Residencial Bolonia

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    • Day 78

      Goodbye Panama!

      February 12, 2018 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Von Santa Catalina fuhren wir nach David, genauer nach Pedregal, direkt am Golf des Chiriqui- Nationalparks. Das riesige Gebiet mit Mangroven, Inselchen, Flusszuläufen usw. ist wunderschön und sehr einsam. Kaum Tourist*innen verirren sich hierher und somit haben wir eine feine Bootstour mit Affen und Federvieh gucken, kleiner Wanderung, schwimmen, durch die Mangroven fahren und Krabben zählen und sich an jeder Menge Delfine erfreuen, unternommen.
      An einem anderen Tag sind wir in die Berge, nach Boquete, gefahren. Wieder ein Örtchen, dass - sieht man mal von den Palmen ab - auch in jeder Alpenregion so stehen könnte.
      Kühe, Landwirtschaft, Kaffeefarmen und jede Menge "Expats", US-amerikanische Rentner*innen, die hierhin gezogen sind, weil das Klima angenehm ist und die Lebenshaltungskosten geringer als in den USA sind.
      Und somit begegnet uns hier ein gut ausgestatteter Bioladen! Der erste seit unserer Abreise!
      Wir haben hier eine nette kleine Wanderung unternommen.

      Und wieder ein ganzes Stück weiter gereist....
      Wir haben Costa Rica übersprungen aus Zeit- und Kostengründen, da müssen wir dann noch einmal gesondert hin 😀 und sind nun in Nicaragua. Morgen geht's auf die Islas del Maiz, genauer auf die Little Corn Island, kaum Strom, noch weniger Netz. Berichte von Fischen und Rochen gibt's danach!
      Gehabt euch wohl!
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    • Day 142

      Hiding in Managua

      September 25, 2015 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After the most wondrous sleep in our massive bed we went down for the all you can eat breakfast. I 'only' managed some fruit, a pancake and a waffle with rich, dark chocolate sauce. Anna managed marginally better but our pre-brekkie swim to work up an appetite never happened.

      We checked out and were given yummy truffle chocolates. This place just gets better! Then we spent the afternoon lazing by the pool. For once it was pure sunshine which was a bit hot for us so we chose sunbeds half in the shade and went for frequent dips with the ducks. The ducks didn't appreciate our presence and tried to bite anyone who came too close. We had nachos for lunch then around 4pm we went to the bank and then the pharmacy to pick up some anti-malarials (£6 for both of us for rest of the trip - Honduras is meant to be high risk; so were the San Blas but we didn't realise!).

      We got our backpacks and walked towards the bus stop when we were stopped and herded onto a small minibus. It was jam-packed already but they squished us in on top of everyone. Thankfully we soon got seats and the bus raced along, barely stopping to pick up or throw off passengers. It's not called the Express service for nothing! It took just over an hour to reach the capital, Managua (25C).

      We got an official taxi (225C) for the short ride to the Tica Bus hotel ($23), which is a bit of a dingy place with shared bathrooms, but is part of the terminal so is much safer. Now we are inside it's recommended we stay inside! Managua is renowned as a dodgy place, there are some horror stories involving taxi kidnaps & robberies and people warned us to be careful. However, you can't really avoid it going to Honduras unless you take a slow route on the chicken buses and we don't have time. Tomorrow's bus leaves at 5:30am and there were no buses to get us here that early so we were forced to spend the night. There is a small shop on-site so we had a healthy dinner of crisps and m&ms and are now holed up for the night!

      Tomorrow we cross the border. I knew nothing about Nicaragua before our visit. It has unexpectedly turned into one of our favourite countries and we'd love to spend longer here and hope to return. It's cheap, it's not shiny and Americanised, it's completely charming and it has the best coffee and chocolate so far. But most of all, the people are absolutely lovely and welcoming, as are all the Latinos, but here even more so. Plus it has a chocolate hotel - need I say more?!
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    • Heat and colors in Managua

      September 3, 2016 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We spent our first day in the capital with visiting a local market, walking up a hill to get an overview of the city and with trying out some local food - all great but the sticky air really made us appreciate a cold shower once in while :)Read more

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