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  • Hari 24

    Donostia - San Sebastian!

    15 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    We slept fairly well ... just not long enough ... in our little loft bed. It was cozy and comfy. We awoke to cloudy skies but no rain in sight. I'll not go anywhere without my rain coat here though. I'm extra glad I brought the coffee pods that I bought in Madrid ... they work with the Nespresso machine here!!

    We opted to go out for breakfast this morning ... taking advantage of the dry weather. Here is where we encountered our first travel mountain. The cafes that were open at 10:00am did not serve things we would consider breakfast. They served lots of baked goods and deli sandwiches, but no eggs. After not having a real supper last night, I was in need of some real sustenance.

    And, it didn't help that we had no clue where we were in the grand scheme of things because we didn't have a map yet. And, Google Maps seemed to be messing with the old boy as he tried to navigate to a spot that he thought served breakfast. In fact, at many points along our path today we had no service at all!

    By the time we finally arrived at a place that served "heuvos" ... I was beginning to have blood sugar issues and was feeling gaunt. The menus were inscribed upon towering wooden blocks on the table. The problem was that there were no empty tables. There were some seats at the bar, but we quickly learned that those were only for folks ordering pinchos. So, we had to wait until a table cleared so we could order.

    The old boy chose two things ... and he had no idea what they were. I admire his courage to go out on a limb like that. I ordered the bacon and eggs with french fries. It actually worked out really well, because one of his pinchos was filled with grilled veggies. We split up the contents between us and enjoyed a very nourishing meal.

    Then, we needed to get groceries and get ourselves more familiar with our surroundings. We wandered down to the tourist information booth. We got a map and determined the pick up spot for the Hop On Hop Off bus. After an hour on the bus, we had a pretty good idea of the lay of the land.

    We also learned that San Sebastian burned down four times. And has been rebuilt each time ... so ... it looks quite young at heart. It also has no buildings with corners on them. They are all angled for better aesthetics. And, fortunately, the streets are all at right angles. It sure makes it easier to find your way around.

    By the time we wandered down to the Old Town, we were hungry again! We stopped at a really nice white linen place for a late lunch. We had to wait 30 minutes for a table, but it was worth the wait. It was stated right on the menu that table service required the purchase of at least one starter to share ... and... one entree per person! Interesting, eh? Makes me wonder what the French gal who broke the table rules at the train station would do?

    We shared some crab stuffed peppers for a starter and they were exceptionally delicious. The old boy ordered the Turbot and I ordered the Cod. We had a red Tempranillo Rioja in honor of my mother. It was called "Muriel". It was delicious. And, the server said her favorite dessert was the caramelized French toast with ice cream. So, of course we had to try it! I wasn't fussy about the texture, but the taste was really nice.

    After that, we wandered towards the beach. We bumped into a nice couple from Texas who offered take our picture for us. We ended up chatting with them for almost an hour. They gave us some great suggestions for places to travel to ... including a place they stayed in the Maldives. They had also taken a food and wine tour here last night. So, we might do the same tomorrow.

    We walked along the beach on the way home and discovered that since the tide was out, an artistic fellow had etched an incredible design into the beach!! I'm not sure if it had special meaning or significance, but he had a square positioned below it for people to throw coins in appreciation.

    We wanted to call it a day early so we could get to bed early. We had a little trouble with the outside door ... again ... but, it didn't take too long before we got in. Hopefully, we are getting the hang of it now. 🤞🤞

    And ... although the day started off with some food and direction mountains ... the good news is that we didn't get soaking wet. It has started raining now, but we spent the day outdoors (except for our 2 hour lunch) and it was chilly but dry. Here's hoping we will be blessed well by the weather gods tomorrow too!!

    We'd like to hike up Urgull hill and get a view of the city from up there. There is a huge statue of Jesus up on the hill. It is truly a gorgeous city! I can see why people come from far and wide to spend time here.

    And, given that it is known for its gastronomy, the food options have been remarkable! We are hoping to make a reservation at a really nice place for tomorrow! I'm not sure if we will go to a Michelin Star place or not ... but ... the old boy is checking it out now. It would be something to experience wouldn't it?

    Here's hoping that we'll have fewer travel mountains to scale tomorrow ... and ... that we will make it up that Urgull hill!! I hope you all are having a lovely day ... just 9 more sleeps and we will be home! Looking forward to seeing all of you again.

    Love k&j ❤️
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  • Hari 23

    On the Rails Again ...

