Monument over Englandsfarerne

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    • Day 39

      Norway: Ålesund

      August 19, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      So as a newly engaged couple, we left the hiking and the mountains behind us and headed to Ålesund, a town on the west coast of Norway. The name Ålesund we were told (by a Norwegian on our hike) means Eel Sound ('sound' as in water passage). I think this place is aptly named as what can be seen from my photos is how the water snakes its way around many islands in an eel-like fashion. The first night in Ålesund we could've spent phoning people to let the wide world know about our engagement, buuuuuut the Bokke were playing Wales and we had bought tickets to go and watch a local country band performing top American Country hits by Johnny Cash and the like. So engagement news was put on hold for a night. The Bokke thankfully smashed Wales and it was off to the Theatre Fabriken for the gig. The gig was good fun! Emz and I were definitely the youngest in attendance at this gig though by a looooong shot! It turns out the Norwegians like to dance though, so we got to sokkie and our heads must've looked like blonde and brunette boats, bobbing amongst the sea of greys and whites.
      The walk to the gig did give us a good view of the town and I think it was the best town we visited in Norway and would recommend the town to anyone visiting Norway. It is far smaller and also feels far less touristy than Bergen, yet still has really beautiful architecture and the beauty of all the little islands in the sounds.
      The next day we spent the morning engaging with the uninformed family and friends about our engagement. This was met with a lot of enthusiasm which was great from both family parties!😁 We then did another hike (yep, we can't seem to get enough of these bloody things!), but just to the view point over the city as can be seen from the photos. We also wanted to have a nice engagement supper in celebration, but forgot that it was a Sunday and in continental Europe, EVERYTHING seems to come to standstill on a Sunday! Or maybe we are the spoilt ones living in London where nothing is ever closed, who knows🤷🏻‍♂️ So the engagement supper was put on hold for now. Overall a great little town and one we both thoroughly enjoyed visiting!
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    • Day 9

      Another Day, Another Town

      May 28 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We wake up in Alesund today. This is a much bigger city, with a population of 67,000 people. It's much bigger than Geiranger. The port looks a little more industrial than the scenery we have seen the past few ports. This port is actually at the entrance of the Geirngerfjord, where we were yesterday. There are many shops within walking distance that we take in after our tour. Alesund is actually made up of 3 different islands connected by bridges.

      Today we are going to an ocean park. Our tour starts with a drive-through town. There was a fire in 1904 that devastated a large part of town. It started in a fish factory and spread quickly since the buildings were made of wood. After this time, all the buildings had to be made of stone or cement. There are beautiful views from everywhere and i can't image a house without a view of the mountains or water. Spring is in full bloom here, with many colourful flowers and trees. The buildings are interesting with their norse emblems and facades. Many of the buildings have the date of when they were built up on the top. We see more of this when we walk through the town. The ocean park doesn't disappoint. They have many natural tanks of various fish and crustaceans inside the main building. Outside, they have two areas; one large one for the seals and a smaller one for the otters. The day is a little overcast, making it hard to get good pictures, but I try.

      Back in town, we are left to walk around on our own. There are many shops that catch our eye. One of which is an antique store. The owner is very nice and speaks very fluent English. (Thank goodness because my Norweigian is definitely lacking!) He has many little spoon collections and jewelery from the past. The best part was the paintings. His father was a painter, and he showed us how his and other painters used a technique that changed the painting with lighting. If you look at the painting in full light, it is a nice landscape, but when the light is lowered, the painting seems to have a light coming from within. It was amazing! This is why I like to travel because you discover things in the real world that books can describe, but experiencing them is so much better.

      We walk farther into town and check out the buildings and winding streets. When we boarded the ship, my wooden knitting needles were broken in the luggage. This, of course, means that the socks that I was knitting had to be put on hold. Today, however, I found a wool store! They didn't have the same size needles, but I did manage to pick up some more needles and wool to start another pair. After this, I leave Laura to her shopping and make it back to the ship. My poor little feet aren't as young as hers.
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    • Day 9

      Jugendstilstädtchen Ålesund

      July 22 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nachdem wir als erstes bei Biltema angehalten haben, um mir eine Angel und Zubehör zu kaufen, sind wir gegen Nachmittag in Ålesund angekommen, wo wir feststellen mussten, dass sämtliche Wohnmobilstellplätze überfüllt sind, jedoch mit etwas Sucherei und Glück haben wir dann einen guten Parkplatz Nähe Kreuzfahrtterminal gefunden. Ein kleiner Bummel durch das niedliche Jugenstilstädtchen, ein stärkender Hot Dog und dann nochmal 418 Stufen zum Aussichtspunkt hoch....unsere armen Knie nehmen uns diese Höhenmeter allmählich übel😉
      Dann sind wir weiter gen Norden gefahren, denn die nächste Etappe soll uns über die Atlantikstrasse führen.
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    • Day 48

      Endlich gehts weiter - Ålesund ruft

      July 18 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      „Wie viele Schuhe nimmst du denn bitte mit?“ „Lass mich, ich kriege ja nicht so einfach Schuhe in meiner Größe nachgekauft und bin so für alles gewappnet.“

      Als ich beim Packen die ganzen Schuhe ins Gepäck geschmissen habe, dachte ich dabei nicht unbedingt an irgendwelche Verletzungen, nun aber ist es Gold wert das ich vom Flip Flop bis zum Gummistiefel alles dabei habe.

