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  • Día 30

    St Pierre, Martinique

    12 de febrero, Martinica ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Up at dawn after a good night sleep, even though I was nervous to sleep in our anchorage. We had a 10 -12hr sail today. At some points we were going 7-8knots and we made good time going on the westward side of Dominica 🇩🇲. The landscape was rugged and beautiful, passing some waterfalls and tiny villages. We crossed the straight to Martinique and were welcomed by windmills, rainbows and gorgeous green hills. We got to St Pierre at dusk and anchored outside of the town. We had tuna ready to grill after a long voyage… unfortunately, the propane and a vital part of the BBQ fell into the sea creating one frustrated captain. We through it on the skillet and it was just as good!
    The pitch and swells in the Bay is more than we anticipated. Should be an interesting night! It still has left over casualty from the storm as a sailboat is on the rock about 250ft from us. Hopefully it will calm as the town sounds great. It is at the base of a once active volcano, My Pelee.
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