    14 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Today was a travel day ... five hours on the train from Madrid to San Sebastian. We 'reserved' our Cabify ride (like Uber only the Spanish version!) yesterday. A lovely driver named Alberto picked us up in his Tesla! It was a wild ride to the airport ... 6kms of high stress for me as he darted in and out of the traffic. I was leaving finger marks in the old boy's thighs as he was chuckling and having fun with the driver!!! Eeeeek. At one point, the driver spotted some open road and put the pedal to the metal. Both the boys in the car were delighted with his Mario Andretti moves!! Me ... not so much. 🥴

    The good news is that we arrived safe and sound! We found our way to the cafeteria in the train station. I ordered a paella ... then asked if I could have some of the scrumptious looking veggies added on top. I was very firmly and undeniably curtly informed "no". So ... no extra peas or carrots for me today.

    I did find 3 ... count them 1, 2, 3 ... peas in my paella. Imagine my shock when the old boy accidentally consumed TWO of them. It was a 5/10 paella ... so ... it was not the end of the world but ... close. 🤣

    What was far more interesting, was the lone fancy French lady who was holding seats for her "colleagues" at the two tables adjacent to us. Collectively, they had six big pieces of luggage ... and ... she was busy on her laptop the whole time. She hadn't purchased anything from the establishment, not even a coffee!!

    It was super busy in the cafeteria and several customers asked if they could sit at one of the four empty chairs. Over a 30 minute period, she insisted, "No. My colleagues are in the line." She even refused to move when the staff member pointed to the sign (right on the table) saying that between 12:30pm and 4:00pm that the tables were reserved for people consuming food. She did not budge.

    Then, they sent the manager over to coax her to move. She refused ... indignantly and quite frustratedly contending that her colleagues were "in the line" for food.

    She was bold-faced lying ... her colleagues were not in the line. They went to Burger King. How did I know?? They finally arrived with a whole bag full of food with the Burger King emblem on it! And, she reamed them out royally for being so long while she was defending their seats!!

    It was certainly interesting to witness her defying all attempts to move her out. I would never have been so bold as to defy the restaurant rules. I'm not sure if I admire her or think her lack of concern for the people who really were eating and needed a table was just downright arrogant???

    Her colleagues finally arrived and they purchases a salad and a couple of drinks ... perhaps out of guilt?? At any rate, all this drama helped us pass the time while we waited for our train.

    The train ride was completely uneventful ... except for our BET! I had been watching the Weather Network and noticed that it is supposed to rain for the entire four days were are here in San Sebastian. The old boy hates it when I look at the weather forecast. He contends that we always have good weather when we travel.

    So ........... we placed a bet on it. He would win if there was no rain while we were here. I would win if there was any rain. It seemed like a really safe bet to me ... but ... we have also been surprised when rain was forecast in the past ... and ... it never happened.

    I really, really, really, really, really wanted to lose this bet. I would much rather be enjoying the ACTUAL veranda that we DO have here in San Sebastian than be right about the forecast for rain.

    However, it didn't take but 30 seconds after pulling into the train station for me to win the bet. We had to pull our raincoats out of the bag in order to walk the 7 minutes Google said it would take to arrive at our new home for the next four nights.

    Once we arrived at our destination ... we had to do something new. We had to use a virtual locking system. Well, despite my best efforts, I could not make it work. There we were, outside in the rain ... and couldn't get into our place. I tried and tried ... and finally .. it occurred to me that I must be missing something. I eventually noticed that the "Accept cookies" button was on top of the "Next" button that led us to the subsequent screen that let us into the building.

    It's ironic, because we are renting a place called "Always Easy" ... but ... I beg to differ. It actually took us nearly an hour to get into the building and into our accommodation. Once we go into the space, the old boy even had to go out and practice coming and going from our room to alleviate the fear of struggling to get in again (if/when we left)!!!

    Good grief! THIS is exactly why I do not want to be the 'tour guide' anymore. It is simply too stressful for this old bird. I really don't ever want to have to stand in the rain outside my accommodation and not know how to gain access ... ever again.

    The good news, however, is that we eventually figured it out ... and ... we are here. I am too nervous to go out in the dark in search of supper ... so... the old boy used a couple of the eggs we bought for breakfast, to make us a nice snack before we head to bed.

    Once again, I am grateful to my hyper-vigilant self who nudged me to pick up eggs and croissants and cheese and salami before we left Madrid. It has been a blessing to have some food to fill our tummies before breakfast tomorrow.

    Here's hoping we get some nice breaks from the rain tomorrow!! We have a really lovely large terrace to enjoy while we are here!! I hope we get to use it ...and ... may our travel 'mountain' tomorrow be a whole lot smaller! 🤞

    Warmest hugs, k&j ❤️
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  • Hari 22

    It was a Great Day for a Walk!

    13 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Well, my frustrations continued with our hotel this morning. The shower drained really slowly ... and ... it one of those half wall ones where it opens to the whole bathroom. We evaded flooding the bathroom until this morning when I had to wash my hair. I don't dawdle in the shower, but I have thick hair ... and so ... by the time I had it rinsed ... the bathroom was absolutely flooded.

