Nosy Tsara

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    • Day 17

      Salama Sakalava

      April 22, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

      Mit einem kleinen Propellerflugzeug ATR72 gings heute in den Norden. Angekommen in Diego werden wir vom Taxifahrer erwartet. Da der Weg zu unserem Hotel über Sandpisten führt, dachten wir auf uns wartet ein 4x4 Wagen. Aber als der Taxifahrer uns zu einem alten Renault 4 führte, schmunzelten wir. Aber souverän schaffte es die alte Kiste, schüttelnd über Stock und Stein. Ein weiteres mal begrüssen uns die Hotelmitarbeiter als ihre einzigen Gäste und geben uns eines ihrer besten Bungalows. Das Hotel liegt gleich am Meer und ist äusserst naturnah. An unserem ersten Spaziergang am Meer entdeckten wir Muscheln, Krebse und schwimmende Meeresschikdkröten.Read more

    • Day 94

      Almost Caught It! Sunrise #2

      October 12, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      The day starts early here in Eastern Madagascar. 4:45 found me hustling to watch the sky... it started the show without me but I enjoyed it very much all the same.

      Getting mobbed by doglets after watching a cow-drawn carriage after watching a slowly changing panorama of colors all by myself is a fantastic start to the day.

      Life isn't perfect, though. In the interest of fairness I'll share that I am feeling a tinge of loneliness. I'm in an incredibly romantic spot all by myself. My body is sore (despite the hourlong massage I enjoyed yesterday). I have to do my tax return today via my cellphone. That's gonna be unpleasant, for sure (and is the result of my own lack of planning). I've got a few mozzie bites. I'm not as involved with my family as I'd prefer to be; it's not easy from across the world. I am glad that my French is improving but frustrated at not being able to make myself understood beyond a very topical level.

      So, yeah, cry me a river. I know. I recognize that I've got it really good and I am grateful for the good luck and the support of other people that have made it possible for me to be living my life this way.
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    • Day 99

      Attacked Again

      October 17, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      I think that word has gotten out in the canine community that there are sunrise pets to be had.

      Three portly labs joined me on my stroll today.


      It's interesting to me how much of a difference small choices make... I came to Sakalava knowing nothing of the area and stumbled into a great set-up at Ocean Lodge. Now I am at a good set-up at Varastrava Wind Riders. Good... But not fabulous and I wouldn't stay here for a full week as it just isn't as convenient nor comfortable.

      But today I plan to rent kite gear (not wing) and play for a bit. My winging muscles are tired and I'm feeling like the thrill of learning isn't as attractive as the thrill of knowing how to do something already.

      Taking breaks is important and I've been in a hightened state of learning mode for a while now.
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    • Day 104

      Happily Still Here, and Tired

      October 22, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ 🌬 84 °F

      Yesterday was emerald/turquoise waters and blue skies. I really thought I'd depart... But the wind picked up.

      Today is 25-30 knots and .... Emerald/turquoise waters and blue skies.... with waves.

      I just spent 2 hours getting my ego smooshed down and dunked, repeatedly. I was feeling pretty cocky after free-riding yesterday (letting the wing trail while I briefly foiled along a wave).

      So I spent about two hours doing jumpies with a kite, too. Great core workout. Ouch. And an ego boost as I kite much better than I foil.

      I finished the day by having dinner w the hotel owner and two other guests. They patiently pretended that my French is better than I think it is, which was fun. I learned, but quickly forgot, a hilarious French slang for sleeping*. Kinda like "hit the hay" but it translates roughly as "put the meat in the tea towel". I'll have to relearn it as this is just the sort of thing that makes learning a language fun.

      Today's high winds and choppy waves, with a much smaller/squirrelier wing (3.5m vs 6m), and a smaller, more 'performance' foil (1,500 vs 1,600) showed me that I have a lot of opportunity to practice and learn.

      Which is awesome! Because learning is fun, even if it means a few helpings of humble pie (washed down with ample salt water).

      I am so glad that I stayed a little longer. My body aches, my smile- muscles are worn out, and life feels good.

      * « mettre la viande dans le torchon »
      Can't wait to use this.
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