Austin is Still Home

september 2021 - juni 2024
Austin Still Feels Like HOME even though my home is rented out and I mostly stay with friends when here. This 'trip' contains random updates from my many stays in Austin. at least for now. Les mer
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  • Week 1 in Austin

    17. september 2021, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 79 °F

    Been staying with Wendy for a week now. Seems like a lot longer. I keep looking at my todolist and thinking I have so much to do but if I look at what I've done in just one week, I need to pat myself on the back:
    1. Got 4 new tires for Vanette.
    2. Oil changed, 60,000 mile service & fuel injection flush and service.
    3. Jay has seen the Vet twice. She has a torn ACL and they did 2 laser treatments and started her on anti-inflammatories. She is healing well but she is suppose to rest, no running, jumping etc. for at least a few more weeks.
    4. Got a Manicure & Pedicure today.
    5. Made flight reservations for NY.
    6. Plus did some food shopping, some cooking, laundry, oh yeah and got my blood drawn.....
    7. got together with David.
    8. Plus a bunch of other stuff.

    I need to start adding this stuff to my todolist so I can check it off. Seems I only add the stuff that I inevitably avoid!
    Les mer

  • LCRA Camp Creek Park

    25. september 2021, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    Jan, Arlie & I went to 'Tiny Fest' at Pioneer Farms this morning. It was , well, interesting. Tiny homes, Van Life and build your own RV/Nomad Rig has become so popular that I don't know how i feel about it. On the one hand it's helpful to see people's rigs and find out more about how they are doing things. But it also means the people who are doing conversions have lots of work and don't want to just do some minor stuff or little jobs. It also means there are a lot more people filling up campsites, reststops etc. I think seeing the amazing build outs and how much more room the just slightly bigger vans create makes me so envious and tempts me to go bigger. But I really don't want to go into think I just need to find my TRIBE. I felt very comfortable with the crowd at the Women's RTR and it looks like they are planning to have it again in 2022. If they do, I will definitely be there. And I am hoping to join a caravan before that!

    Anyway, this weekend Jan and I took a little overnight trip to a campground just an hour from Austin. We stayed at Camp Creek Campground which is an LCRA facility. It was out by Lake Travis but small and remote, only a few sites, no running potable water but it did have a port-a-potty. We got to go swimming which I have been yearning to do.

    I did not bring Jay for 2 reasons: she is still limping and is supposed to rest and the waters in the whole Austin area are contaminated with toxic algae. Keeping her out of the water would have been impossible. It seemed so strange to not have her with me.
    Les mer

  • Covid Booster Shot

    28. september 2021, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    Got my Covid booster shot yesterday. My arm is sore as hell and I had a Mega-Headache this morning. A couple of Tylenol and a couple of ibuprofen seems to have gotten it under control. But I might take a little nap later.Les mer

  • Oh No!

    4. oktober 2021, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    Last week I took Jay to the Vet in Austin. Turns out her limping was from a partially torn ACL. He started her on an NSAID and gave her Lazer treatments. At first she seemed better but then after the third Lazer Tx the limping seemed worse. Unfortunately she had completely torn it. So now she needs surgery. I have it scheduled for Oct 26. It's going to cost me over $3000. But I can't fathom not doing it. I just hope she makes it till Oct 26.

    Then I will have to stay in Austin til she recovers, which will involve physical therapy, keeping her either in a crate/kennel or on a leash 24/7 for 6 or more weeks. I'm hoping we can travel in January.

    It does make me realize how much I will miss her when she's gone.
    Les mer

  • BUT(s) Where Was I?

    10. oktober 2021, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

    I need to get better at labeling my photos and uploading them sooner. I have no idea where I was when I got this photo. The date on the photo is 3/16/2021. I was obviously camping somewhere. I tried just putting all my photos in a folder labeled with the year but that is not working. The folder is too big, too many photos and no organization. So I am going back to making folders for locations.

    Also, It has been a hell of a long time since my trips in 2020 & 2021 and I have not sorted through my pictures. It takes some real focused time to sort through them and pic favorites and edit them add them to my blog or send them to my digital frame.,... But I don't really have much to do right now, I am going to commit myself to it. I wonder how much time I should commit per day?????
    Les mer

  • Solitude

    22. november 2021, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 46 °F

    My plan was to start writing a little something daily, (and leave it private if nothing much is happening or it's too personal; more like journal entries since I am not traveling) but once again I find it difficult to follow through on my intentions sometimes.

    It's Monday evening. Jan left town on Friday so I have had the house to myself and enjoyed some solitude. I spent today mostly cooking and the kitchen was a mess by mid-day. I realized that one of the reasons I am hesitant to cook when Jan's around is that she is so ....meticulous? And want things done in such a specific way and can't stand chaos or disorder that I really can't enjoy doing stuff in the kitchen. I understand how much being blind has affected her lifestyle but I can't help feeling like I am being micromanaged. And it just makes me so anxious and rebellious. So glad she is not my mother. LOL

    Anyway, I did get a lot done today so I have to congratulate myself on that. I might not have done everything on my list but I did manage to exhaust myself.
    Les mer

  • Just Chillin' at Lockhart SP

    24. mars 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    Jay and I are just relaxing after a busy day. Lockhart Texas State Park is a rather long drive from Austin. We had to drive all the way to the Vet this morning for Jay's appointment. Then I dropped more stuff off at my storage unit ( which is starting to look rather disheveled). Then after lunch at Zen, I went to Planet Fitness and joined, spent only 10 minutes on an exercise bike and then took a nice shower. I do so need to exercise.