    This created concern because the floors are marble and very, very slippery when wet. I found the mop in the closet but couldn't even mop it towards the shower stall because it was draining so slowly. I ended up tossing all the towels onto the floor so that I had some traction and didn't slip and fall.

    The towels were soaking wet. By the time I had my hair dried and my makeup on ... my feet were waterlogged! Arghhhhh. Fortunately ... or unfortunately ... I had to go to the dining room to use the curling iron because there is no where in the bathroom except the sink to set it down. Suffice to say, it was not the most pleasant start to the day.

    Travel mountains. Some are bigger than others. I needed to course correct and turn my attitude around for our last day here in Madrid. The old boy recommended we walk to Parque de el Retiro. It had been recommended by our friend, Ceaser who lives in Norway, that we met in line yesterday.

    Enroute, we came upon the Botanical Gardens. We opted to take a look at that as well. It was okay. I was expecting something like Butchart Gardens or like the one we visited in Pittsburg with Rod and Barb. It was nothing like either of those. It seemed to be more of an expo of all the different kinds of plants, flowers, bushes and shrubs. I came across a few pretty ones, but we didn't stay long.

    We found ourselves at La Taperia del Prado for lunch. I opted the salmon because with all our walking, I wanted to make sure I consumed sufficient protein. The old boy ordered something and was surprised to find out it was a soup! It was a cold tomato soup. Both were absolutely delicious!

    And then, we wandered over to the Retiro Park. We were absolutely blown away by its beauty! It is so well manicured ... with fountains and hedges and ponds and trees. Paths go in several directions ... one led to the Crystal Palace. Nothing was in it ... but ... the pond in front of it had the cutest turtles sunning themselves.

    We were tempted to follow more of the paths, but I was tuckered out. It was 28 degrees and we had logged quite a few steps already. So, we found a nice little cafe and the old boy had a cold beer! We recharged in the shade and talked about how this was the best way to spend our last day here in Madrid.

    In all, we logged just under 15,000 steps today. Oh .... I have been meaning to share something that has become so commonplace that I am guessing it is a cultural thing. When we are walking the busy streets, it seems to be that the locals do not move aside to accommodate passersby. They claim the sidewalk and even if there are three or four walking side by side, not one moves to allow room for oncoming walkers. I kept finding myself having to be the one to take a step sideways ... to move aside ... and/or ... to turn sideways to avoid collision.

    We first noticed it in Seville. And then, again in Malaga. We also experienced it in L'Albir. It has seemed so consistent, it got me curious. Am I just being the over polite Canadian?? So, I experimented. I decided to claim my space and see what happened. Well ... I just about lost a shoulder. I thought I'd try it again with someone a little smaller. No. Same thing. We bumped right into each other.

    I am just not sure what to make of this pattern? I always say that everything makes sense if you have enough information ... so ... if anyone has any insights, I'd be grateful for a deeper understanding of this seemingly Spanish phenomenon.

    We are packing up tonight and heading out to the train station tomorrow. We have a five hour train ride ... leaving here at 2:45pm and arriving at 7:52pm. I am also a bit nervous because I got an email from our lodging giving us virtual access instead of a key. It is also supposed to rain for the next five days ... so ... I am already envisioning myself standing outside in the rain at 8:30pm trying to get the door unlocked with the old boy's phone. Wish us luck ... k?? 😉

    For tonight ... we slipped out to the restaurant next door to get some dinner. They offered us an appy with our wine ... it was cod. It was phenomenal!!! And then, the old boy ordered the pigs ears!! Blechhhh. I opted for a very wise veggie paella. It was pretty good. We'll head there for breakfast in the morning as well because we are completely out of groceries! We will also pack up in the morning and look forward to catching up with you all when we arrive in San Sebastian!

    With warmest hugs ... k&j ❤️
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  • Hari 21

    Day Trip to Avila and Segovia!

    12 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    We were up extra early because we were off on an excursion to Avila and Segovia today. We had to be at the meeting point by 8:30am and the meeting point is about 20 minutes walk away. We took a practice run yesterday ... so we would not be stressed. It was a bit challenging, because for one reason or another, the signal kept cutting in and out. We made it in about 25 minutes.

    We felt confident we could get there this morning without stress. However, when we keyed our destination into Google Maps to direct us ... she had the audacity to tell us to go in a different direction!!!!!

