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  • Dzień 23

    Guatape continued

    2 lutego 2023, Kolumbia

    We headed to the second hotel/hostel in Guatape, not our usual vibe it was a budget hotel complex chosen solely for its good Wi-Fi reviews. Unfortunately, on arrival they had no Wi-Fi! The very smarmy owner was incredibly unhelpful and sent us on our way to Guatape to get Wi-Fi a their. After a very hot walk and as always entertaining ‘collectivo’ jeep ride. We went and did some practice in a cafe. Guatape was surprisingly beautiful for a tourist haunt with beautifully colourful buildings with depictions of the things the shop sold or images of important things to the family on the walls. My favourite was the cinnamon swirl shop with its cute cinnamon swirls on the wall. We headed home after a very Colombian… not, Breton galette.

    The next day was a heavy work day I did my exam in the morning, followed by an application to take a TESOL course and some work away applications too. We went for lunch at a super random Cuban restaurant with an overly friendly waiter.
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