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      Gateway to Himalaya

      28. September 2017 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Puhh.. i have not realized that it will be that tough to get to the foot of Himalaya. We were kind of shocked as we were told that during dashian (nepalis most important Festival) nearly all People from kathmandu (almost 2 Mio inhabitants) were on the way to their families in the mountains or in the valleys outside of the city.. it seemed that every bus in kathmandu was on the track and we were among all of them. As you might imagine it was not an easy ride to the gateway to himalaya in besishahar.. we were sitting 12 hours in a small crumpy old loud dusty hot indian songs playing bus until we could fell asleep in our guest House...
      The next day it went only marginally better.. this time we drove in a 4 wheel jeep but with the same minimal space inside.. and even worse road conditions.. my knees and the right flank of my head have now some scars 😄🙈 however along the very adventurous ride we had the chance to see how families celebrate the holy dashain by sacrificing their goats. Even one live sacrification we could watch.. but seeing how nepalis decapitate a goat is not everyone taste but interesting 🙈
      Finally we reached our point from where we started our trekking 🎉 After driving in a car on a bumpy road sometimes scaring close to the abyss it was an awesome feeling to walk the real first kilometres in the Mountains until chyamche.. now annapurna trekking is on fire 🔥

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