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    • Day 21

      Mexiko: Mazamitla

      October 18, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Endlich wieder "daheim" bei meiner mexikanischen Familie! Nachdem meine Erstheimat Düsseldorf nun Geschichte ist, tut es gut Madrid und Aguascalientes als Rückzugsort zu wissen!

      Nach einem kleinen Drink-Dinner mit Freunden, ging es am Samstag direkt nach Mazamitla. Auf 2.200m findet man hier ein wunderschönes Bergdorf, das zu den magischen Städten Mexikos gehört, mit circa 9.000 Einwohnern. Die Architektur hier erinnert an Oberbayern mit vielen Fachwerkhäusern, zum Essen gibt es allerdings keine Haxen oder Schnitzel, sondern Tacos, Quesadillas und Chilaquiles.

      Ein nächtlicher Sturm hat unser Bett zum Wasserbett umfunktioniert, aber es war wie immer eine tolle Zeit mir der ganzen Moreno-Familie. ❤️
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    • Day 175

      Tastes of Mazamitla

      January 24, 2016 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We spent our second day in Mazamitla similarly to the first - wandering and sampling. We started with a scenic drive to explore the surrounding valleys, then walked around this Pueblo Magico (Magic Village: a heritage designation). We decided we had to try some more of the local drinks after the girls ordered Michelada's (beer with clamato and other spices), so Holly tried a Vampiro (Vampire, made with tequila, sangrita and lemon soda) while Karl tried a creamy sweet drink. The drinks came with lids so that snacks could be placed on top - perfect for drinking and snacking your way around town... only in Mexico! After watching some cobblestone roadwork and wandering a few more streets, we loaded up and headed back toward Guadalajara with Michel, Janette and Carlos. This time we made a detour to Chapala so Karl and I could see Chapala Lake, and Michel and Janette treated us to a pizza dinner with the most spectacular view of the lake just as the sun was setting. We were so floored with the hospitality we received from these guys - Michel really went out of his way to make us feel welcome in Guadalajara and repay some of the hospitality he had received while on the road on his most recent bike trip. This is what we love about the Warmshowers and cycletouring community: everyone just keeps paying forward the hospitatlity they receive and it makes for a vibrant and giving community to be part of.Read more

    • Day 174

      Lunch in the Hills

      January 23, 2016 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We arrived in Mazamitla around 11:30 pm, far past our bedtime (!), and met Jovanna and Carlos Eugene, Michel and Janette's friends who have been renting a place in the small mountain town. After a good rest we had a casual morning, with chilaquiles for breakfast made by Janette - this traditional breakfast dish is essentially tortilla chips or tostatas boiled in homemade salsa, and it's tasty! We wandered around town gathering food and booze for the day, then headed out to Carlos' relatives' avocado farm. We tried delicious pulque, a type of beer/sparkling wine made from fermented agave, the same plant used to make tequila, and ate chips, guacamole and potato salad (made by Karl). We got a good kick out of Michel's flavour addition to the potato salad - looks like a siracha explosion! We wandered around the avocado, lemon and orange trees, working off our lunch, before heading to another friend's cabin and trying more local liquors: rompope, a Bailey's type drink made from pine nuts, walnuts, pistachios or almonds, and punche, a sweet tequila based liquor, ours with the flavour from pasiflora, a relative of passionfruit. After a failed attempt at cards and a few too many dog farts in the cabin, we called it a night and headed home for bed.Read more

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