Madrid to go see a very sick friend Lue lisää
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  • Traveling in times of Corona

    8. helmikuuta 2021, Sveitsi ⋅ ❄️ 0 °C

    I’m exhausted before I even get on the train. Short trips in times of Corona are no fun. Such a hassle.
    I’m going to visit my friend Kunegonde in Madrid. That’s not her real name for matter of privacy. I love the name though. It evokes late 19th/early 20th century images in Germany. Proper, soap smelling, bright blond thick braids wrapped around the head, Dirndl with boobs popping out and all that... (Help!! Why does that picture come to ME??) I’d like my future first grandchild to be named Kunegond, but I fear the producer of said baby-girl will not agree... I mean I’m just the grandmother, who listens to me?? No respect for the elderly!!!! Ups, I just talked myself in a non-existent argument😳.
    However, Kunegonde is fighting cancer since almost a year and I feel helpless, feel her suffering. I’ve been wanting to go but putting it off because of Corona.
    No more.
    But before I even board the train:
    1. Covid PCR test not older then 72 hours.
    2. 😫 😩 It really, really hurts. I went to a lab recommended by my niece. She said they do it very gentle.... Nope, hurt like hell, 5% of my brain cell sticking to that mean, huge cotton bud, cells gone forever! (Can I sue them🧐?)
    The lab lady said it depends on the shape of the nose whether it hurts or not. So, my beautiful snub nose now doesn’t qualify for painless PCR test??? I’m utterly disappointed 😞.
    3. Fill part of form for Spanish authorities.
    4. Wait for results, call the lab because the promised within 24 hours E-Mail, did not reach me. Result here, tested negative👍. Note to self; DO UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES delete the email with the result.
    5. Finish to fill the form for Spanish authorities, get QR code and again DO NOT delete it accidentally.... ups.... did I bring my ID?
    6. Book appointment in a hospital in Madrid for PCR test, to fly back on Friday, cannot be older than 72 hours. Breaking out in a sweat 💦 anticipating the pain in my brain. Next 5% of brain cells gone...
    7. Fill form for Swiss authorities so that can control my quarantinic (is that a thing, Nadia?) behavior.
    Monday: fly out.
    Wednesday: Get a general anesthesia, take test, survive, wake up latest on Friday morning.
    Friday: fly back
    Friday 12.2.2021 to 22.2.2021 – Quarantine…….

    The nice part of the travel? Everything is empty, no waiting whatsoever, no lines... but it's also sad. An airport should be brimming with life and one wonders how all these formerly employed individuals are doing with their job, with money problems, with staying home all day....
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  • Finally lunch in a restaurant

    10. helmikuuta 2021, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    It is very comfortable to fly in times of Corona, the very small plane was only 1/4 full, flight attendants quite relaxed. Madrid airport also empty. You go thru an infrared camera... I wonder what happens if you have a fever. Does it go all full siren, red flashing light and all so everybody in airport klooks at you terrified and runs away?
    Or is it more of a discreet Ping on a screen?

    Then show the QR code you received from the Spanish government that allows you to enter, show the negative PCR test. Fortunately, the words PCR/Test/negative can be understood all over the world.
    Now I try to picture how traveling in times of Corona would have been without the Internet?? Bureaucrats would have the time of their live. People would to be recruited and employed, certifications had to be issued and gathered, forms to fill, seals and stamps all over the forms, complicated processes to follow …...... a bit like when I tried to enroll in the University of Catania. A story for the book I started to write.

    In Spain you have to wear mask at all times everywhere. Inside and outside, Even on the bicycle. I will abstain from any comment regarding the latter – I’m a guest in this country.

