Michigan 2022

toukokuuta - lokakuuta 2022
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  • Päivä 120

    Wonders of Wildlife, Aquarium

    22. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    There name is pretty appropriate, the acronym is WOW! This place is relatively new, it opened in 2017, and is like a fishermen's Disneyland on steroids! We had planned on just visiting in the morning, heading to Chris's late afternoon. It is about 2.5 hours from this point. By about 1 we had "tackled" the aquarium. Little realizing this represented only about half of the facility, we still had the entire wildlife section to go. We just thought it all was in the area we were visiting.
    If you have ever gone into a Bass Pro Shop you be will sort of understand. The stores always include these fabulous vignettes of outdoors scenes with "stuffed" animals. (probably a better word for it, think natural history museum) the vignettes include water, faux rocks, ledges, plants, trees, etc. Tom and I often stop at these stores just to walk through some of them. It's liked all the environments that Disneyland builds.
    Lighting was all blue lights, dark, but designed to enhance viewing of tanks, and to let's you feel like you are in a water world. And then you just start walking.
    Interspersed in the aquarium displays are rooms depicting all sorts of fishing history, types of fishing, hall of Fame areas of fisherman, just lots of fishing related topics. One area talked about the number of presidents that LOVED fishing. Carter and Bushes mostly. Tracker boats, owned by Bass Pro, built a Bass Force One just for. the Bushes. And all of this was put in place by the owner, Johnny Morris, who founded the national chain of stores. And the mission statement in essence is that through responsible fishing, you can incorporate conservation strategies. ( Everyone has a slightly different position on this approach...)
    So almost 3 hours later we walked our way out of the aquarium and gift shop.
    But I knew we were supposed to see some penguins so I asked where they were,
    "Oh, they are through the wildlife photography exhibit and in the wildlife museum part of the attraction.". What?!
    So we had a quick lunch, called Chris and said we wouldn't be to Fayetteville that day? Felt badly, but not sure if we will be this way again.
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  • Päivä 120

    WOW, wildlife museum

    22. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

    After a quick lunch and call to Chris to change our plans we went back to see the wildlife galleries. It starts with a walk through the photography exhibit off animal photos. Big photos probably most water 4' SQ and larger. Beautiful, award winning photos of birds and animals.
    Then back into all these different, stunning vignettes of wildlife from around the world. Fabulously designed and executed. It was just a pleasure walking thru them all. The lighting really enhanced the mood of each one. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the galleries.
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  • Päivä 120

    Bass Pro Shop, Natl. Hdqtrs

    22. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

    Just wanted to include some pictures of the actual store. After the galleries we then spent another hour plus in the "store" because they are a visual treat as well. They typically include wildlife scenes and water scenes. The have a turtle pool, Aquarium, waterfalls, running streams, wooden bridges interwoven throughout the store. If you have never been in one, you should. But those stories was the national headquarters so it was over the top!
    And their prices aren't too bad either!
    Moved the RV to the overnight area and had a easy dinner of Ramen noodles. Thoroughly enjoyed the day.
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  • Päivä 121

    Finally Fayetteville

    23. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    So we had a relatively short drive to Fayetteville, about 2.5 hours plus when towing...I like the Missouri landscapes, wooded, rolling hills, more livestock than Illinois. Beautiful driving day with white clouds in a bright blue sky. Out here you get to see clouds allot compared to the hazy, grey blue skies of the central valley.
    Took a short business loop into the small town of Anderson. It's always interesting to drive into some of these small towns and find a local deli for lunch, especially if you don't want to make sandwiches!
    Shared a deli sandwich at the Mustang deli, ate outside so Charlie got to get out off the RV also. Looked like an interesting collectibles shop to spend sometime across the street only to find out it was simply someone's home!
    Back in the RV and rolled into Fayetteville early afternoon. Lots of hugs and hellos and then we moved in. A week's worth of dirty laundry, sheets, towels, laptop, dog crate, etc. Etc. Still warm and humid here, but not bad.
    Settled down to clam dip and adult beverages to catch up with each other. Abby joined us for a pizza dinner, while Andy was still at work. They left the next morning to join Shari at Kansas Univ to spend the weekend there as part of the parents weekend events and football game.
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  • Päivä 123

    Crystal Bridges

    25. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Saturday the 24th was all about laundry and some errands. Chris still needs to get around with a cane, and her wounds are far from healed, but she is moving around fairly well. She just needs sometime off of her leg periodically. One of the errands included a great little meat market/deli where we got some marinated chicken kabobs for dinner. Tom barbecued, and Chris and I made some pilaf, delicious dinner.
    Sunday, like most mornings was busy managing pups...Romy and Zoey are a little perturbed by Charlie's presence, especially during feeding time. And Romy does not like to share toys. But between the three adults we manage to keep the tusseling to a minimum.
    Chris and I decided it's would be fun to go out to Crystal Bridges for lunch and a visit to the art museum. We had a wonderful afternoon at this fabulous location. Built by the Walton family, it is free to the public. Great architecture, great landscaping, walking trails, and wonderful art collection and temporary exhibits, early American to contemporary. At this time they also had a special exhibition that included one of the few original copies of the constitution, along with other notable documents and art work that spoke to the era. "We the People ".
    Meanwhile Tom "got" to stay home with pups AND Sunday football. A win-win for all.
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  • Päivä 124

    Day with Shari

    26. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

    We all enjoy slow mornings at Chris's. Coffee on the patio, while waiting for dogs to do their morning business.
    Shari joined us mid morning and we all enjoyed catching up with each other. She, Andy and Abby had been at KU to join Kate for parents weekend. Plus Abby had a soccer game Saturday morning in Oklahoma....
    We had some lunch here at Chris's and then puttered around the house. Neither Chris and I can't actually remember what we accomplished, but I am sure it was a lot! Since we were planning on having dinner with the Heinzelmanns we did have dinner items to prep. We took our food stuffs and had a nice barbecue in their backyard with a view of the city. We tried to get their dogs to play with Charlie, but the dogs were a "no go". The rest of us did get along very nicely! 😀
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  • Päivä 125

    Spending the day with the cousins!

