Tokashiki Jima

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    • Day 20

      Ein Tag am Meer

      May 3, 2024 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Liebes Tagebuch, heute kein Regen, sondern Sonnenschein. Nach unserem ersten Versuch unter der Autobahnbrücke, wir also heute los auf die Fähre, die uns nach einer Stunde Fahrt auf eine sehr schöne Insel mit einem noch schöneren Strand bringt.
      Mit mir ist ja am Meer nicht soviel los und nachdem die Life-Guards auch noch Hai-Alarm ausrufen, bleibe ich am Strand und warte auf die Sand-Sharks und höre Podcast.
      Dann müssen wir zurück und Alex nochmal vorher auf Toilette.
      Plötzlich höre ich ein sehr energisches Kiopfen in einer unglaublichen Frequenz.
      Ich wusste genau wer hier klopfte, aber auf meine Rufe nach meiner Reiseleitung, erhielt ich keine Antwort.
      Nach 10 Sekunden war Alex aus der Toilette befreit und es konnte nun mit hochrotem Kopf die Heimfahrt angetreten werden. Das war wieder was.
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    • Day 48


      June 25, 2016 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      New day new dives. Andrea picked me up from the new hostel and i was really rested because i had the comfort of a working A/C in my room. She told me there were no other divers in her group today and we would dive with just the two of us. A personal dive master how awesome. And as i had already experienced her way of leading the dive i was even more enthousiastic. In my experience a lot of divemasters drag you through the water and point out some of the more obvious and bigger sea life. That is understandable if you have a bigger group but it's not how i like to dive. Andrea has a relaxed pace and actively looks for those things that make a dive really special. Like i said yesterday a lot of the Japanese divemasters race their customers to some well known spots and that's that. Andrea was looking under overhangs, in crevices and whatnot to find the smallest of nudibranches, juvenile cuttlefish and dragonmoths. Either which one of them is hard to find just in itself. We got to the same group of islands as yesterday but there are several divespots to choose from and we didn't repeat one of yesterdays dives. I will not go into detail of every single dive. I will let the pictures speak for themselves. But rest assured all three of them were pretty friggin' awesome. Add to that the nice and fun talks with Andrea inbetween dives and the passion we share for diving and it was another excellent day of diving. I slept all the way back to the harbor on the top deck of the boat. We rinsed our gear again at the diveshop and after she brought me back to the hostel it was for a quick and easy dinner and off to bed again. Diving is really hard you know! :-)Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Tokashiki Jima, 渡嘉敷島

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