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  • Day 45

    Tramping down from Pee-pee Poo-poo

    May 6 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

    Trusting the brown squiggle on my hard copy map, I dodged the road and headed down what turned out to be a rock climbing route with tons of sweet rocks or whatever those in the scene might describe them as - pls advise.

    It was marvellous and much more fun going down than it would have been going up, parts of it were treacherously steep. Yet again, old Magill has stumbled on the sweet spot, not only finding two lovely paths but also allocating them correctly. What's going on, this luck is unheard of, is it STILL Rusty karma?

    I got the 6pm train back to Lisbon, for which I was ten minutes early and therefore got a seat. Many (older American) people chose a different approach and ran on basically as the doors were closing, then gaped around dumbly at the lack of seats.

    Pre-Camino me chirped meekly from the cell she's been shoved in that might we not offer someone ours? She was promptly tased. A major goal of the trip was to get better at allowing others to experience reasonable discomfort without volunteering to swap for my own.

    If they wanted a seat they could have got here on time and furthermore they're standing here like dopes in the carriage closest to the station entrance, should they move DOWN the train they might find one. Flush with exhilaration at another test passed, I remained seated.

    From Rossio station it was a delightfully short walk to the next hostel - I'm sure I planned that but I've since forgotten so it's like that Ben Affleck movie where he sets up things for Uma Thurman before he has his memory wiped.
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