    Well, the old boy was going to follow her NEW path but I was having none of that nonsense!! I did the practice run to avoid all of the uncertainty. I was not about it invite it into my world then. So, we went down the road we both knew we took yesterday and when we came to a junction, she told us to go right. The old boy wasn't sure, but I felt like I KNEW we went left yesterday ... so ... I courageously(?) ... cavalierly(?) ... overconfidently(?) overrode her directions. I was nervous to be so dang contentious with Google, but ... I do have a pretty good sense of direction! 😉

    Well, I am really glad I dared to take issue with her ... because ... I actually did remember the way! And, I got us there in 17 minutes. Which was good ... because there was already a crowd building! We were lucky to get 8th and 9th spot in line out of the 80 people who were taking our double decker Viator bus.

    Whilst waiting in line, we had a lovely conversation with an engineer who was originally from Brazil but has been working in Norway for the last 13 years. We picked his brain for ideas for when we should go when we get there ourselves. He was a wealth of information and also showed us how to switch to satellite mode on Google Maps. So much nicer ...... 🙌

    The countryside changed so much along the journey that it is hard to describe. The most notable thing along the way, for us, was all the boulders and rocks that litter the fields! And, interestingly, many of them are marble! Fences are made of stone, castles are made of stone, churches are made of stone ... even the roads are made of stone. And, still, there seems to be no shortage of stones from what we could see.

    Avila was our first stop. This small but impressive village is home to 40 palaces and 40 churches. It is surrounded by an incredible medieval wall that was built in the 5th century ... pre-roman times. Apparently about 2400 people still live inside the walls.

    It was super interesting to learn that there are 4 "ways of the pilgrims" leading to the "Camino de Santiago" that go through Avila. The 'ways' are marked in the concrete for pilgrims to ensure they are following the right "rutas". I can't remember which 'ways' went through it ... the French way, the Portueguese way, the English way, the Primitive path ... but it was cool to see the differing markers in the road.

    It is also the town that Orsen Wells chose to make his home. It was lovely to walk around and take it all in ... imagining days gone by ... centuries ago. It makes you really wonder what a day in the life of those folks might have been like???

    I took so many pictures, but do to space here, will only post a few. A light lunch of an egg and potato omelet was provided with our tour, but I was afraid that would never be enough to nourish our 'walking' bodies so we ordered some scrambled eggs with shrimp to top off our lunch! It was a delicious combination! the old boy also indulged himself in 4 pieces of the pork belly cracklings! Of course, they were "the best [he] has ever had!!" Good thing we added those extra calories, because we logged 16, 303 steps today!!

    Segovia was our next stop and was the capital of Spain before Madrid! They are both very ancient towns ... with oodles of castles and churches and cathedrals and palaces. The old boy suggested this tour because Segovia also has an incredible aqueduct system that was built by the Romans when they conquered Segovia.

    The source of water for this remarkable construct is 17kms away from the cities fountains. However, most unfortunately, the water it brings to the community is only for the rich/religious upper class. The peasants and commoners still had to get their water from the rivers. Apparently, the river water was like sloughs. The aqueduct has 167 arches in it and is 28.5 meters high at the tallest part of it. In total, it is 728 meters long on a 1 percent grade. It is built with entirely UNMORTERED granite blocks. Oh ... and ... the aqueduct is marked on the roads by insignias ... just like the camino ones ... but... indicating the "way of the water".

    Segovia has been conquered numerous times. First by the Muslims and then by the Arabs and then by the Christians. They initially built the Alcazar to the north to protect from the invasion of the Christians. There are 12 different districts within Segovia ... and ... 12 different churches. We learned that the area that was inhabited by the religious upper crust would not let "pretty" women into the district. It was forbidden lest they tempt the men. Guess you decided if you were pretty or not? The priest. Eeek. The roots of patriarchy run so deep don't they? Wait ... the old boy reminded me that women being held responsible for men's actions actually started with 'Eve'. Gah ... enough said about that.🥴

    We toured the largest cathedral in Segovia ... as well as ... the Alcazar. The grandeur, majesty and opulence reminded us so much of the Vatican in Rome. It was absolutely magnificent ... and ... absolutely unsettling to think of all the money that went into constructing these buildings. They even erected bars within the structures to make sure that the commoners and religious elite were separated ... but, enough said about all that too.

    Once again ... due to space limitations, I can only post a wee smattering of the pictures we took. It was such an interesting tour of these incredible places. There is so much character and history in these remarkable spaces. It is humbling and really reminds me how fleeting and miniscule we all really are in relation to all of the history of our humanity. We are but a blink, aren't we?

    We found a lovely restaurant on the walk home called La Tagliatella. We had intended to have a meal there when we were in Malaga but did not have time. It was an absolutely delightful Mothers Day Dinner!! I hope you all have a wonderful meal in honor of this special day of celebrating 'moms' too!!

    And, now, we are back home. We have one last day here in Madrid tomorrow. I am not sure what we will do with our time, but we will let our hearts lead the way.

    Once again, Happy Mother's Day to one and all!