    Cunegonde lives with her boyfriend Hans (pilot for Iberia) in his house for the time being. Also, in the house.
    • Anneliese, Cunegonde’s 20-year-old daughter, on leave for two days from her Job as a flight attendant for Iberia. I’m very happy to see her. She is this self-conscience, energetic, bubbly kid always glued to her phone and talking selfies. I know her since she is five and our relationship began with her calling out “Pipi, Pipi”. Another story for the book.
    • Sepp, Valerio’s 16-year-old teenager. He was in boarding school in London when they had to close the school because of Covid and he had come back to Madrid. The father not overly excited to have a rebellious teenager with an attitude at home without an outlet for his energy…
    • Ernst, Valerio’s 21-year-old son. Studying and working, fine young gentleman
    • Silver, a gentle schnauzer always begging for food.

    Cundegonde had not told me that her daughter Anneliese and the two boys were in the house. At the beginning I was a bit concerned. But obviously they were told to stay away from me. They always were at least at 4-meter distance, ate in a separate room. Lucky the house is very big. I wasn’t worried about Hans and Anneliese. Flying as a Job they have to take tests every week.

    The day after I got there was really ugly weather, so we stayed in and chilled.
    Today the weather was glorious, blue clear sky, 14 degrees.
    Cundegonde took me to the hospital to take my next Covid test. Auauauauaua – I’m traumatized. Every time it hurts like hell – but as a reward Cunegonde took me to lunch.
    Ahhhh – first meal in a restaurant since last September. I had it all. Seafood, seafood, seafood – delicious, excellent seafood. Delicious dessert, wine, jamon serrano, croquetas – Heaven!!!!
    I’m my most happy self when I eat well. It was also a pleasure to see Cundegonde eat with an appetite.
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  • A power couple and Claudia‘s misshaps

    12. helmikuuta 2021, Ranska ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    The plane is full because there is a school class of like 18-years old😩😩

    Yes, I managed to book for March instead of February. The lady at the Iberia ticket booth wanted an extra 128 Euro. I said, and showed her, that online a have the same flight for 65 Euro, she gave it to me for 78. So, Iberia is a Bazar where you can negotiate prices.

    Yesterday I met Sepp’s mother. Her name is Elsa. Sepp has a very interesting family background.
    His father was from Romania and came to Spain in the 1960. Romania competed in a European festival for the best TV show. He was a TV producer. Romania won with his TV show.
    Sepp’s father could travel to receive the award. Went back to Romania. Then Spain invited him to to produce a couple of shows. At first the Romanian TV boss did not want let Sepp to go. Like; “how can you ever produce a show for a fascist dictatorial country??” Coming from some living in a communist dictatorial country, the infamous Ceausescu L!!
    At the end he was let got under the premises that he would come back – which of course he did not. He became a famous TV show producer in Spain and continued to live there and met Elsa.

    Sepp’s mother, Elsa is her name, was born in Cuba. Her father, Sepp’s grandfather, was from Chile. He was a Diplomat and poet. Elsa lived in Chile, Mexico, Panama and Costa Rica with her family before she came to Spain. She was a, also famous, actor and singer in Spain.
    Today they would be called a pink press power couple. Elsa was good friend with Costa Rica’s president, knew the Spanish king, and so on.
    So many stories to tell!! I wish the day would never end.

    Today before leaving I tried to connect with Marta’s passed mother/grandmother. Did not work well, quite frustrating. The spirit world gave me quite the challenge. My teacher Nicole would say they do that on purpose to develop me. Might be…

    Sepp wanted me to connect to somebody and I was able to make contact with his grandfather the poet. The two of them had a strong bond.
    Every time I give a session, I’m so full of love, warmth happiness. I’m so touched and feel privileged. Sepp was very touched and grateful.

    Besides booking the wrong date I also threw away the printout of Covid test, that is Claudia for you traveling. Fortunately, I could still access the result online and they let me on the planeJ.

    The plane was full; hence the air was damp and dense, breathing was hard.

    10 days quarantine are ahead. But! Not only my super-duper godchild Mara comes to see me and keeps me company – my next flight is booked!

    Talk soon!
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