      Denn auch wenn die Schwellung schon etwas zurückgegangen ist, kann ich nur in den Flip Flops ganz gut laufen.

      Als wir im eiskalten Juni in Norwegen angekommen sind und wir uns hier sogar warme Klamotten nach gekauft haben, dachte ich noch: Naja Andi hatte wohl Recht, diese ganzen Sommerschuhe werde ich wohl nicht brauchen, schon gar nicht die Flip Flops.

      Nun sind genau die meine „Lebensretter“ 🤭

      Somit beenden wir heute unsere Zwangspause und machen uns auf den Weg nach Ålesund.

      Dort steuern wir als erstes den Hafen an und sehen ein kleines Boot aus dem Krebsscheren verkauft werden. Wir haben große Lust uns auch welche zu holen aber das Camper Equipment gibt leider kein Krustentier Besteck her.

      Also laufen wir durch die süße kleine Stadt bis zum Leuchtturm.

      Danach wollen wir den Aufstieg zu einer Aussichtsplattform mit 418 Stufen angehen. Allerdings gehen uns die Krebsscheren nicht aus dem Kopf.

      Wir gehen also nochmal am Boot vorbei und fragen wie wir die Dinger, die frisch vorgekocht werden, essen können. Da die Antwort der Stiel eines Teelöffels lautet, lassen wir uns 1 Kilo einpacken und zahlen dafür 200 Kronen.

      Jetzt sind wir happy und planen oben auf der Aussichtsplattform ein extravagantes Abendmahl.

      Die 418 Stufen sind schnell bezwungen, der Ausblick ist wunderschön und einen tollen Platz für die Krebsschlacht (denn so sieht es am Ende aus…) finden wir auch schnell.

      Wow! Das ist so ein Once in a Lifetime Moment.

      Wir sitzen bei besten Wetter hoch über Ålesund mit tollstem Ausblick und genießen fangfrisches Krebsfleisch. Einfach ein unbezahlbarer Moment! 💜

      P.S. Zum Glück haben wir noch eine kleine Zange mit dabei, denn allein mit einem Teelöffel kann wohl nur Hulk die Scheren zermalmen und das köstliche Fleisch essen. 😉
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    • Day 2


      November 14, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      Am zweiten Tag unserer Reise legen wir um 9.45 in Alesund an.

      Heute gilt Ålesund als Jugendstilmekka Europas und zieht Architekturfans aus der ganzen Welt in ihren Bann.

      In einer Winternacht 1904 legt ein Feuer Ålesund fast komplett in Schutt und Asche und mehr als 10.000 Menschen verlieren ihr Heim.
      Doch schon Tage später beginnt der Wiederaufbau. Dutzende Architekten aus ganz Norwegen geben der Hafenstadt ein neues Gesicht – und zwar im Jugendstil, dem vorherrschenden Baustil der damaligen Zeit. Das besondere: Ganz untypisch für Skandinavien verzichten die Bauherren komplett auf Holz. Nie wieder soll ein Brand der Stadt etwas anhaben können

      Möglich war das auch durch großzügige Hilfe aus Deutschland: Kaiser Wilhelm II., ein großer Freund und Kenner Norwegens, schickte sofort nach dem Feuersturm vier Schiffe mit Hilfsgütern an die Fjordküste. Das Andenken an „Wilhelm Zwo“ wird daher in Ålesund noch immer hochgehalten – sei es im Namen der einstigen Prachtstraße Keiser Wilhelms gate oder als Denkmal im Stadtpark oberhalb der Altstadt
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    • Day 23

      We made it to Alesund

      June 26, 2020 in Norway ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We made it much faster to Alesund then I expected, but this journey hads some ups and downs. We had a little challenging night, nothing serious, but enough to make us feel seasick. To make up for it in the morning, a good suprise and a real highlight of the trip, Minky whales 🐳🐳. Wow and not only for few minutes, they were so curious l, they kept coming back to us, swimming under the boat and even looked at us ❤️❤️ It was such a cool experience and a beautiful moment to cherish forever. All this excitment and lack of sleep, made us pretty exhausted, so we anchered for few hours before, we started to head out to Alesund again. For the first time it was actually quite easy to get into the harbour and it didn't take us few hours either. Rowing in got us a few strange looks, but a lot of people got interested in our story and we even got some good tips how to fix the engine 🙌 Now it's time to relax a bit, and fix Solenya before the big crossing 😁Read more

    • Day 25


      June 28, 2020 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Sometimes its so easy to forget how charming a city can be. It has been so nice to stop for a few days and enjoy the city life = cappuccino and croassont in the morning 😁 Every city we dream of a hot shower, but due to corona that rarely happens, but at least we had fresh water 😂 We have been working on Solenya, and made a great progress, no more holes, we have working lights and new cleats fixed and we still have 10 fingers and toes left 🙈 Now we just have to be patient anf wait for a good weather window, meanwhile we enjoy the city life 😀Read more

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    Monument over Englandsfarerne

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