Países Baixos
Gemeente Enkhuizen

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    • Dia 8

      der Drahtesel (unten) und der Tretesel

      10 de junho de 2023, Países Baixos ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      (oben) sind jetzt beide in einem Alter, wo es knackt, knarzt, quietscht und klappert.

      10.6.2020 - 10.6.2023 = 23.411 km.
      Der Weg ist das Ziel 🚴

    • Dia 7

      Day 7: Enkhuizen - Road Trip

      11 de junho de 2017, Países Baixos ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today we did a massive road trip starting in Enkhuizen in the north to Neeltje Jans in the south (with a few places in between) covering a distance of over 500 kilometres.

      Our first stop was near Schiphol Airport to charge the car up. This was a short 20 minute stop but we had time to relax in the sun and enjoy a stropwafel. We then headed to Den Haag, the political capital of the Netherlands where the government sits, there are also several international courts there as well.

      After parking the car we wandered through the Parliament House courtyard which is quite impressive and made our way to the Mauritshuis. The Mauritshuis is officially known as the Royal Picture Gallery. It has a collection of almost 800 paintings dating from around 1400 to 1800. The majority however are Dutch works dating from the 17th century, this was the Dutch golden age and boasted famous painters such as Rembrandt, Jan Steen and Vermeer. We were amazed at some of the paintings and really enjoyed this museum. The painting I most enjoyed was 'Apelles painting Campaspe' by Willem van Haecht, the detail in this painting is amazing. We also saw Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', this is a very famous painting but it didn't do much for me. I guess it's a bit like the Mona Lisa which I also thought was unimpressive when I saw it as well. They are both very famous paintings and obviously mean a lot to people who know much more about art and painting than I do so I will defer to their expertise and be happy to have seen such famous art works even if I don't really understand their significance.

      We enjoyed lunch in the town square opposite the Mauritshuis and then wandered a bit more around the town finishing up at the Noordeinde Palace which is one of three official palaces of the Dutch royal family. This was another impressive building. When we walked around town Maikel pointed out the Dutch coat of arms located above several shops around Den Haag, this means those shops supply goods and services to the king. Something to be very proud of I'm sure for these shop owners.

      We then drove to Deltapark Neeltje Jans which is located at the foot of the largest storm surge barrier in the world and tells the story of the construction of this amazing piece of engineering. The Delta Works were built to keep everyone safe and to prevent a recurrence of the 1953 flood disaster which resulted in 200,000 hectares of land being flooded and the death of 1835 people and the evacuation of 72,000 people.

      We saw a film as well as wandered onto the storm surge barrier itself to gain an insight into the construction methods and investigations that went into this major project that by the time it was completed in 1986 cost around €2.5 billion. One of the fascinating aspects of the Netherlands is its management of water through the reclamation of land from the sea. The first dikes were built in the 11th century and the techniques and extent of dike building continued throughout the following centuries culminating in an extensive and complex system of water control and management. The most elaborate project being the storm surge barriers. Without this water management and the system of sea and river dikes around 65% of the Netherlands would be under water. It's an amazing feat by this country and the worrying thing for the future will be the potential effects of sea level rise due to climate change not to mention the fact the land is actually falling at a rate of 1.5 centimetres each century due to tectonic movements. Im sure the Dutch will come up with an ingenious solution to this issue just as they have for almost a thousand years already.

      It was starting to get late in the afternoon when we left Neeltje Jan's and we needed to charge the car up to get home problem was there isn't many charging points in the south of the Netherlands. But Maikel had planned it to the centimetre as we got to the closest charging point with no kilometres left in the battery. We cut it very close indeed but thankfully the car was able to be charged up and we were able to continue our epic road trip.

      A few of the things that really stood out for me during the road trip was firstly the number of wind towers, they are all across the countryside as well as in cities and towns. They are everywhere. I loved them, Maikel not so much, but we did agree on the need for more solar energy and better technologies for battery storage. We also chatted about the electric car technology and the fact many car manufacturers in Europe are already making electric cars or planning to do so. You can only envisage the technology for these cars getting better very quickly.