    Much love, k&j ❤️
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  • Hari 21

    Extra Photos of the Alcazar & Cathedral

    12 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C
  • Hari 20

    Sometimes you just have to laugh ...

    11 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    I woke up this morning feeling just as grumbly about our hotel as I did last night. When we first arrived, the kitchen seemed so lovely. Then I realized it did not have salt nor pepper nor a dishcloth to dry dishes nor a dish drying rack. One might say, just use the dishwasher, but then we will run out of coffee cups. There are only two that fit under the Nespresso machine.

    There were no paper towels nor napkins so we had to use toilet paper as our serviettes with our breakfast. The old boy also put on the bathrobe and stood out on the balcony ... just on principle. We were promised robes and a balcony. At some point, it just becomes laughable.

    There is no shelving at all in the bathroom ... so ... we have nowhere to put toiletries. I have to put mine in the closet outside the bathroom. We turned the a/c on to cool down the room for nighttime ... it stayed at 23 degrees all night long. We will make do. I just have to forget how much we are paying for this dismal lack of service.

    So, over breakfast, we chatted about how we can't change the things we can't control, but we could ask for what we need. I left a note asking for salt and pepper, extra coffee pods and a dish towel.

    After breakfast we went online to order Hop-On Hop -Off Bus tickets. It proved to be no easy task ... for some reason we could not add the tickets to the "basket". We had to pay with Google Pay. We did that. They recommended that we screen shot the tickets. I tried three times and it would not work. And then ... they disappeared off the phone. They were not delivered to our email either.

    Another little travel mountain here in Madrid! So, we spent one half hour on their support 'chat' trying to get them emailed to us. It was hard not get cranky again. However, in the end, we ended up with an email with our tickets.

    The good news was that the #10 stop was nearby so we hopped on and enjoyed a wonderful scenic orientation to Madrid. We thought Seville had some incredible architecture, but Madrid blew us away! Building after building ... marble and carvings. It was gorgeous and invited me to appreciate the wonders this city holds.

    The traffic was intense so it took a a full hour to get half way around the route, so we opted to hop off at the Plaza Espana. They had a lovely little market filled with food and artisan stalls from all over Latin America. There was a party happening ... music playing. People enjoying the weather!

    The old boy was interested in getting a bite to eat there and then just sitting on the ledges of the flower beds. I was more interested in having a table in the shade with actual servers and stemware. I suggested we try the Rui Hotel restaurant across the street.

    We had no idea this hotel was infamous for it's 360 degree roof top terrace and restaurant. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch up there and got to see the entire city from the 27th floor. With 6.7+ million inhabitants, the city stretched as far as our eyes could see in all directions.

    This restaurant was a lovely dot of light that helped shift my malaise about Madrid. We then hopped back on the bus. The weather network said it was 29 degrees here today but a sign post said 32 ... it felt even hotter so we opted to get off and head back to the hotel to rest and cool down.

    We were delighted to see that all those things we had asked for had been delivered to our room. I just wish I had remembered to ask for napkins or paper towels. Dare I leave another note tomorrow?? I mean ... the toilet paper worked just fine. 🤔

    After recharging a bit, we decided to see if we could walk over and find the 'pick up point' for our excursion tomorrow. It will be far less stressful if we know where we are going first thing in the morning! So, we did just that! Hopefully we can remember our way tomorrow!

    And, we are going to head out and find a place for supper. Another little travel mountain for me is that it is so hectic and loud and all the outdoor cafes are so busy! It's also so hot tonight. I am not sure where we will end up, but I will say goodnight for now. I expect after we eat we will want to pop into bed ... we have to set the alarm for an early start tomorrow!!

    Love and hugs, k&j ❤️
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  • Hari 19

    Good-bye L'Albir - Hello Madrid!

    10 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    I awoke early because I wanted to savor my morning solitude in this amazing little oasis for one last time before we vacated the premises. I can honestly say that we didn't want to leave. There is an element of stress in travel that cannot be denied if you are moving from place to place. It seems that just about the time you feel comfortable in your surroundings, it is time to head off to new and unfamiliar spaces! It is one of the joys of travel, but it is also stressful.

    We have thoroughly enjoyed this remarkable respite from the busyness of cities. Although we thoroughly enjoyed the two cities we have visited, we fell in instantly in love with this warm, quiet and inviting seaside community ... just as soon as we arrived. We loved sitting on the 6th floor deck ... eating our breakfasts ... watching the sea lap up onto the shore ... and ... witnessing both the sunrises and the sunsets.

    My morning quiet was somewhat disrupted today though ... Friday must be cleaning day. Someone was washing down the promenade. Someone else was driving the street sweeper ... and ... someone from our place was sweeping all the sidewalks! I was not used to all this activity so early in the morning! The cleanliness is one of the added bonuses that we have enjoyed about Spain in general.