    27. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Just another cool morning in Fayetteville. Coffee, dogs and chit chat. Watched a lot of storm coverage and caught up with some finances while Chris had her nails done.
    Quick lunch and Shari was by at about noon to drive us out to the "cabin". She needed to check on some construction activity for the garage they are adding, ands to make sure the bats had been removed from the upper bedroom!
    Understand this is a log home that actually had settled and left one or two tiny gaps into the cabin. The guy she worked with put a sort of wire trap in place that allowed the bats to leave at night to find food, but not be able to squeeze back in. It seemed to have worked.
    Beautiful log home on a river that allows for tubing, kayaking, paddle boarding at various times off year depending on the strength of the current. It's is about an hour drive, so close enough for weekends...
    Fort home in just enough time too take a breath and then drive out to Bentonville to see Rick's family. We met at a very good Mexican restaurant, it had been so long for us to eat Mexican! Only had a little bit of time with Michelle and Safi because Safi had a cheer commitment. But we did have a little longer to visit with Rhett and Rick. Lots of fun, sands we did get to know Rhett a little bit better. He was a great conversationalist!
    Home and to bed, we had a very full day with Chris!
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  • Päivä 126

    Cooking, cleaning and packing

    28. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 70 °F

    Weather is gorgeous right now in Fayetteville, even humidity is lower. We originally thought we might leave today, but my "to do" list has only one or two items checked done!
    Wednesday I took Tom over you Shari's house (that's where the RV was parked) so he could do some cleaning. Chris and I had some morning errands, CVS, grocery, dry cleaning...after lunch she "unwillingly" pulled herself into her office to do some work and I started cooking. Made a dozen bierocks for the road and also prepped some taco meat. By dinner time we all felt like we had a productive day, my favorite feeling at wine time. We had some warmed up bierocks and salad for dinner.
    Thursday was my revised d day of departure...but gosh darn my check list didn't look very promising, so we decided to stay another day. We all laughed about it, we just couldn't seem to leave. So I finally got all my finances done, some email, and a finally load of laundry since we had been there so long. The afternoon we loaded all our stuff into Chris's car and took it over to the RV and packed it up for a Friday departure. One last dinner with Chris, steak and potatoes!
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  • Päivä 128

    Heading north on 49

    30. syyskuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    Leaving is never easy, saying good bye and hoping you have all your stuff! We packed up our overnight things and headed to Shari's to finish loading the RV. Hooded thing we had too take those extra time because (as anyone who knows me will understand) I had left "just" my purse at Chris's!?
    I think we pulled away about 10 or 10:30, good thing we loaded the bulk of our stuff the day before...we wouldn't have left until later afternoon!
    Heading north towards Forest City, Iowa. We have a tour with the Winnebago factory on Tuesday. Pretty much headed straight up 49 towards Kansas City, mo. I am always checking my apps for possible stops we might want to take. Found one right at the state border between Ark./Mo. In the towns of Bella Vista. It is another chapel, similar to Thorncrown in Eureka Springs. Same architect, E. Faye Jones, an apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright. This is the Mildred Cooper Chapel, beautiful seeing in the woods beard Norwood Lake.
    When we got there it was closed to a private event. Disappointment. So we took an exterior pic and decided to pick up lunch and groceries at a nearby Harps grocery. ( Chris we had the fried chicken-very good!) Fortunately it was closed enough that I couldn't walk back to chapel to see off it was open again. Happily it was and I got to head inside.
    Very similar feel to Thorncrown. Love these chapels. The woods are as much a part of the building as the ribbed structure. Lots of volume, and every thing, lights, hardware, etc are part off the overall design. So glad I got to go back and sit inside!
    Back on 49, pretty rural drive, Missouri looks pretty dry in this part of the state. About 5 got to our RV Park. Kind of an odd park, thinks it is owned by the church that is nearby. This huge steeple pokes out of the trees behind us. We will have to "drive by" to see what it is.
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  • Päivä 129

    Independence and Truman

    1. lokakuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

    Honestly my knowledge of history, American or world is horrible! That being said, I think if each student was to visit all the presidential library chronologically, they would have a fully realized vision/timeline imbedded in their brains. Independence Mo. is all about Harry S. Truman. He became president with the death of FDR, approx. 80 days after FDR assumed the presidency for a 3rd term. We visited his museum /library and the home he spent most of his life in with Bess, his wife.

    Great museum, a ton of history. He actually was able to serve in WW1 (inspite of his eyesight), president during the end off WW2 in Europe, and ultimately authorized the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was in place for the start of the cold war, the Berlin wall (and airlift), the Korean War, recognizing Israel as a nation, and ongoing civil rights issues. He did serve almost two full terms, but still these were tough times and decisions.
    So interesting that earlier in our trip we visited Westminster College where Churchill makes his famous speech about the Iron Curtain dropping.
    We grabbed a late lunch at the UpDog in Independence Square. Like so many downtowns, usually older governmental centers, there are numerous old and vacant buildings. This area has seen some better days. Not bad, just could be more.
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