      Another thing I noticed across the Netherlands was you get to see every shade of green, everything is green, this is a nice change to the Australian landscape. I must also mention how great the road and highway network is and the fact on many roads the speed limit is 130km/h (however many cars appeared to be going in excess of 150/160km/h). I have been advocating for higher speed limits in Australia for ages (especially since our nanny state seems to be slowly pulling back speed limits across the country) and you can see in the Netherlands that it certainly can occur and is safe, if the Dutch can drive at 130 on roads much busier than some of our country roads then surely we can too. Anyway, I will get off that soap box for now.

      The day was certainly a long one and finished with a late tea at Purmerend before getting home to Enkhuizen. Another great day in the Netherlands thanks to our excellent tour guides Rosemarie and Maikel.

      Tot Ziens.
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    • Dia 8

      Day 8: Enkhuizen - trip to Apenheul

      12 de junho de 2017, Países Baixos ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today was our day to enjoy the surprise that Rosemarie and Maikel had planned for us. Our surprise was a trip to Apenheul Primate Park in Apeldoorn which is about 70 kilometres to the south east of Enkhuizen. Apenheul is a zoo that specialises in apes and monkeys and was the first zoo in the world where monkeys could walk (or swing) freely in the forest and between visitors. There are more than 30 different primates including the bonobo, orangutan and gorillas.

      Amy and I love watching primates, especially gorillas and we had talked about how we wanted to go to Apenheul when Maikel and Rosemarie had visited us in Loxton and it was very thoughtful of them to remember this and organise today, it was a great surprise, although Amy did have her suspicions this may have been the surprise awaiting us, but we very much appreciated today and loved our time at Apenheul. The highlight was seeing the gorillas, I loved watching them. This is the second time I've seen gorillas close up, we saw gorillas at Artis Zoo in 2014 as well and both times it's been the highlight of the day.

      We had a great time at Apenheul and many thanks to Rosemarie and Maikel for taking us there, we really enjoyed it.

      The drive to Apenheul was very different to yesterday, the countryside this time was forest for much of the trip as we drove through the Leuvenumse Bos a national forest. It was very beautiful. We also saw Maikel's workplace in Lelystad, he has about a 25 minute drive across the dike between Enkhuizen and Lelystad each day.

      In the afternoon Amy and I enjoyed a walk around Enkhuizen heading up to the Main Street to do some shopping as well as visit a few of our favourite places such as the Drommedaris, Davidstraat where Dad was born as well as Tante Marie's old home. I could never get sick of walking around this beautiful town, not only do I love the scenery and amenity it is also a great feeling being in a town and walking the same streets that Oma and Opa and the previous generations of our Dutch family lived in, and still live in. It's hard to describe the feeling I get but I know it's good for the soul.

      Rosemarie prepared another delicious meal for us tonight, she and Maikel have been spoiling us and their hospitality is second to none. Our meal was topped off with olliebollen for dessert, this was a little naughty given we are supposed to eat them at New Years, but I guess being together with such great family and friends from opposite sides of the world is a celebration worthy of these tasty morsels. I couldn't resist sending a photo of them to Dad just to stir him up as I know how much he would have enjoyed eating them too.

      So that was our day, another enjoyable one. The next leg of our holiday is fast approaching (only 2 more sleeps) which we are looking forward to but at the same time I don't want my time here in Enkhuizen to end.

      It's time to call it a night.