    Then, drove to Jeanie's to pick up my laptop and papers so could work on my taxes. BUT I ended up leaving my laptop & one box on her porch. Drove all the way back to the campsite before realizing it. Luckily it was still on her porch when she got home. working on taxes today!

    Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with Laurelin so will have to make the long drive again. I could go do some line dancing again but I would have to get motivated. I'm kinda enjoying being lazy.

    Did some line dancing. Nice group of women. I might actually get to liking it.

    It's a nice park. Lots of interesting looking trails but closed at the moment due to mud. And a bit further from Austin than I want to be at the moment.

    (Guess I forgot to upload this one.)
    Les mer

  • Vanette's 3 Year Anniversary

    1. april 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    I bought my van, named of course Vanette, in March of 2019 on the way to a dance in Oklahoma. It was an empty shell but has turned out to be just what I needed. I wanted to celebrate Vanette's and my anniversary and reminisce a bit.

    It's both hard to believe it's ONLY been 3 years AND that it's ALREADY been 3 years. On the one hand I've been many places, seen many sights and put almost 60,000 miles on the odometer. On the other hand I have not been able to do a lot of things that I intended: no dancing, no nomad get-togethers, and way more time stationary times then intended. Of course I blame that on the pandemic.

    Here is some random Data:
    7 Major Road Trips (when I am really full time I will stop considering them 'road trips' as it will be just one long trip.)

    11 National Parks visited, some more than once
    9 National Monuments
    1 National Recreation Area, plus numerous BLM & Forest Service Campgrounds
    At least 6 State Parks and Numerous historic sites of various categories.

    Some of the road trips have detailed entries with photos on this site, Some are missing many details. It's taken awhile to get into the habit of recording stuff as I go. Perhaps someday I will add some back dated entries.

    Vanette's 1st Road Trip:
    June-July 2019: From Austin to meet up with Anne and Scott Jenneman in NC for Summer Contra Delight Holiday, then Railroaders Weekend in TN then back to Austin. Dancing and Camping with the guy who helped build out my van. What a great first trip!!!

    Trip # 2: Summer 2019:
    Austin to Seattle via Caprock Canyons, Frankton, CO., Dinosaur Valley NM.; Mount Saint Helens NM; Lake Wenatchee. And a side trip to Mt Rainer and Glacier NP with Bev riding along.

    Trip #3 Summer 2019:
    Return to Austin via Bozeman to Yellowstone NP to Grand Tetons, quick stop at Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area. then on to Rocky Mountain NP and then Franktown, CO to pick up Jay and then back to Austin for the winter.

    Trip # 4: Summer 2020: Austin to Seattle
    Jan joined me for the first leg of the trip (in separate vehicles). We stopped at Caprock Canyons, Royal Bridge Park in Co. then stopped for several days at Cindy's in Franktown. On the day we left Cindy's we were headed to Rocky Mtn NP but Jan managed to rear-end me before we found a campground. She totaled her car and did major damage to Vanette. We ended up back in Franktown where she rented a car to go back to Austin and I managed to get Vanette road ready to head to Seattle. Then after all the repairs were done, Vanette was VANdalized and further repairs were needed in Seattle. Plus the pandemic was soaring and I stayed in Seattle until March 2021

    Trip #5 - March 2021: Return trip to Austin with stops in Kings Canyon, Death Valley NP, Phoenix etc

    Trip # 6 - June 2021 - Austin to Seattle again with stops at:
    TX - Davis Mtn State Park, Fort Davis National Historic Site
    NM - White Sands National Monument and Aquire Springs BLM
    CO - Mesa Verde; Canyon of the Ancients, Chimney Rock NM, Great Sand Dunes NP, Franktown with Cindy
    UT – Dinosaur National Monument, Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area
    ID – Minidoka National Historic Site, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Yankee Fork Gold Dredge, Lake Cascade
    WA – Seattle and side trips to Lewis and Clark State Park, Mt. St Helens, Mt. Rainer NP,
    OR – Portland, Stonehenge, etc

    Trip # 7 – Return trip to Austin, August/September 2021
    MT – Glacier with Arlie, Butte, Billings,
    the Dakotas – Pompeys Pillar NM, Devils Tower, Black Hills, Tatanka, Crazy Horse Monument
    CO – Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Durango to Silverton Steam Train, Manitou Cliff Dwellings,
    NM – Taos, SantaFe, Cloudcroft,
    TX – Guadalupe Mountains NP and back to Austin

    Les mer