but guessing you couldn't squeeze one in bag
Traveler No, I wanted one though!