      Tot Ziens.
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    • Dia 108

      Tag 86 Compagnieshaven Enkhuizen

      31 de agosto de 2021, Países Baixos ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Aussentemperatur kleiner 10 Grad. Ein Schauer läuft über unserem Rücken. Zum Glück haben wir eine Heizung, der nun alles abverlangt wird. In 10 Minuten ist unsere Laufente mollig warm und wir geniessen das Frühstück. Es regnet nicht, aber alles ist grau in grau. Wir sitzen dick eingepackt in der Plicht und unsere Laufente dieselt die restliche Ijssel hinunter. Nach 2 Stunden haben wir auch diesen 139 km langen Fluss in unserem Kielwasser. Das Ijsselmeer erwartet uns mit Windstärke 4 bis 5. Wehmut kommt auf. Wir haben zwar unser Warpsegel dabei, aber keinen Mast. Der Wind kommt aus Nord und schiebt eine steile Welle vor sich her. Unsere Laufente tanzt auf den Wellen wie ein Korken. Wir fühlen uns wie im Schleudergang und sind froh, dass unsere Mädels schon zu Hause sind. Endlich, um 14:00 Uhr haben wir Enkhuizen erreicht. Nach 108 Tagen ist das der erste Hafen, in dem ich schon einmal war. Die Heimat hat mich wieder.Leia mais

    • Dia 16

      Side trip to Enkhuizen

      25 de setembro de 2018, Países Baixos ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C


      With Albi set up in Bordeaux and Ginette off to Canada for a 50th birthday party I had a bit of time on my hands and decided to take a trip. Several options presented - the Ryder Cup golf matches are playing just south of Paris, several friends were traveling in to Frankfurt and there was a large boat show back in La Rochelle. But after thinking it all through I decided that my best option was to visit some friends just outside Amsterdam - friends that I had not seen since we left the Philippines back in February of 2016.

      We had sailed together with Monique and Janbart on Evia Blue for several months - first on the Sail Malaysia rally and then through a good part of Indonesia and up to Davao. Janbart is a former professional fisherman and we shared many stories and experiences along the way. Although we were sailing newbies Monique and Janbart never made us feel inadequate, and we thoroughly enjoyed their company and stories from almost 10 years of sailing all over the world.

      After finally securing Albi adjacent to the barges in the Bordeaux port district I made my way to the airport on the tram and bus. For only 1.70 Euro it was easy travel and I got to the airport in plenty of time. Unfortunately my flight ended up leaving 1.5 hours late and I arrived in Amsterdam after midnight to find the airport completely packed - an hour and a half wait in the taxi rank and Uber at double pricing. After confirming there was no train I decided to try the bus again and after a couple of calls to the hotel got the information on how to get there on public transit. I boarded the bus and in less than 15 minutes I was across from the hotel - a trip that cost me 6 Euros but would have been 60 in Uber!

      It was strange to be back in Schipol airport, which had a very familiar feel as Gin and I had used it many times during our time living in Germany. I recognized some of the words in Dutch and even remembered where the Starbucks was! The countryside seemed familiar to me as I rode the bus and the friendly driver helped me out to find the right stop. I always remembered getting a warm welcome and a friendly smile from the Dutch people - especially if they found out I was Canadian. There remains a strong bond between Canada and Holland after Canadian troops liberated many parts of the country at the end of the second Great War. Many don’t know that Ottawa’s Tulip Festival celebrates the gift of these flowers given to Canada in acknowledgement of the assistance provided to the Royal Family and Canada’s contribution to the cause of victory in Holland and Europe.

      I slept in late and had a hearty breakfast at the hotel, then had a leisurely day enjoying a nice room, hot bath and air conditioning. I thought of heading to Haarlem or even Amsterdam prior to meeting up with my friends but I had been to both before and truth be told I was really enjoying the luxury of a comfortable existence in the hotel. M&J picked me up at 3PM as planned and we made our way to Enkhuizen where their ‘new’ boat - Cocoon - a 58 foot Schionning catamaran - was in dry dock for a keel repair and paint job.

      We chatted the entire ride back and well into the evening. They showed me around the boat and to my cabin, and being onboard brought back many great memories of our time sailing and being with our friends during many adventures. I picked Janbart’s brain about many of the features of their amazing new ‘home’ on the water. Monique and Janbart bought the boat partway through a major restoration and completed most of the work themselves, and they were happy to show me all they had done and the many incredible features they had put so much thought, time and effort into in the past year. They had just completed their ‘maiden voyage’ to Sweden in the summer, but ran into some trouble on the rocks during anchoring and thus were getting the keels fixed up at the local shipyard.

