
oktober - november 2021
Et 18-dagers eventyr av Marko Les mer
  • 16fotspor
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  • 18dager
  • 98bilder
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  • 4,1kkilometer
  • 2,6kkilometer
  • Dag 12

    Scuba diving 🐠🐟🐡

    31. oktober 2021, Jordan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Some chill&work days by the sea. What else to say. Because I extended my trip of course I had some work to do. It sure takes time to get synced back and to turn the brain back to thinking in code 🤣 I was coding. I so wanted to do the open water Padi license but ... work and diving would leave me not much time to relax. But I'm doing that in Thailand next time or something.
    And yes, we went diving. Lilian did her advanced open water diving license and I was allowed to join on one dive. It was AMAZING! So many fish, such serenity and silence under water. Wherever you look there is some different fish or whatever that thingy things down there are 😊
    Les mer

  • Dag 14


    2. november 2021, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    We had time to kill and country to see. So we came up with a plan: Dana (natural reserve) and Madaba town, which is also near airport.
    Way to Dana was interesting. We used local bus and were a bit of attraction to younger passengers 😃 It's a 3 hour drive and then they just throw you out in some village. Greeeat. We though we'd have to walk for couple kms and already switched shoes... so this guy comes and offers us a ride. Turns out - he's the owner of a hotel we booked! So nice. Soon we reached this tiny village with big canyon behind it. And the nature around it is just breathtaking.
    People are so nice in Jordan. Owner saw us sitting outside of hostel and just gave us bread, fresh cheese and told us to pick up fresh tomatoes from the ground. Yumm-ee! This is proper food haha. Since it was closer to sunset we went on edge of canyon to watch it. Sooo wonderful, so many colors,... Jordan never stops to surprise. Or as locals say often - "Welcome to Jordan" 😊
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    Dana is amazing

    3. november 2021, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    In the morning we went for a sunrise view. Pretty amazing seeing whole valley waking up, all the colors, donkeys having breakfast 😃 We did some walking around and went to a bar for grab some water and maybe a snack. But was met with a nice offer - we can either eat there or go for a trip down in the valley with a guide, just for some extra payment. Hell yeah!
    The guy picked us up in a jeep and drove us around, the scenery is amazing! The colors are just crazy. Shortly he stopped and it was time to walk. We had soooo much fun, there are caves where people used to live, beautiful rock formations, sheep,... The guide showed us many things then went to a ledge to prepare us a lunch! He made fire, cooked eggplant and tomatoes, tasty fresh bread, sooo good. Sitting in the middle of nowhere, eating with the view of sheeps below and ancient huts/caves. Priceless! This park is quite awesome, yet easily missed by tourists 😊
    Les mer

  • Dag 16


    4. november 2021, Jordan ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    In early morning it was time to leave for Madaba. We took the regular bus, small, packed, full of locals being interested in us haha. Driving in Jordan is so nice, seeing endless deserts, each being different color. After 2 hours or so we came to Madaba. Well, close to it. The thing is they just stop on the highway and out you go. It was either getting off the highway and hitch hike or something but I started talking to some guys there and one offered us a ride pretty cheap. And before we knew it we were in Madaba 😊
    This is a nice city, all the streets with bars and restaurants. We spent the whole day walking around and finally stopped at this great café Lilian found online. Really chill garden, lots of cats, great coffee, teas, sandwiches. We just chilled for the whole day. We sat, we talked, putting cats off the table all the time, they are so lovely! This café also has a library, really one of the nicest cafés ever.
    In the evening I tried to get the pcr to be able to fly home and guess what - results take 3 days! And I leave in 2? Problem!
    Les mer

  • Dag 17

    Last day 😶

    5. november 2021, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Last day of Jordan for me. So first thing in the morning was a trip to airport for a pcr test. I wouldn't mind staying for longer but work awaits.
    After the test me and Lilian went to the town again, walking around, teas, food, having a chill day again. We ended up in the same café as the day before. The cats were waiting already for us, haha. We spent whole afternoon talking and laughing, ended up on the roof of some bar for some tea and shisha. Wrapping my thoughts about the trip. And preparing to leave not just Jordan but also Lilian behind, goodies are never good. But it's not over yet. We've decided to go to dinner. We had to walk far and when we reached the restaurant they were closing. Noooo. But some random guy came to us and asked what we wanted so we said food. He invited us to drive with him and he'll show us where to eat good. Awesome!
    He drove us around, explained us all about Madaba, himself, the restaurant he's just opening, really nice person. We said we want rice and chicken so we went to one bad that makes best rice - I got to taste like 3 rices to pick one. Then we drove to another part to get some shish kebab / chicken. For all we paid like 3€ 😂 In the end we said goodbye to the guy and went home, set the dinner on balcony with candles and all 😊
    We had a wonderful night, but were getting said that trip is coming to an end. But hey, this only ends this trip, who knows how all this with Lilian will continue 😉
    Les mer

  • Dag 18

    Jordan, you were awesome!

    6. november 2021, Tyrkia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Waking up at 2am, saying goodbye to the most wonderful girl I've just met. Going home is always hard. But I think this is just the beginning of something... 😉

    Airport, sleepy as hell. 7 hours in Istanbul, traditionally going to Burger King on airport. Of course 😂 Finally made it to Venice and off to Ljubljana, straight to a party 😃

    Traveling is one of the lost wonderful things. Not because we use it to chill from work. We use it to meet the people, meet the world, meet the cultures. Jordan is one pretty amazing country, really nice people, wonderful nature and interesting history. Petra was no doubt the highlight. I cannot see hummus for a while now but other than that - I love Arabic food. There is still much to discover here so these parts will certainly see me again 😊
    Les mer