Nueva Zelanda
Maitai Reserve

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    • Día 26

      Nelson day2

      23 de abril, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      And so, its time again to hit the trails! Since we didnt manage to plan a ride together with Fredrik and Abby for the 'Old ghost road' my hopes for riding one more of New Zealand's 'Great Rides' focused on the Coppermine trail and it was one of the main reasons for visiting Nelson. I received quite some info regarding the trail both from the well made official application for all the 'Great rides' as well as from the bike hire shop. One was generic with all types of historical and nature focused info and the other one provided latest status and tips...good combo. The official guide made me a bit sceptical since they were characterising the downhill part as grade 4 and being on my own without added body armour except a helmet i started to feel unsecure. That's BAD! Was keep thinking that it is the last ride in NZ and as Murphy wants it, all the misshaps happen on the last is 'last' for a reason. Like finding your keys in the last spot you usually imagine...cause you stop searching after that. So even though i slept on it, i had a dream bike waiting for me at the shop and from what it looked liked in the morning a perfect riding day ahead of me weather wise. Ate some left over sandwitches i had made in Picton and headed for the bike shop. Soon enough i was in the trailhead and covering the first out of 20 or so km of uphill. The trail is around 40km and half of it being a constant uphill through pine forest leading into a mining area and then kind of an alpine flora landscape that signifies the start of the downhill part into rocky exposed hillsides. Once i was on the bike i forgot all of my fears...typical case. Up and up the trail went making the views even more impressive after every corner. Even though the trail was in the shade for the first part of the uphill I was sweating like a...nevermind. Still managed to pass a guy on an ebike! Felt good...haha.
      Time and kilometers went by fast and soon i was riding the ridgeline named 'windy point' after which the trail becomes a single downhill track. There were some tables with benches for resting and one biker was taking a breather before the downhill part. Talked a bit...interesting guy for sure but I started to get cold so politely I asked to be excused and took my first turns on the downhill. The fear turned into excitement and a big smile appeared onto my face. The trail info was a bit over protective. At least for the part of the downhill I could see. Pure joy of a ride that certainly worth the uphill part. The ride down felt long and tiring and it turns out there were some points of good exposure but who cares now? Its downhill and its good and fast and its sunny! New Zealand delivers...all these were going through my head. Pure joy.
      Finally, I was again on the flats returning to the trailhead to close the loop and while taking some pics the guy we were talking before the downhill showed up and we were able to finish our discussion on our way back. We went together all the way to the city where I took my way to a nice artsy coffee place i had seen the day before. It was nice with fancy ppl and all of the sunshine hitting it straight on. I was covered in mud, all sweaty and looking tired but...artsy coffee place i wanted and thats exactly what i got! I enjoyed the break and felt a bit revived so it was time to head back to the trails area. Fred mentioned a good trail to try out called 'Te Ara Koa' and I had nooooo idea what/where/how. I thought just go for it and go for another one later on. If only i knew...Turned out the trail was going aaaaall the way up again but in a shorter uphill. Now it was also warmer...and i was already tired...this will hurt i thought while riding up. Took a lot of time but at the end I reached the trailhead, the top of the hill (later Fred told me that they use the shuttle service to go up they dont bike the uphill...he could have been a bit more specific haha). With all the uphill effort, time to return the bike was closing in and i had no idea what to expect besides what I saw on the map, it was a black trail. Black trail riding for the...'last' ride...tired...sure mr.Murphy!
      But NO, it was just THE BEST TRAIL I HAVE EVER RIDEN !!!
      Close to 5km of pure joy! Steep, fast and well built going through tropical forest with tones of features! I was enjoying it soooo much i was screaming alone in the jungle...until i crashed. Small one in a tight corner! Out of all the difficult spots i washed out in a switchback (need to work on those btw). Continued like nothing happened...felt no fear now, just joy...didnt care...shoulderbumped a tree...still didnt care...still hurts!
      'TE ARA KOA' just wow, forgot already all the 'Great rides'.
      Took some time to wipe the smile off my face and i headed to get some food in order to refill the energy bank and head north to grt closer to the beach the German guy from the hostel presented! The drive went through a mountain pass with loads of hairpin corners. I was not in a position to continue driving at night time. Stopped, ate and eventually slept in the roadside parking in the car under the fullmoon, not bad ehhhh! I was already pretty close to the north cape of the south island.
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