      Since there was no work to do we lulled away the morning with coffees watching the bay and the yard wake up, then did some touristy stuff in the afternoons. Enkhuizen proved to be a wonderful little village full of interesting shops, incredible architecture and with a potent maritime feel - having once been home to one of the country’s largest fishing fleets. In the 1930’s the adjacent sea, the Zuiderzee, was closed off to the open sea with a large dyke and the fishing and trading importance of the port fell away, but today it acts as a bustling summer vacation Centre that caters to authentic ship cruises around the lake on boats dating back many centuries. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the village with my friends who told me many things about Dutch culture and history and introduced me to gastronomic delights of the region and their home towns.

      We spent one day touring the Zuiderzee museum which is a large ‘living’ and outdoor museum that captures the history and society of the entire region. It was fascinating to learn about Dutch food (fish (herring mostly), potatoes and cabbage as the staples), sailing and fishing customs and to tour around the museum ‘dry dock’ and the living village. Many buildings were brought to the property from all across the region as they were earmarked for demolition, and rebuilt here to capture the history and customs of the former trading powerhouse of Enkhuizen and surrounds. Some highlights includes seeing the fishermen making and tanning their nets, the blacksmith forging implements for the local residents and making a rope the old fashioned way out of strung flax twine. Janbart also showed me the huge boiler in the laundry, which in fact used to heat the water in his own laundromat before he traded it in and it was subsequently donated to the Zuidersee museum. Now the boiler power all the machines and heats the water for the washing. We spent more than 6 hours on the ground and stayed until closing - all of us enthralled with all we had seen on a perfect sunny day.

      In the evening we dined on Netherlands food lovingly prepared by Monique and swapped stories. I made them mussels one night the way we do in Canada and we enjoyed dipping fresh Dutch bread in the leftover curry sauce. We chatted and watched shows and occasionally I got them to tell me stories of their travels aboard all of their boats - Victory, Evia Blue and now Cocoon. They share their passion for adventure together in an engaging way, contributing to each other’s thoughts and bringing the already incredible details of their lives to life. Listening to them tell stories of their trips brought me back in time and stoked my desire to see and do more in the future - maybe even by boat. But Janbart’s ‘scariest’ moments enroute from Tonga to New Zealand - with Victory heeled over so far that water was ingressing the engine room fresh air vent and they thought briefly of abandoning ship in the Southern Ocean - made me wonder if I have it in me now to take on an ocean passage again.

      Our last day was spent touring around the area where J&M will build their new home. They have decided to sell Cocoon after completing the full repairs and paint (when she’ll likely never look better) and to build a home on a large lot with their son. We enjoyed checking out the partially built homes in the area and discussing the pros and cons of each design. Many of the homes were almost 100% windows in the front, which was an interesting concept but provided no privacy. We could see every detail of the lives of those who did not draw their shades or curtains. I’m not sure I’m a big fan of this design even though I love the natural light. From there we went to Utrecht - Janbart and Monique’s home town - and got our laundry done at Janbart’s laundry mat. More correctly, his son’s laundry mat as he has taken over the family business from Janbart and now occupies an upstairs apartment. We got the 100% family discount too which was nice, so I can return to Albi at least with clean clothes in my bag! We lunched in the sun at the old fish market in Utrecht, strolled around the shops and streets and J&B told me about their upbringing, how and where they met and some of the history of this beautiful city. It surely must be one of the prettiest in Holland and maybe even Europe, full of vibrant young students, green spaces, canals and cobblestone streets. I got a tour of the neighbourhood Janbart grew up in and got to see the house Monique lived in when she left home some years ago!

