Tokushima Shi

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    • Day 5

      Tokushima Walk 2

      October 29, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Yesterday we climbed a mountain all day through tall forests . 8 hours of walking. The highest point on the island of Shikoku. Saw 3 beautiful temples. 18k and 32,000 steps. Finished the day with a relaxing bath at the Kamiyama Onsen.Read more

    • Day 4

      Good foot work - good life

      March 14, 2024 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      That's what the bill board said, how appropriate. The downtown train brings me to the first temple on the other side of the wide flat industrialized valley. I ride with Agnes, a French lady who has all her accommodations lined up for the entire walk. She gives me a link to a geo-referenced map of the 88 temple trail. It's very handy and prevents getting lost in the woods, which the group I meet yesterday managed to do a couple of times.

      I'm just visiting three temples today. We speak French and I keep her company on and off as we're on the same schedule. The temples reflect many centuries of Japanese culture. There is a Japanese group that follows the ritual and chants beautifully. I observe their energy, it's uplifting the spirit. As I do this I connect with the universal power again.

      Agnes is a caretaker for a couple who are 101 and 95 years old every morning the man leans over to his wife and gives her a kiss on the mouth to show her his love and we believe that that is part of his longevity.

      I get to meet the man who wrote the guidebook that everybody uses. David is telling me a few things as he is guiding a Canadian couple from Temple 1 to 4.

      Agnes is having a hard time and needs to take a bus to the fourth temple, I'm afraid that she won't be able to stay on her detailed schedule without a lot of public transportation. I find the bus stop for her and we part ways.

      I walk in the park down town and receive a recommendation to go see the Sakura, cherry blossoms, by the river. I go to the Awaodori dance performance which is mesmerizing in it's simple elegant movements.

      The rest of the evening is spent on a jet lag nap and obtaining lodgings for the next few days. This is going to be a rather tricky situation, I might get caught out which won't be good considering how cold it is over night. The climate of Japan is a lot like that if northern Europe.
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    • Day 8


      October 3, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Bin gut auf Shikoku, der kleinsten der vier Hauptinseln Japans, angekommen.
      Diesen Teil Japans habe ich bisher noch nicht bereist, daher freue ich mich umso mehr, die Insel in den kommenden Wochen zu Fuß zu erkunden.
      Erster Eindruck: Hier ist es einige Grad kühler und deutlich weniger schwül als in Tokyo, ideale Wanderbedingungen also 🤩
      Hier wohnen deutlich weniger Leute, und Züge fahren nur sehr selten und unregelmäßig. Straßenbeleuchtung scheint es außerhalb der größeren Städte nicht zu geben. Die Natur macht auf jeden Fall Lust auf mehr.

      Befinde mich nun außerdem im Besitz eines Pilgerhuts sowie weiterer Utensilien ✌️
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    • Day 5–6

      Tag 5

      October 8, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Heute sollte es ab dem Mittag regnen, daher habe ich meinem Hut erst mal seine Regenhaube aufgesetzt, damit er nicht nass wird.
      Der Strohhut ist nicht nur ein guter Sonnenschutz, sondern auch vor Regen sehr gut schützt - und man hat auch noch beide Hände frei. Deutlich angenehmer, als ein Schirm 😉

      Da erneut ein kurzer Wandertag anstand, habe ich mich für die Route entschieden, die nach Tempel 17 durchs Hinterland und über einen Berg führt, statt durch die Stadt Tokushima zu stampfen.

      Das war weitestgehend eine sehr gute Entscheidung, da der Weg sehr schön war und abseits von viel befahrenen Straßen her führte.
      Die Route scheint allerdings nicht von sonderlich vielen Pilgern genutzt zu werden und an einer Stelle musste man sich dann einfach durchs Dickicht schlagen. Das hat nicht so viel Spaß gemacht, zumal es bergauf ging, es gerade zu regnen anfing und die Luftfeuchtigkeit entsprechend hoch war...
      Nachdem ich mich dann von allen Kletten etc. befreit hatte, war der Rest des Weges aber wieder entspannt, so wie auch der Abend in einem Hotel mit heißer Quelle 😊
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    • Day 4

      High winds, no ropeway

      April 3, 2024 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

      The ropeway up to Mount Bizan just started night time operations on April 1, presumably in time for the sakura viewing at Bizan Park. I planned to ride it for both the night light up for the sakura at Bizan Park as well as night shots of Tokushima.

