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    • Day 28


      November 10, 2022 in Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We have had a sensational day.

      Dalton went downstairs and stole everyone a bread roll for breakfast because it was 5 mins to 9 and I still wasn’t up. Didn’t ask him to he just did.
      Bless him. (Breakfast ends at 9)

      Got cracking. I cannot express what an absolute champion dalton is because unless it’s a train or walking I can’t use google maps. I was looking up a route last night and it was so bloody complicated. I don’t know why but it doesn’t ever give me the most basic route unless I put station name to station name. I can be 30m from a station and it will tell me to walk 3km north to a different station to catch 3 buses. When the 30m away station has a direct route. It’s super annoying.
      Point being 10 points to dalton for being guide today.
      We had to walk through a forest to get to first tram stop. I made a joke had I misunderstood where the trek is and was this it? Cause it was beautiful.
      All uphill though boooo.
      Caught the tram then walked to the bus stop which was a little more tricky because it was soooooo foggy. Couldn’t actually see 10m in front of us to spot the bus stop in the distance.

      Found it. 10 mins until our bus.
      It’s wild the transport is free because it was an hour journey. I could understand inner city because of demand but our bus was basically empty (more like a coach actually) I think it’s terrific but surprising. It was nice to see all the little towns.
      We got off in Mullerthall at some random stop so had to walk down the mountain for 20 mins before we found the start of the hiking trail. First stop was Heringer Millen - unexciting bread mill.
      We began our walk.
      So beautiful. The water colour was amazing. The famous part of the hike was a bridge which was splendid but once we kept walking became obsolete compared to the rest of the trail.
      The colours of autumn were amazing but we also had so much fun pointing out different mushroom to each other.
      It was only 3.5km but took us several hours. Lots of climbs and lots of picture taking.
      The best part of the hike was the use of the rock formations, you often had to walk between them and it was just amazing.
      I don’t really know what to write to describe it but it was beautiful.
      Beyond pleased we did it.
      Got to a village called Consdorf which has a population of 2000 - first stop/village only had 76 or something haha.
      It was 2pm by then and all any of us had eaten was a bread roll so we needed to eat.
      Found a pizzeria.
      Brilliant value. Only 11€ for Wills pizza which was twice as big as a dominoes.
      Walked to the bus stop thanks to dalton 😆 and caught a direct bus back to where we got the tram this morning. Walked back through the mini forrest, said bye to dalton cause he has a 6pm flight then sat in our room for a bit because we were buggered.
      An chatty Italian joined our room so we excused ourselves and made our made to the museum. We did offer for him to come but thankfully he was tired haha.

      We took the Panama lift up to the top (the hostel is in a valley) which was good because we didn’t have to walk up the hill but I actually found that because of how many lights there are and because you are encased in glass you can’t see out because of the reflections which kind of defeats the purpose.

      Bought my magnet.

      The museum (national art and history) was very well laid out and presented wonderfully considering how boring its history is compared to its neighbors lol.
      The art bit and then a “Gast Michels” exhibit, which was terrible (childrens craft standard) had English write ups but the history section didn’t.
      Lots of cool stuff but not really sure what I’m looking at. Your usual bowls, spoons and ruins.
      It’s free though so ✔️✔️

      Had McDonald’s cause both not really hungry so got bare minimum then walked home.
      Gave a homeless guy a euro cause we pass him everyday and he has a great strategy of saying hello or bonjure to everyone so you have to acknowledge him or your a dick.
      Felt he earned his euro hahah
      60 year old man has joined our room.
      Haven’t had a girl roommate yet.

      Fabulous day.

      Dalton fun facts:
      Canadian, Vietnamese heritage, 23, pharmacy student, has girlfriend. (Mentioned cause Will is flabbergasted by this. I said straight but he was adamant he was gay. The hair rollers are an unusual choice I’ll admit 😆)
      Very calm dude.
      Read more

    • Day 5


      July 31, 2022 in Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Auf dem P&R bei Luxemburg war es dann doch zu laut und zu stinkig. Also ab in den Camper und ein kleines Stück außerhalb ins Müllertal gefahren. Dies gehört zur kleinen luxemburgischen Schweiz und hat uns doch sehr an die Heimat erinnert.Read more

    • Day 3

      Schiessentümpel Wasserfall

      September 4, 2018 in Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Leider war der Weg vom Parkplatz zum Wasserfall wegen Erdrutschen gesperrt, darum mussten wir der Strasse entlang gehen. Sind aber nur 500 Meter. Etwas mühsamer war, dass der reguläre Pfad unter die Brücke aus dem gleiche Grund gesperrt war. So musste ich ein wenig durchs Wasser um die Perspektive zu bekommen.Read more

    • Day 3

      Müllerthal wandern

      January 2, 2022 in Luxembourg ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Zum Abschluss wollten wir eine kleine Wanderung im Müllerthal machen.
      Vorher gab es natürlich noch einmal des leckere Frühstück und um 12 Uhr saßen wir im Auto Richtung Deutschland.
      Die 12 Kilometer Wanderung war insgesamt abwechslungsreich, aber hatte auch eine zu lange Passage über Felder dabei, was etwas langweilig und bei dem Wind auch nicht so angenehm war.Read more

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