      All too soon my visit was over and we were on our way back to Schipol. I got a return flight from Bordeaux for only $200 Cdn so this was a very cost effective side trip. Aside from Ryanair there are many different low cost carriers operating in Europe now and the flight was less than half the cost of a train ticket which also would have taken the better part of a day each way. I will land in Bordeaux at night, get public transport back to the RV and set about a strategy for the coming days. I have a couple small projects to complete including installing a battery monitor on the second house battery, installing some lighting and a fan. I will also try and find a sports bar in order to watch hopefully some of the Ryder Cup, and I might take the scooter back to La Rochelle and catch a day of the boat show if the tolls are not too high. Then I have told Gin I will find us a good ‘base camp’ for some biking in the Bordeaux wine region for a few days before we head to the coast where we will spend the last few days before I have to return to work. We haven’t quite made it to Valencia in fact I think we’ll only get half way, but Gin’s Canada trip came a bit unexpectedly and we knew our plan was fluid from the start. The weather has been so good that we have to take advantage and see all we can. Once we leave France things will become harder as the language barrier will challenge us, so we’re in no real rush at this point. And who could pass up some sunny days cycling amongst the vines and castles of probably the most famous wine region in the world?

      Here’s hoping the fine weather and warm temperatures continue for a few more weeks.

      All the best from France.

      Derek and Ginette
      Bordeaux, France
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    • Dia 8

      Zwar bekennende Campingplatz - Meider

      10 de junho de 2023, Países Baixos ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      haben wir jetzt eine Woche gebucht, CP De Goude Stek in Enkhuizen. Rund 30€ incl allem. Ein kleiner Platz, viele junge Familien.

    • Dia 5

      Day 5: Amsterdam to Enkhuizen

      9 de junho de 2017, Países Baixos ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Today started quite slowly partly due to the persistent rain outside but also as we decided to take advantage of the 11am check out and have a slow morning getting ready to head off on the next leg of our journey which is in Enkhuizen.

      Thankfully the rain stopped about 5 minutes before we had to walk to the train station and then it stopped in Enkhuizen just before we arrived, our timing was impeccable. Rose & Maikel were waiting for us and it was great to see them again, they have made us feel so welcome in their home. We also met their new cat, Pucky, who we have made friends with immediately. Rose made us some lunch and then we headed off for a drive to Hoorn. Hoorn is not far from Enkhuizen and also the town where my Opa is from.

      Before I get into our activities in Hoorn I must mention Maikel's new car. It's an electric car and it sounds like the Netherlands is advancing quite quickly with regard to setting up parks where these cars can be charged up. He gets about 150 miles from a full power up so this is fine for driving around the Netherlands however we would need to power up the car during a drive just between Loxton and Adelaide. The car is really comfortable and has a fair bit of grunt but I'm not sure how I would go driving on the right hand side of the road. I have often wondered why it is that English countries such as Australia drive on the left and the rest of the world on the right. I would have thought the Romans when they were building roads all over Europe and England would have dictated what side of the road everyone should travel on. I will look into this quirk of history later, but anyway I digress.

      We walked around Hoorn taking in this beautiful city, its harbour and the Hoofdtoren (a 16th century tower) and made our way to the Roode Steen (the main city square) where we visited the Westfries Museum. This museum tells the story of Hoorn during the 17th century, at the beginning of the 17th century Hoorn was one of the most important cities in Holland and became wealthy because of trading with almost every country in the world. Hoorn was one of 6 Bases for the Dutch East India Company. I have also learnt that after Amsterdam and Haarlem, Hoorn is the third monument city of North Holland, so we have now visited all three this trip.

      After our visit to the museum we had a drink at the bar across the square. I should mention that the weather cleared up this afternoon so we were able to enjoy some sunshine while sitting at the bar as well. After a bit more walking around, including seeing the shop Rosemarie works in we headed back to Enkhuizen, taking the tourist route as we drove along a dyke seeing some wind surfing along the way. We also visited the supermarket in Enkhuizen, I love visiting supermarkets around the world and looking at the differences of what is on the shelves.

      Rose cooked us a delicious dinner of sauerkraut, sausage and a bake she does with sweet potato, mince, bacon and cheese. After tea we walked around to Riets and Jan (Rosemarie's parents house) where we shared a strawberry cheesecake. It was great seeing Reits and Jan again and we are going back there for tea tomorrow night, apparently for kroketten, can't wait.

      Anyway, it's time to head to bed, it's 11pm and the sun has only just set. We have a bit of a tour planned tomorrow and then we head into the city of Enkhuizen to enjoy a jazz festival that is on this weekend. I'm really looking forward to that.

      Tot Ziens.
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