      When I arrived at the lower station, I found out the ropeway rides were cancelled due to high winds, so I was out of luck. Tokushima is your typical Japanese industrial small city...ugly. But at night time it gets quieter and much more beautiful.
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    • Day 5

      Temples 4 to 10

      March 15, 2024 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Up too early but did some more lodging research. Prachantam from Portugal and Antar from Ukraine, who are both advanced yogis were also up and we rode the train together. Prachantam told interesting travel stories, he lived here for 2 years and first came to Japan in 1974.

      I start at temple 3 and I do a good job sauntering about. I manage to stand still look around and take pictures. I also managed to get off the track and find other places.

      There was absolutely nobody on the trail and frankly the trail just ran through subdivisions so one might say it was not interesting but I was just happy to be and it didn't bother me at all, so maybe I'm making progress in finding inner peace.

      At the last temple there were seven older ladies who had tables set up and provided coffee and plum paste dumplings. They were quite the animated group. Since I don't know Japanese I said Awaodori, the name of the dance, to break the ice and they were laughing and giggling and brought up the music and they were dancing. It was a good time.

      Overall I did 33 km in about 11 hours, not a great average but considering that I purely enjoyed the day and the weather was impeccable.
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    • Day 8

      Temples 20 21 and 22

      March 18, 2024 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      I'm going to skip walking through the city and dash on the bus to the trail that leads to Temple 20. Agnes had figured that one out and I'm tagging along for the ride. Unfortunately we have different speeds hiking so we walk together in the beginning but then Fredric a French guy caught up with us and I walk with him and say goodbye to Agnes. Fredric is wheezing so I end up dashing off.

      It is a good climbing day today through the woods on super nice trails. The clouds disappear, the sun comes out, it never really gets warm but it is a glorious day. I run into Christian from Denmark and we are the same speed so we walk to Temple 21 which is an absolutely amazing place with tons of great energy, very large cedar trees and a very well laid out temple. If you could only visit one temple this would be the one.

      Our conversations flow naturally and reach some depth which is really refreshing, he has been studying Japan for a long time. This is a dream for him to be here.

      We dash off to Temple 22 but we take the longer route of two possibles so we do a little extra work. Christian goes to his hostel and I go to the train station and get saved by a Lawson convenience store where I get some food and drink for the train ride. I'm trying to get back to the place I booked for tonight.

      My Japanese hosts are very nice but I think they forgot to give me the control for the heater. So I'm absolutely freezing inside and I go down to the kitchen and figure out the Japanese remote and turn the heat on in my room. Japan is a very wet country and it doesn't take much to feel cold, for me at least.
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    • Day 5

      Bizan Park

      April 4, 2024 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      From Seibu Park to Bizan Park, it was a steady uphill climb on a winding road, which took about an hour. Going to Seibu Park there were a lot of people walking the route for exercise. On the road from there to Bizan Park, there were more people walking down to Seibu Park, presumably guests at a hotel located next to Bizan Park doing a sakura tour.

      The view of Tokushima City was quite nice, thanks to some sunny moments. The ride down on the ropeway was much appreciated since I was tired from the uphill climb.
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    • Day 4–5

      Tag 4

      October 7, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute stand keine so weite oder anstrengende Strecke ab und so konnte ich erst mal ein bisschen ausschlafen. Das tat sehr gut 😁

      Der Weg führte dann entlang eines Flusses und war die ersten Stunden sehr schön (später war die Straße dann stark befahren und man war auch nicht mehr so nah am Wasser).

      Von den Tempeln heute hat vor allem Tempel 14 mit seinen Steinen einen nachhaltigen Eindruck hinterlassen.
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    • Day 5

      Seibu Park

      April 4, 2024 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      I decided to reverse the order, and rather than climb to Bizan Park then walk to Seibu Park, I would walk to Seibu Park, take an easier climb to Bizan Park, then take the ropeway back down.

      Getting to the JR station nearest Seibu Park was harder than I expected. Having just come from Wakayama where JR West ran the trains, I used ICOCA card and didn't think about the fare. In Shikoku, JR Shikoku ran the trains and IC cards are not used. I was confused when there were no readers so I waved my ICOCA card to the worker manning the station and he pointed to the ticket machine. You had to figure out the fare, buy a ticket for that amount, then have it stamped by the worker. When you get off, another worker will collect it, which was hilarious since the train was full and he was just grabbing tickets as the mob passed through.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Tokushima Shi, 徳島

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