    We drove back to Alicante in hopes of finding the car rental return at the Train Station without too much hoopla. We actually did really well until we made a right hand turn and ended up blocking traffic for a while. The symphony of horns tooting at us tourists was NOT music to our ears. Eeeek. It was our only real serious blunder in our car rental experience. But, we made our way to our drop spot ... and then ... felt a huge sigh of relief that we had enjoyed our travels and returned the car ... unscathed!!

    We arrived at the train station early because we allowed extra time to get lost ... but we didn't ... so ... we played a couple games of Clever and sipped a celebratory glass of wine!

    Train travel is so much less stressful than airplane travel!! We really love it! In 2.5 hours, we found ourselves in Madrid. It's always interesting to see what you next accommodation is going to be like. The prices for something with an excellent location were very high ... but ... we were supposed to have a patio, a balcony, a swimming pool, a sauna, bathrobes etc.

    Imagine our surprise to find that the pool was closed, no bathrobes in the room, the balconies are not for sitting and the patio is an enclosure between the front desk and the elevator. There are two coffee pods for the Nespresso and neither of them are decaffeinated. There is one teensy bottle of water that we were told would not be replaced. And ... to top it off ... we are paying almost double as much as we paid in L'Albir for the same amount of time there.😣

    I had read the reviews and they were stellar!! My disappointment in this room is clearly my travel 'mountain' for today. So, I will need to reframe my thoughts and find a way to make the best of this 'opportunity'. I am 100% committed to finding the gold in the dark here ... even though it's really tempting to decide that I don't like Madrid ... already.

    So, we went out for groceries. We do have a very nice kitchen! We will head out for dinner soon ... and ... tomorrow is whole new day, right?? It's 29 degrees Celsius and supposed to be equally warm for the next couple of days. So, that is good as well.

    We ended up getting a pizza to take to our room. The crust was great! The toppings were scanty. We rechecked the reviews to see what I had missed about the room and discovered that folks had been giving it 8, 9 and 10 but still complaining about many of the things we were frustrated with. Hmmmm. Makes me shake my head ... but ... we shall see how things unfold tomorrow!

    Warmest hugs, k&j ❤️
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  • Hari 18

    A Day of Indulgence ... ❤️

    9 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We slept so well that I missed the sunrise this morning. It was pure heaven, however, sitting in the sunshine on our deck whilst sipping my coffee. There was almost no wind and the heat of the sun warmed me clear through to my soul. It was so calm and peaceful ... I just wanted to savor every moment of this little haven we landed in ... because ... it is our last day here.

    We enjoyed our breakfast on the deck as well and then headed down to the beach to allow the sun and water to nourish us as only sun and water can do. We found a wee patch of sandier pebbles and set down the comfy beach chairs from our Airbnb. It was so heavenly that we stayed out there for almost three hours. The absence of wind was an extra bonus for our last day here. And, we were both listening to our books.

    After that, we cleaned up, grabbed some groceries and hung the laundry out to dry. Then, we headed down the promenade for our 2:45pm reservation at 'De Lab'! This restaurant was recommended by our Airbnb host. And, my goodness ... it did not disappoint in the least. They offer Menu of the Day ... so ... you pick one of the three appetizers, you pick one of the three entrees and you also get the dessert of the day.

    We ordered a red wine that was something we had never had before ... a "petit verdot". At first, we weren't going to have it because it was quite pricey ... but then ... we decided to give ourselves the permission to enjoy the experience of this unfamiliar grape. So we indulged ourselves and it was amazing. Dry but smooth. Given the price of it ... we savored every sip as though it was gold.

    For appetizers, I ordered an "Asian Salad with a mix of fish and glass noodles, vegetables, Thai dressing, crispy shrimp and fresh herbs". The old boy ordered the "crispy smoked eggplant in tomato and olive sauce, burrata Stracciatella, fresh basil and lime zest."

    I could not figure out why he was ordering the eggplant when there was a shredded beef option, but am I ever glad he did. I have only somewhat enjoyed eggplant in the past ... BUT ... I had never before had it done like this!! The flavors and texture were unbelievable. The Asian salad was so fresh and flavorful. We kept saying how good it was after every single bite.

    And, then came the main course. I opted to take the "grilled chicken tenderloin with green coconut curry, vegetables on jasmine rice". The old boy ordered the "grilled salmon with honey and mustard velouté, quinoa salad and roasted bimis". We had planned to share but when it arrived, his quinoa had an avocado dressing so I thought I would just skip tasting it. The server showed up with a bowl of that salad just for me ... without the avocado! It was completely unexpected and so thoughtful.

    The flavors were something extra special. My curried chicken tasted like we were in Thailand. The old boy's salmon fell apart when his fork touched it. The old boy exclaimed with extra enthusiasm that this is the best meal he has ever had. I know he get excited about his meals, but he might just be right about this! I am wondering if we are forgetting something better?? It was absolutely scrumptious!!

    The dessert was an Italian dessert ... "a pina coloda panacotta, coconut mousse, roasted pineapple and white chocolate." Oh my .............. ❤️

    After this culinary indulgence, we wandered all the way down to the town of Altea. The fishing boats were coming in and the old boy was curious. We couldn't get close, but found ourselves in the middle of the marina.

    It was an exceptional way to spend our last day here. We will pack up tonight and hit the road tomorrow. We need to return our rental ... wish us luck with finding the place and then we will hop a train to Madrid.

    I'll catch up with you all tomorrow after we get settled! Sending warm hugs ... hope you are all drying up. We heard it was very rainy!!

    Love, k&j ❤️
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  • Hari 17

    Only One Thing 'To-Do" Today!

    8 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Oh my ... we had the very best sleep last night! We were tucked in bed by 9:30pm (after finally breaking my losing streak with 'Clever') and didn't get up for the day until 8:30am. I was up to tinkle at 6:30am and caught the sun just beginning to cast a glow over the sea. I popped up again to check and see how it looked at 7:00am ... but then ... I snuggled back into bed for another 90 minutes.

    We have absolutely nothing to do on the agenda today ... except ONE thing that I am really excited about! When I was searching Trip Advisor for things "to do" in L'Albir, I noticed a Thai Massage Place that had fabulous reviews! I haven't had a great Thai massage for years ... so ... this sounded like a MUST do.

    We decided to scope it out yesterday so I could book an appointment. We followed Google Maps and came upon a Massage Place but it had a different name. I was assuming the place had changed hands ... literally. I booked a 90 minute Traditional Thai massage, but then the lady behind the desk suggested that I would be better to have the Thai Massage with oil. I left there hoping the new hands are as worthy of great reviews as the old ones were.

    We enjoyed our breakfast on the deck and played some 'Clever' and got some groceries and empanadas (for a light meal or snack at some point). After that, I was on my way to my massage!

    There was little English spoken so I wasn't quite sure what to do when I was left behind the curtain with a teensy little black paper thong. She told me to put it on for the massage ... but ... then what? Usually you climb on the massage table and get under a sheet. There was nothing like that. Was I expected to disrobe ... put on the skimpy paper thong and just stand there bare-breasted waiting??

    I was about to wrap the decorative blanket around myself when my tiny little Thai masseuse walked in. She motioned for me lay down face forward on the bed. So I did as I was told. She asked in very broken English if I wanted medium relaxation or strong. I opted for medium relaxation.

    Am I ever glad I didn't say strong. My gawd ... for a little thing she had strong hands. And, she even kicked off her flip flops and climbed up the table to get all her weight behind her.

    I moaned that it was a bit too hard ... a couple of times. It seemed she had her rhythm ... which was not slow, methodical and relaxing ... but rather ... like she had a job to do and needed to be as efficient as possible.

    I adjusted my expectations of what relaxation meant to me versus her. She worked intensely and found all the tight spots. She gave it her best shot but my knots were tighter. She rolled me over ... face up. After she was done with my legs and feet (which was magnificent!) ... she whipped down the decorative cloth I was lying under. Well ... okay then.

    Then, she proceeded to work on my belly. I thought ... reasonable. She is tending to my digestion. I had no idea she was also going to tend to the girls. But, yep. She did so ... and with the same energy and gusto she offered to rest of my body.

    Afterwards, I didn't know what to expect. It turned out that she did an amazing head massage ... rubbing in circles at my temples (one at time) for several minutes each. Then she moved to the rest of my head.

    And after all that ... I expected I was done ... but no. She had me sit up and she went after those knots in my shoulder region again. She got on the table again too. 😂

    The old boy was having a beer at the little bar/cafe next door when I emerged 90 minutes later. He asked how it was and all I could think to say was "I am not really sure!"

    I am glad I had the experience ... but ... it was nothing like I remember the Thai massages being in Thailand. And yet ... I thought maybe all the vigorous rubbing might make my body feel really good later. And, actually ... it does feel pretty good right now. So, I still don't know what to say except that it was anything but relaxing!! 😂 I might have to check for bruising later! 🤣

    We stayed for a glass of wine and a cheese board! It was delicious and just the right snack for my post massage workout! After that, we thought we'd head to the beach for a bit but opted to have another round of Clever instead. I was the winner this time!!

    While I was having my massage, the old boy searched out the best places to have paella here! As you recall, I am still on the hunt for a really good one. He discovered one online called M.Godoy that was awarded "Best Paella 2023" in El Albir by Restaurant Guru.

    And, all we can say is that it was absolutely fabulous ... 14/10 delicious. When we complimented the server, he indicated that Paella originates in Alicante and Valencia provinces so other areas make their own versions. Yes. Yes, they do. And, they don't compare.

    We also had some of the best red wine we have tasted. I asked to take a picture of the bottle but the server indicated that it is not likely sold in the stores. He believes it is just available to restaurants.

    We also had our very first "cortados" and a flan. He called it caramel pudding, so we were expecting something different, but it was good too. He then offered us a house liqueur ... but we declined. It actually seems as though meals are lovely events in Europe ... meant to linger over and enjoy ... rather than just to gulp down and hurry off to the next thing. We have really enjoyed that energy of celebration around food here!

    All in all, our dinner tonight was so good ... and now ... we are ready for another great sleep. Tomorrow will be our last day here in L'Albir. Then we are off to Madrid.

    We are already half done our vacation and were talking over dinner about what stood out for us so far? The list was endless. It was good to reflect upon all the joys we have experienced already! It's easy, when you are on the go, to forget to savor those moments for a while.

    Good night dear family and friends ... we miss you! It would have been so delightful to have had you gathered around our table tonight with us!!
    Love and hugs, k&j ❤️

    P.S. the sun was already hiding behind the mountains by the time we got home from dinner ... but ... the view was still gorgeous! And, the cotton candy reflection on water was pretty!

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  • Hari 16

    Lovely L'Albir ... 😍

    7 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    We had a much better sleep last night ... but ... we (and I use the term loosely!) didn't figure out the air conditioning until this morning so it was a tad bit hot in our room. The mattress and pillows are soooo comfy though ... we are expecting to have a really great sleep tonight.

    I awoke about 7:00am ... the sunlight was coming through the window. I popped out of bed to see if I had missed the sunrise. Lucky for me ... there was still a trace of it rising over the water. It was so windy though!

    The Weather Network says it is only gusting from the East at 16 - 23kms. 🤥
    I must humbly beg to differ!! As a Southern Albertan ... who is somewhat seasoned in terms of windy days ... I would say it is easily upwards of 40kms.

    However, and as much as I usually gripe about windy days ... I am not complaining now. It's 22 degrees Celsius and sunny! People are laying on cots on the beach ... one fellow is wind surfing ... a sailboat just passed by as well. People are enjoying all that this quaint little resort-like town has to offer,

    By the way ... I am not sure if I mentioned it or not, but ending up here was a mistake. I was looking on Airbnb for places in the TOWN of Alicante, not the province of Alicante. When I realized my mistake, I almost cancelled this place ... but then ... some little voice inside me suggested it might provide a nice quiet reprieve in a sea of busy sightseeing and moving about.

    I'm so grateful that I heeded that little internal nudge to keep this place. L'Albir itself is a little town in the province of Alicante. The actual population here is 9,482 residents (2020). The houses you can see from our our deck are actually in the township next to us. It is called Altea. It's population is about 22, 000. They actually run right into each other.

    L'Albir boasts 600 metres of crystal clear turquoise blue water and it is loaded with shops and restaurants and bars and stunning views. The beach is comprised of little smooth, polished stones and rocks so it has been named "Pebble Beach". There is also a long promenade alongside it. It is entirely marble ... and ... has stars with names in it just like they do in Los Angeles. We are not sure who has been honored here in the marble and for what ... but ... they are stars in L'Albir!

    We took a walk down it after we had breakfast at "Coco Loco" overlooking the water. We actually walked into Altea and found one of the restaurants that was recommended to us by our Airbnb host. We made a reservation to eat there on Thursday.

    We stopped for a snack and some refreshments on our way back at a cute little place on the beachfront! I opted for the spring rolls but the old boy had the cuttlefish. I feel the need to clear my conscience here. There was a nice bowl of condiments in little wee packages on the table. We pilfered several of the mayonnaise. We had bought a jar in Seville and used it up. We bought a second jar in Malaga but ended up throwing much of it away. We didn't want to waste more, so we opted to pilfer instead. Judge us if you will ....😉

    It was such a nice relaxing day and we were both feeling lazy so we decided to head back to the room and settle onto our lovely deck! We played a round of Clever. I collected my third loss in a row now! After I post this, we will have one more game. Wish me LUCK!!

    We opted to just get something light for supper and eat it on our lovely deck as well. So, we will get some baguettes or pizza from the down the street and bring it home. We'd love to tuck in early tonight. As I shared, the old boy got the air conditioner working so we expect to sleep even better tonight.

    And, maybe ... if I can stay awake late enough, I can catch the sunset from our deck as well. Hope you are all having a great day! Warmest smiles and warm hugs from Spain, k&j ❤️
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